Dodgers fan gets tackled by security in on-field proposal gone wrong #Shorts

A Los Angeles Dodgers fan trying propose to his girlfriend after storming the field was tackled by a security guard when he got down on one knee.

RELATED: Goose gets loose in Dodger Stadium, stops playoff game

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#Dodgers #Baseball #GoneWrong

Dodgers fan gets tackled by security in on-field proposal gone wrong #Shorts


    1. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who runs out to the field who is nor scheduled to is going to get leveled like this at Dodger Stadium.

      Security doesn’t know if you got a knife, a gun, some little sign with profane language, a ring, or absolutely nothing.

      They treat all things as a potential threat to the players or other fans & ask questions later.

    1. ​@dewoiski Yep and you know all those documented cases of where someone was proposing but then SIKE it was all just a front and they pull out a gun and start shooting into the crowd.

  1. As a dodger fan, security there do not mess around. Although this was a roufh response, I think we have some of the best stadium security in the country

    1. Yeah I don’t think this would be hard to get some kind of compensation for. You can’t be on the field… but you’re on your knees and somebody dives into you unnecessarily and yeah… Lawsuit.

    2. ​@Tobias Saibot Security may not realize it was a proposal from a distance. Dude shouldn’t be on Field. Break a law, suffer the consequences. That’s why it helps to “play the tape.”

    3. @Jake Bogner easy lawsuit yeah he shouldn’t have been on the field but that’s unnecessary and knowing todays soft Judges this guy will get paid a fat check

  2. That guy proposing to his girlfriend this is going to be the biggest moment of his marriage… Married a hood chick is not good….

  3. Maybe the security guard is the future in-law 😅 and he is showing him what to expect coming to the family

  4. In the NFL that is called unnecessary roughness, and I believe the same concept applies to society, I think they went too far, he was not showing any sign to be dangerous to the players or fans.

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