Doctors: These are the hardest scenes to see in an ICU amid record case surges

Three doctors share with CNN's Don Lemon about what they've witnessed in the ICU on the front lines, as record Covid-19 cases overwhelm hospitals across the nation.

#CNN #News

Doctors: These are the hardest scenes to see in an ICU amid record case surges


  1. Maybe instead of only talking about the drama in hospitals it’s time to show your viewers bodies accumulating overflowing morgues or bodies in refrigerated trucks like they did in Italy maybe then people will grasp the breadth of this catastrophe.

    1. @Soraya V Australia is generally great. We have a minister of immigration who is vile and so are the policies around asylum seekers/refugees. It’s our national shame. At least you’ll have an intelligent, diplomatic, rational president who won’t send all caps tweets out goading other world DICKtators. Take care.

    2. AP: Rep. Every House Seat Flipped by GOP Was Minority, Woman, or Veteran
      The Associated Press has thus far called 422 of the 435 House seats up for election, with Democrats winning 219 to Republicans’ 203. 

      Pollsters predicting this to be a continuing trend in two years for midterm elections for House of Representatives

    3. LA Times: California: 2 Charged with Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted Registration Applications on Behalf of Homeless. Over 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications between July and October of this year, according to Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

      Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, were charged in a 41-count criminal complaint filed last week. The pair faces one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument and four misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit……………….

    1. Funny how Trump wants to take the credit for the vaccine’s of Pfizer and Modena because they were “on his watch”, yet he takes zero responsibility for the almost 250,000 deaths, almost 12 million cases or the simple fact that the pandemic got out of control in America … on his watch.

    2. @Holden308 Exactly. He continuously counters that with how many “millions of lives” he saved by shutting down travel with China when the virus was already raging through Europe. His song is old and tired…and old and tired…and old…

    3. It was very irresponsible and reckless of a supposed leader to have a March at the peak of a COVID outbreak in the country and people he is meant to protect.

      The incumbent only drove past and didn’t acknowledge them at their March because he knew it was a cesspool of COVID .

      P. S: If you were at that March, you have chosen willful ignorance and lies over the love and health of yourself and those of your family. Good luck.

    1. AP: Rep. Every House Seat Flipped by GOP Was Minority, Woman, or Veteran
      The Associated Press has thus far called 422 of the 435 House seats up for election, with Democrats winning 219 to Republicans’ 203. 

      Pollsters predicting this to be a continuing trend in two years for midterm elections for House of Representatives

    2. LA Times: California: 2 Charged with Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted Registration Applications on Behalf of Homeless. Over 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications between July and October of this year, according to Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

      Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, were charged in a 41-count criminal complaint filed last week. The pair faces one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument and four misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit……………….

    3. @katy bassett LOL I live in Victoria Australia. 0 cases for the last 2 weeks, due to tough government lockdown 2 months ago. I couldn’t catch it even if I tried.

  2. Doctors DO NOT stay with patients. It is NURSES who see patients at the end . Society needs to give NURSES credit where it’s due.

    1. @Jody Alred … define freedom, please… does NOT come from above, get it.. it is a convention among us, for the benefit of ALL… not a prescription… Ebola outbreak in USA did not start in China… where were you then..?, I do not recall you complaining about it… it was nabbed immediately, because the grown ups were running the show, not a cry baby we have at the moment…

    2. I know if it came down to it… Would you rather a dr or a nurse? I mean it’s not even close. Only an idiot would believe an er nurse over a real doctor. The exp and knowledge of a doctor is VASTLY superior.

    3. @Ged Farnan … I do not know how to take your comment… are you saying in jest or not… I’d prefer you being sarcastic but who knows…

    4. @Old Skeptic I am literally quoting a line from a song.
      If ‘God’ is all powerful, all-knowing etc then obviously ‘he’ is happy with the situation.No?

  3. I follow 2 Utah families on Utube. They are reckless when it comes to mixing with family members. They are having multiple birthday parties and going out to eat. The fact that the state voted for Trump speaks volumes.

  4. I think the intimate moments and the nitty gritty scenarios are more experienced by nurses. Dont get me wrong doctors also experience those moments. Interview nurses youll get those stories.

    1. Let’s be honest, Trump and Republicans are great at projecting their faults on others. Are there really 70 million Americans who voted for Trump? That question remains to be seen.

  5. You can’t liken 2020 with perfect eye sight. Republicans are straining at a gnat and swallowing an elephant

    1. The logistics of getting a camera crew into and out of an ICU safely boggles the mind and it takes valuable time of medical personnel away from their patients.

    2. Why stop at inauguration? If you think it’s a good idea to do, wouldn’t it be a good idea to do until the pandemic is over?

    3. Does it matter if we do. Listen we have to protect the patients and there medical issues. If a patient decides to give an interview, we give ipad and they can face time whomever as long as legal paperwork is completed. This ensures that practitioners and hospital personnels get no lawsuits later. Florida is a mess. Most of us work so much. Our county as a lot of cases but patients don’t care. What you must know is that we have family and friends that we go home to. We honestly will not sacrifice our health for others carelessness. We need mandates. Yes the mask is annoying but just imagine wearing two surgical mask, n95, glasses and face shield and also having asthma. One is at risk of covid. So if we all do our part, and work together. Like I always say to my colleagues your life is as important, do the best you can but protect yourself cause at the end of the day you are replaceable in the workplace but not to your family.

