CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Anderson Cooper talk to Dr. Leana Wen about President Trump's comments regarding the use of ultraviolet light or injections of disinfectant to try to kill coronavirus.
#Cornavirus #CNN #News
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Anderson Cooper talk to Dr. Leana Wen about President Trump's comments regarding the use of ultraviolet light or injections of disinfectant to try to kill coronavirus.
#Cornavirus #CNN #News
the Moron “genius” talking through the hole in his head.
@MmmGoodToast7 Watching Fox News is actually a lot tougher than you think. I mean, you try getting through five minutes of Tucker trying to spin Trump’s horsesh** and not vomit all over your screen! I only barely managed…
@Maxime Prometheas Enjoy that loser denial while you can, another rude awakening is coming soon. When you’re crying and shrieking at the sky from that Bern in your butthurt little doodoo puss I want you to remember that I’m having a great time.
@Maxime Prometheas yeah I hear you. I try to avoid that channel all together at the risk of losing too many brain cells haha
@EB 3000 sorry, I don’t speak Russian.
I Would have responded appropriately.
@EB 3000 I like you man you say some funny words
I genuinely appreciate the entertainment it’s really helping me from going crazy getting stabbed with needles everyday and being locked in this room but you should seriously consider getting some mental help I’m really worried about you. I’m sure quarantine hasn’t been easy being locked away with YOURSELF I can’t even imagine. Hang in there little guy.
You now have President Jim Jones.
At least Jim jones was literate
Ha! Good one!!
I can’t believe Trump said that – he is dangerous – we need to say by-by to this guy !!
Trump , “Go into the light, the RV light, go into the light “. The President poltergeist five ” coming to a theater near you 2020.
Wy is this man stil a president ?
@Carolyn Williams Disinfectant injections, you mean? ^^
Yep, the GOP is just as guilty. Two options; his cabinet could finally realize he is on drugs and a moron and November 3
Carolyn Williams I know of a permanent one
Ladies, I don’t favor this guy but let’s not threaten. You could be arrested plus it’s not nice. Even idiots deserve us just letting them be.
Because McConnell refused to let witness at his impeachment trial.
just a reminder: injecting chemicals into the body is called embalming
@Tito Nixon was a crook and started the EPA among other attributes, our present clown has contributed nothing but destruction and is certainly not grounded in reality. George Bush comes to mind relegating him to second place with “the title of DUMMEST AND MOST STUPID president in history!!!”
@Dusty Rains nice try though. I still like you.
I’m just wondering, why do you hate America so much? I mean clearly you’re not doing this insanity advocacy out of an affection for Donald ?
@EB 3000 the article is referring to this”Lamps using far-UVC light are currently in production and waiting for Food and Drug Administration approval. Brenner envisions them being used in public places like airports and train stations, as well as in hospitals and schools.” it doesn’t suggest, like Trump was envisioning, go thru with light outside or “inside The human body”….the president was referring to be part of the protocol to cure people. By the way did you find any article about injecting humans with alcohol or disinfectant? and what is funny about you it is that you call “fake news hacks” when everybody saw and listened him asking the scientist and you are the one who is talking about something that it is not the same that trump was talking about. If the president was right in your opinion, why he said it was a sarcasm? Explain that to all of us!!!
@Everrett Kleen Please stop bringing up former President Obama this is Trump’s Time.
How about Trump give his supporters the disinfectant injection. They would take it in a heartbeat
This whole thing is ridiculous! Everyone is scared of this LUNATIC! He’s like the alcoholic that nobody wants to piss off!
@va man well, you certainly rebutted all his points in detail/ *DESTROYED* him, didn’t you?
Are you Little Benjamin Shapiro in disguise?
@pdjhh I’m not afraid of this fat slob!!!
He’s like the abusive dad or husband. You never know what mood he’s in or how he will belittle or attack.
It’s funny you idiots are the only ones that are afraid of him and the Coronavirus most people who are being cured are being cured by the very things he talks about buy doctors all over the world but guess what your new world order doesn’t want you to know that because they want you to die!
@the gamer you’re a loser
just a reminder: injecting disinfectants into the body is called embalming
@Deborah Freedman I couldn’t gaf less. Don’t know, don’t care. It is completely irrelevant to the argument that I’m winning.
And believing is trump is called a lobotomy.
@Chad Scott
Report back to us after downing a bottle of lysol.
@Chad Scott chemotherapy are drugs compounds, no alcohol or disinfectant, look it up !. Disinfectants are liquids to clean the areas before and after chemo treatments.
@Amraj Khan unbelievable that fanaticism can kill all rationalities and intelligence. Very sad. Just in case Chad Scott read this … I am not a liberal, left wing…I am a registered republican!!! but He couldn’t fry my brain….
it would be interesting to test injecting disinfectant… lets start with Trump
This is what happens when you have a cartoon character playing president.
“Disinfectant injection” just sounds ridiculous saying that loud. Common sense may not be common so I applaud all outlets, including Lysol, for coming out in front of it continuously just in case those without that sense get discouraged from entertaining the idea.
I fear for children’s safety.
People 100 years ago would not take him seriously.
Is there anyone in the trump circle who can stand up and say outloud, “the emperor has no cloth on”.? Any one at all?
Look at the poor doctor… seems she wants to crawl to another room… _through the wall…_ not even that doctor, with all her knowledge, can speak up. Like a child with violent abusive parents, she sits there trying to vanish into the wall.
There’s a mental image .
This is absolutely the perfect allegory for what is happening in those press briefings…and in the White House in general!!
Marilyn Pizziferri
Their to afraid they might get a spanking from DADDY
“For that you’re going to have to use medical doctors.”
This is what it sounds like when an illiterate man attempts to be part of a conversation with literate people.
Maybe he thought: “If only Mengele was still alive…”
@Gabriele Teisa you were wondering what other doctors there are and (s)he generously told you, so why complain. I’m sure you can also have a doctorate in biochemistry, talking about viruses. That’s not a medical doctor, either.
@Gabriele Teisa
A PhD is a doctorate in philosophy and that degree can be applied to many different fields of study. PhD’s range from core science to art and literature, it is a common advanced degree in American post graduate studies.
@Jody Sheridan In Belgium, doctorates exist as well but only doctors are allowed to use the title ‘doctor’ and have it on their business cards, front door, etc. Over here, a doctor is a medical doctor. Someone like ‘Dr. Phil’ would probably get a hefty fine for using the title of doctor.
@Gwen Walravens
I agree with that practice, the title of “doctor” is very misleading in the US.
the rambling incoherent babbling of a fake president
@Yellyman Please don’t call people the R word, thats a Trump-like action. Don’t spread the hate.
@Ňᕦῐا I don`t usually do that, but i have no other words for a president who wants people to inject poison into their bloodstream..
Hey, let’s inject our politicians with disinfectants and watch the effects
He’s definitely earned his new title: Donald “QUACK” Trump
Trump is a clear and present danger to the medical and national security of the American people!
Sounds like Trump supporters win the “Darwin Awards”
hope so
Nope you get the award! Did you know it is very harmful to injest disinfectants? Can you say Chlorine. Did you know that two ingredients in B.G. v_x are in fact disinfectants? Go ahead tool go get yours. I’ll pass Trump 2020!