Drs. Joseph Fair and Ezekiel Emanuel discuss the latest details in the transmission of the coronavirus. Aired on 03/02/2020.
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Doctors Weigh In On The Spread Of Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The coronavirus outbreak is going to exposed the full depths of the Trump regime’s ineptitude for all to see.
@ABLE2 PHYSIO & PILATES can I be frank
@master Democrat Admit Voters Don’t Choose Pres. Nominee
Crystal Giddens has
@shkspr78 s Your DESPERATION is showing dear BOT!! Stay Frosty

This guy is a sharp, intelligent man. I wish we had a president like that.
Keith Peters – Did you know my cat is smarter than the president of the United States?
Vote for Bernie and then you will !
We do. It’s Donald Trump MAGA 2020! Unemployment down for minorities, stock market making a comeback, new deals with countries that shafted us for decades, the wall is going up, illegals are down, we’re deporting more illegals and we’ve killed terrorist leaders. What have the Demtards done? Whined.
That damned Trump cutting funding for the CDC to help finance his tax cuts for the rich. Enough is enough! Too little and too late. Trump’s response that is.
@jays knight king titan Misinformation? No. If you’re a Fox News watcher that would be you. Hate? No. I loathe Trump, there is a difference. There is nothing admirable about Trump. Don’t feel sorry for me, rather feel sorry for yourself.
he actually add 3% to cdc budget for virus stuff get facts straight
He never cut funds look it up Google it CNN MSN lie to you
You don’t need to test MAGATs. Drumpf told them they’ll be fine, and he’s never lied to them, so they’re safe.
@William Bailey
I’m beginning to think you are suffering. Your vitriolic thought patterns will cause damage to your health. Give it a rest.
@Jean Peters stop thinking. You’re not doing yourself any favors.
Sad they people have to die because of the ineptitude of this administration.
@Penny Munger well I’m waiting what did President Trump lie about cricket cricket cricket
@Marvin Guigar
You believe Trump and his lackeys over Snopes? The only person who lies as much as Trump is Satan the Devil.
@Rain Walker you know it’s funny like I said before you can go on Google pick and choose what articles that makes Trump look real bad LOL and then you got articles that says President Trump is doing a good job so it depends which one you want to pick and choose. If you’re for Trump you’re going to pick a good article about this that Praises him. If you hate Trump you’re going to pick a bad article that makes him look bad just doesn’t mean anything I could show you articles and articles and articles that makes Trump look good so what’s your point with this?
@Marvin Guigar
I have to laugh when I read some of the lies Trump have told.
According to the 12/16/2019 copy of the Washington Post
Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims. That number was before the end of the year.
Oh, how we all miss President Obama, a REAL president. Smart, educated, articulate, honest, and a good father and husband.
Incompetence of this felony administration on full display.
I know, right? While everyone else is scrambling to contain the virus, Trump and his bootlicking sycophants are scrambling to blame everyone else for his epic failure on this.
Kevin Preston – not have closed down the whole department and specialists that deal with epidemics? Have the tests ready? Get more hospital beds ready? Give people accurate information?
@Cleon Main Seem to recall a few tRump rallies going on in the same time period. BTW, Donnie said that Covid-19 was a hoax, then it wasn’t a hoax, then it was. .then he put Pence in charge.
What an ugly thing to say.
it’s a hoax, I’ve done tremendously well, waiting for a miracle, the warm weather will fix it…Trump response to pandemic
@Mobile Mancave With his management style you can expect some real problems, the kind with the potential to bring death to the innocent.
I think he got that information from the Spanish flu. It did two trips around the world. The first time it was mild, it died back in the summer, then came back with a vengeance in the winter.
@Laura Stevenson You don’t know how this virus will behave. I’m guessing he pulled that out of his a$$ because influenza does that. But we should feel so much better now that Mike Pence is in charge. All we have to do is pray CV-19 away and we will be just fine….
you are twisting words never said the virus was a hoax!!
Trump, “If you’re healthy, you’ll be OK”.
Trumpster, “What if I am not?”.
T-p, “Too bad”.
T-er, “I voted for you: I thought you cared”.
T-p “Give me a break: I’m a psychopath”.
tRump – “Only 15 cases reported, and they’re ALL getting better. *I have this Mexican beer problem contained.* And I’m building MY WALL faster to stop that murdering raping drug trafficking beer from coming into my country. MY STOCK MARKET is strong.”