  6. These are questions for nurses. They are the ones with the patients the most so I am sure have seen more covid disbelief in the dying

    1. Well, we do have 70.000.000 who voted for trump . A large percentage don’t wear marks. That’s a lot of idiots.

  7. Remember Sarah Palin’s “death panels?” Well, we got ’em now, thanks to Trump and much of the rest of his party.

    1. Triaging of covid patients to determine care in understaffed overcrowded hospitals essentially death panels that are so personally destructive to those who took a Hippocratic oath.

  8. Imagine if Osama Bin Laden has been killing a thousand Americans everyday, the whole country will demand to bring Osama to Justice, Yet, this American Carnage is due to Donald Trump playing the Pandemic down so that his stock market will not affect his election. And what Americans did…47% or 72 millions Americans voted for Trump! Incredulous, Incomprehensible!

    1. It’s a real life dystopia. Just think those same 47% are perfectly fine with it. That roughly means every other neighbor we live next to supported this monster. That’s extremely concerning to me.

    2. I live in a town of 2,000. I worked a polling site as I usually do. Our final receipt tally’s showed around 1600 people voted,that’s from town and outlying rural areas that have to vote in town. At my particular site we had 582 voters. Only 64 voted for Biden. I knew as a tiny southern town we are covered in Red, but I really thought we’d see higher numbers from people my age and younger. It’s scary that so many people can just accept all the lies,and deny information and proof. I hear conversations in the store just repeating Trump’s lies,always from people who refuse to wear masks. It’s mind-blowing to me that these kind,help anybody,coats and bikes for kids at Christmas, free holiday dinners for the entire town, generous people have fallen for Trump’s lies and hate. Now,they smirk when they see you have a mask on. The same ones who taught me in Sunday school that Jesus wasn’t white and how He loves all the little children no matter their race, now are bigots. I wonder if it was always there and Trump made it ok to not hide it or if they think they have that way to support Trump.

    3. @Vector Hold I feel the same. It scares me that after 4 years, these people were willing to put this man back in the office of the presidency after witnessing the most catastrophic presidency in my lifetime. What were they thinking of?

  9. Russia underplaying their Covid deaths and wanting their people to believe the government..sounds like Trumps play book here in America. Our President hasn’t worked on it for 5 months because he’s bored dealing with it.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Of course he wants to be just like Putin so who is surprised? Literally no one.

  10. Even before the pandemic, doctors spend 5 minutes in a patient’s room. Nurses are available 24 hours a day, and spend hours per shift in each patient’s room. So, it doesn’t surprise me that the doctors and nurses experiences with patients is very different.
    I have been a nurse for 20 years, and spit over a decade working in hospitals at the patients’ bedsides.

    used, post office, gerrymandering, ghost candidates, restricted voter access in
    places, to suppress the vote. He just didn’t do quite enough to win…That’s the fraud.

    1. Exactly. The only fraud that will be found when all is said and done will be the Trumpublicans trying to meddle in our election. And further more I don’t trust the results that made Lindsay Graham a winner. Mr. Hold-the-tape. I think they need to recount HIS votes along with Trump’s. Seems there is more to this story. Lindsay Graham needs to resign if these allegations are true. This is BS

  12. Trump is sowing social chaos with his herd immunity ‘no policy’ policy. This has been brewing since May’s ‘Open the country’ push. There were just over a million cases on May 1st with 68,000 deaths. You now have 11,300,000 cases and 250,000 deaths. You have added nearly 2 million cases since election day … deaths to follow …

    1. It’s not our fault that the old and the weak are vulnerable. Life must continue on. People have to work or we die from poverty. That simple.

    2. @Matthew Reid
      – “It’s not our fault that the old and the weak are vulnerable.”
      Do you say that to your grandparents too?
      – “Life must continue on.”
      For as many people as possible…
      – “People have to work or we die from poverty.”
      Can you die from poverty in the USA? Man, your country is in bad shape. COVID or not, wouldn’t happen in my country, and we have done quite a few closings because of the epidemic.

    3. @Matthew Reid how ignorant can you people be?! Take a look at the rest of the world to see what actually works and what doesn’t! It is NOT only old and sick who die and you will never control this virus if you keep doing what you are doing! You need to have a short nationwide lockdown for all non essential workers, with government stimulus to help those not able to work and all health measures strictly in place (social distancing, masks, hand washing) and you will control it in a couple of months, like MANY countries have done.

      Keep going the way you are and your hospitals will not be able to keep up, your health system will collapse, and you will have all types of people dying. There will not be enough hospital beds, or health workers to try to save lives and that does not only include Covid patients! Your economy can not start to recover until you effectively control the virus anyway,.

      Your useless “president” values money over human life and your economy will be ruined regardless. It’s just dumbfounding to the rest of us watching to see that nearly half your country actually voted to have that narcissistic moron stay for another 4 years to destroy your country some more. So sad to watch from a country with ZERO new cases and everyone nearly back to normal life, well before Christmas!

  13. “Doctors: These are the hardest scenes to see in an ICU amid record case surges” and reaffirm, yet again, that #CoveySpreader #DJT is “utterly incompetent” as per the words of both his own Federal Judge elder-sister Maryanne Trump Barry and his own Clinical Psychologist niece Dr. Mary Trump. May #ImPOTUS45 always hear “You’re fired” via the unwavering reality of election results that reject him who has caused #MourningInAmerica

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