As many states see declines in their daily Covid-19 case numbers and hospitalization rates, some have moved forward with plans to lift a significant mitigation measure: mask mandates in schools. #CNN #News
Doctor says low Covid-19 vaccination rate in children means it’s too soon to drop mask mandates

Every time this guy is on CNN he says “we’re not there yet” he’s been saying that for 2 years

@nosuchthing8 Spanish flu ended in two years with No vac and wprse hygenie. Your ccp shilling is toast.
@Sam Vimes More like Scam Crimes
The only reason it lasted this long is because of anti markers lol
@Pete Pierre glad you brought up UK. 17,000 died from COVID-19 over a 2 year period. That’s according to UK government official site.
Wow…that peanut butter analogy was terrible! Lol
If your kid has a peanut allergy and they are invited to a party where the host states there will be peanut butter, then it is upto the parent to decide if the risk is worth it and/or weather the host know how to keep a child with a peanut allergy safe. If the parent decides to send them to this party, then they will likely send them with proper medication (epi-pen) or other necessary safe gaurds
Peanut butter is not contagious. DUH!
For a smart guy, stupid analagy!
@Amelia Erin hey look it’s another brand new ccp account on cnn yt. Hey shill say, my dear leader xi looks like winny the pooh. When you don’t we know why.
his analogy was so bad. if he did it right it would be more like, my kid is coming to the party and he only eats apples so everyone there can only eat apples.
This is the guy that wanted a vaccine mandate for commercial flights lol
CNN and their employees are off the charts for their BS
The vast majority of people have lost confidence in what you’re pushing. You got yourself to thank for that. People have moved on and it’s time the media and the “for hire” politicians live in reality. Stop dividing this country and all the other people around the globe.
@Mike Graham I wish that was true but they probably won’t unfortunately.
@Will Cutz it’s so pathetic, and funny how the deep state, satanic Dems, and their bhb’s the msm are still pushing the covid narrative.
Person is pro vax and mask then asks me about dating life, jobs social life. I said I isolate then he looks at me weird. What do people want from me!?!?!?!
The Earth is Flat.
@January medical school of fucking common sense
Thank goodness majority of parents are actually sane and cares for their kids!
@ruth depew the hospitals and morgue aren’t full
Obama spotted maskless, surrounded by masked construction workers at new Hawaii mansion
@ruth depew The people filling up the morgues right now are the older and sick who died WITH covid.
@ruth depew Wrong, you better go look at the statistics again, England, Germany, Denmark, and Israel, have all reported numbers ranging from 90 to 98% of people with covid as being VACCINATED. Israel is the most vaccinated country on the planet, they are on their 4th shot! For what?
Imagine the amount of dislikes on this
The 1st doctor should loose his license. His children if he has any can stay at home be masked , be safe and eat peanuts. This narrative is tiresome. The 2nd doctor we have been hanging in there for 2 years. This hold on for another 2 weeks is nonsense.
Stop putting spaces between punctuation and double spaces between sentences. This isn’t a typewriter anymore. *lose
@Zuko Kurama <-----grammar police
A lot of parents are going to find out what ZERO LIABILITY means the hard way unfortunately!
@Michigan Girl question.. how many comorbidities?
@SnakeSalmon8izback What is with you folks and psychological projection?
The fatality rate among children is between 0.00-0.03% in most states — most of the testing periods without any significant vaccination rates. The first two months of Omicron claimed seven (7) deaths among children (under 15) in the U.S.
What data do you have to support the fear you spread that children will die or become hospitalized in droves without proper vaccination?
@Michigan Girl: How did she died? So, because your cousin didn’t take the jam juice she died. So, again, if you don’t take the juice, you die. Is this what yer rant is.
@WhatAreYouDoing BTaylor is taking about those who vaxxed their children.
This guy just can’t let it go. Children are NOT in danger
@Cissy X
@Pete Pierre By anti vixxar’ logic, having a driver’s license is like the Holocaust.
These people must have utterly failed the “analogies” portion of their SATs.
I really wish people would stop comparing this to the Holocaust. It’s so disrespectful
Their point doesnt stand at all cause what we know that is society always finds something to shame on. And in this case these people should really deserve that cause Developing countries like mine are have to wait for months to get a vaccine from US. And US people compare this to some NEW WORLD ORDER conspiracy or other conspiracies, some people dont even believe Covid exists till now, and for me i have no respect for such people, millions of people have died and there are still antimaskers and anti-vaxers in this spoiled country called US