That dialogue would make a perfect cartoon, especially since T-p is little more than a cartoon character who strayed into the real world after 14 seasons on NBC.
Vote for a psycho, what could possibly go wrong ??? LMAO
Hey Trump!! What did you say? You had it under control! Hows that working? Not that we believed you anyway! Because of Trumps incompetence the U.S. will be hit very hard by this! Its only a matter of time!
Yea Trump created this virus to make himself look bad!!
Are you aware that the common flu killed 40,000 Americans last year??
@Dave Dave Are you aware that covid19 is roughly 20times as deadly as the common flu and has a chance to reach a similar spread, if not contained?
So we are looking at the potential of 800,000 deaths in the US alone.
@Shuizid 16,000/state rough avg
Why is it that other countries have tests? Why is the US not testing across the country?
5:55 “There have been multiple complications at the CDC…” The main complication is an egotistical maniac who thinks he’s a King that knows everything.
It’s important to remember that republicans don’t like and don’t want big government interfering in their personal life.
They want to defend themselves from the virus with their assault weapons
King dimwit cut CDC funding to save money???? Save money not lives.
because we have socialized health care
It will be much harder to comprehensively test in the US as opposed to countries with more affordable and accessible healthcare. No doubt many people will spread the virus more than they perhaps would have because they won’t go to a doctor early in the piece.
America don’t worry, just remember that everything Trump does is amazing, extraordinary never in the history of America, is his favourite saying. Trump has no idea what he is doing, other than filling his own pockets. A leading virologist has warned that 7o pet cent of the population will “probably” be infected with coronavirus within the next year, but stressed it will mostly present as a “very mild” illness. America build your immune system up, you can do this by keeping your bowels in good condition,
A/Vogel linoforce, “What goes in today, comes out tomorrow.” Natural antibiotic , A/Vogel Echinacea, & loads of Vitamin C ie. Carrot juice & Beetroot juice to cleanse the blood & Liver. A/Vogel is a good brand, but any good brand will suffice. Take care America. God bless
If this administration tracks the CV-19 as well as they tracked the lost border-separated children, you better prepare for the worst. Incompetence kills.
@Sylvie Walker They are 98% healthy men at the border but you whackos portray them as small children to prey on people’s sympathies.Up to 26% of them are carrying the deadly T.cruzi parasite,up to 7.4% of people around them can be infected and Chagas disease is causing 7 times the loss of life as malaria but you filthy heathen bioterrorist don’t care!Chagas disease is reportable and anyone caught harboring someone infected can and should be charged with bioterrorism! https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6726a2.htm
@Tucker 5.7 Mr. Carlson….that expression was retired about two years ago. Please make a note and stop using embarrassing and expired expressions. Thank you.
@dee MAVERICK You are aroused…I can tell. I am not interested tho.
@Robert mister Obama more than doubled the national debt more than any president combined in the history of our country do the math. the liberal media has created a divided in this country by constantly attacking this man because their beloved Hillary lost and if you watch the news looks like she’s going to go to jail after she gets indicted for her email scam. What about the way she paid for the Steele dossier did you pay attention to that question mark what do you abuse of the fisa courts? To pay attention to that know you’re too brainwashed by your emotion-driven party has completely factless. I wish I knew you so you could watch me folk for Trump in November. Skydeck how they’ve attacked him about the Russian collusion which was nothing impeachment what does smoking joke when they tried to get Kavanaugh and attack him based on nothing but pure emotion because they’re fearful. You are part of the problem man you’re a blind leming being led by the media and their lies. Trump 2020 Maga
@John Brennan The only filth l see are liars like you. My freedom is not yours to give away, moron. Now come try and take it away from me. You’re a big talking jerk just like the wannabe dictator you worship.
It is a month too late for containment, all about slowing down propagation and mitigating damage now.
@Teardown Dan I know and it’s tragic that people may have to make the choice between bankruptcy and spreading an illness. Hope this epidemic is susceptible to better weather and blows away by April. Buys some time plan prevention actions for next fall.
Every country will have a massive outbreak but America messed up.
Jennifer Kirkwood This is re normal response for now. Close schools and parents need to be of work. Testing for all with symptoms matters.