@Spence the Bruce BTW Bruce, it’s ” I guess you’re already” as in you are not “your” which denotes ownership, but then again, what else could we expect from the poorly educated.
@benightedness The country was turning around with out dems and the insane cried daily.. trying to pick anything apart and creating the fake stream media. Your dems bombed the middle east, caged illegal immigrants, quid pro quo w Ukraine, Russian hoax.. the list goes on and on. Try again fool.. the same dems and friends are still pulling the strings.
I think it’s Australia, Austria, another cold island have STOPPED trying to end covid. No Herd-Immunity for you. I know over 10 people, friends/family, most dead now,..not one feels well.
Kids are walking out of schools…..this is so crazy to see kids actually standing up for their freedom
@Lewis Rojas well kid i hope you wake up before it’s too late…
@theodore thompson baaaaahhhh sheep
because they’re not being abused with masks & toxic hand sanitizers?
@chris kazaam toxic? Not making an argument just genuinely curious why you say toxic.
Make Freedom cool agian!
Imagine letting Pfizer design and run the efficacy/safety trials, with their long criminal history! Ha ha! Oh wait…
No worries, we’ll just seal it from the public for 75 years. Problem solved!
When Pfizer had internal document leaks from a whistle blower indicating data integrity flaws on vaccination trials, the FDA did not launch an investgation.
And yes, Pfizer has a record of bad behavior. According to an abstract from the the national library of medicine: ” The appointment of Dr. Bernard Prigent, vice-president and medical director of Pfizer Canada, to the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, outraged many Canadian health researchers. Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. The $2.3-billion settlement in September 2009 – a month before Dr. Prigent’s appointment – set a new record for both criminal fines and total penalties. A link with Pfizer might well advance the commercialization of Canadian research – unhindered by law or morality.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized …. If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson
That is why I never brush my teeth. Big Colgate is lying to all of us.
@SrirachaIceCream Did you know that you don’t need fluoride to get rid of plaque and tartar?
Imagine an expert Doctor telling you to:
Wear a mask when you enter a restaurant and
Remove it 45 seconds later once you’re seated
@sadhu yeah, that’s because of the mental conditioning. free yourself. the problem is some evil men telling us how to live.
It’s literally the same as saying “Here is the peeing section of the pool”
CNN: Reliable sources say statistics show the covid variant can infect you in the first 44 seconds of entering a restaurant.
Imagine a Democrat like Stacey Abrams appearing at a school for a photo op with kids where the kids are wearing masks in the photo and she isn’t. Then, when she is called out on it, she sends out a flunky to try to convince you she was really was wearing a mask. Imagine that.
Right? Covid must be pretty smart. It knows not to bother you after you’re seated.
A lot of parents are going to
Find out what ZERO LIABILITY
Means the hard way unfortunately
“Doctor” doesn’t want the pandemic to ever end
Well Democrats sure want this pandemic to end since taking a look at the polls and seeing what they can expect at the midterms

Introverts want the lockdowns back
Kids should never have been wearing masks in the first place. This is absurd!
@Another user if youre worried about covid.. get the vax, dont send your child to school, or both. Vax doesnt prevent covid.. which the first doc lied about. Comorbidities dont help.. so teach your children healthy habits.
@Walrus :v Very few children die of Covid. Many more die from car accidents. Do you not let your children ride in cars?
Masks are better than vaccines
@Walrus :v
@Airbus Express That response from Walrus….That’s fucking crazy….Risk from covid to children is almost incalculable….Yet you see him fear mongering with the ” If you dont want your child to die “.
All my children have had Covid…Unvaxxed, Got it from school where they were forced to wear masks…Kinda tells ya alot ya know. Well, Sorry to crush Walrus’s dreams….But no one in my household died. No vax.
How are masks and vaccinations linked if the vaccines don’t stop transmission or spread? And if masks are only 20% effective among old people?
No matter what shade of foundation/concealer they put on this guy, he still looks like he’s been embalmed. Bless his heart…
Imagine believing that healthy children are affected by Covid-19.
I feel sorry for those deaf and hard of hearing kids that depend on lip reading to communicate, having to try and pull off a miracle and read someone’s lips through a mask.