@Honey bear 2010 Don’t be to harsh on the US. Here in my small corner of Europe drowning in gleeful moral righteousness with sick leave and general healthcare we manage to mess up just fine too. Turns out we had two corona cases in Intensive care wards for two weeks but no-one bothered to test for Corona because the carefully considered decision tree on triage and testing didn’t mandate the test. Process just assumed we were still in control. We aren’t. We never were. That’s a tough lesson. But let’s hope we can remain kind and nice to everyone.
you are right china covered up the outbreak at first
Now we’re trying to close the barn doors after the horses are already out!
The “horses” are in, and they are dying.
ABBE Repair … Yes, that’s how all pandemics are managed.
1st try to contain it
2nd step is to stamp it out
if only the wall had been built!, for a lot of people, that will be their state of mind!(((((((
The President is deluded. He believes that he’s a WWE entertainer, a cartoon character who ends every episode with a win. That is not what being President is about, though. It is not about mugging for the camera, taking victory laps in the Beast car or fist-pumping at rallies. He really needs a medical intervention.
This Virus Designed by Putin & Trump.
@Genevieve Words Why would they do that, they’ve already done enough damage
Omg u summed it all up epically! People need to wake up to this.
@Mr T. 6′ isn’t DEEP enough
And, a legal intervention…
The US response is on a par with the third world. As is its leadership.
*USA: Put Bozo in charge, get circus clown results.*
“You don’t have to look very hard — not much further than the oval office, Senate, or Congress, really — to understand that America’s a bizarre, weird, gruesome outlier among nations: an exceptionally backward society. A country where just 20% of women make up political office, as opposed to 40–50% in Europe, less even than in Pakistan, a place where 80% of people live paycheck to paycheck and can’t muster $1000 for an emergency, a society where kids are routinely mowed down at school, and told to wear bulletproof backpacks — or put in concentration camps. A uniquely backwards place — that’s now collapsing into something even weirder, more grotesque, and more retrograde” (Umair Haque 2018)
this virus cannot sustain itself India’s hot tropical climate and gets less active in warm temperatures
the virus scare/awareness is applicable only for those who travel by plane and drink bottled water live in an a/c environment as their immune system is already gone weak
@Jim Battersbee you have mommy issues
@Crystal Giddens
Not too bright are you. Never mind.
“Like terrorism it’s not really coming from the outside.” Haha, that was a good dig against trump.
“Hoping that shutting the borders would be enough” – yeah, I wonder if that was an expert opinion leading to that conclusion or a pumpkinhead delusion
Mike you are such a genius. Yea, let’s open the borders! I’m sure that will contain this virus. Why aren’t Demtards in power with all these genius ideas?? Oh, yea, they’re incompetent and unhinged.
Orange Blowhard: “Nobody knows viruses better than I do.”
@Masto Max
praying for Italy and the whole world. 

Why are you ranting, Rant? Trump has it under control. If Obozo had been in charge, it would have been worse. Your hair must have caught on fire when Obozo waited six months and let 1000 americans dies before taking action on containing the swine flu in 20009. Oh, wait, no you didn’t and neither did the fake news media. Demtards aren’t worth the crap you scrape off your shoes. There have only been two American deaths, Rant. Trump does know how to take care of viruses.
@Masto Max USA pretends to have a low number of cases because up until a few days ago the CDC directed labs not to test for covid19 in sick patients that werent already in quarantine (arrived from China or the cruise ship). & the few test kits the CDC sent out were faulty, so our cases arent low, the virus has been spreading completely unchecked for weeks. People dying of it are diagnosed with influenza-like illness, pneumonia &/or respiratory distress syndrome. Our official #s are a big lie.
Imagine that, you find cases when you start TESTING.
I wonder how many people died because of this days/weeks ago that we’ll never know.
Trump is the president and he should lead with an honest and frank message. Is he even talking to the Democratic leaders in NY, or only the states where there are Republican leaders, such as Florida. Saw a photo of Pence sitting beside DeSantis, who is the governor and a Trump loyalist. Trump has to understand that he cannot pick and choose on this. His hatred of Obama may have caused American lives.
@Rain Walker Tell that to Puerto Rico. By his actions, Trump has shown that he is clearly *not* the President of all Americans, or even a majority. Vote blue in November.