Doctor recovering from Covid-19 chokes up describing patients lost to virus

Dr. Andrew Pastewski, an ICU specialist in Florida, became emotional while describing treating coronavirus patients who did not survive.
#CNN #News


    1. I Live With Hope here in central Florida. But Thanks for Praying for Our Whole Amazing State. Vote Trumps Out of My Life. 🙏🏼

  1. *These people are so brave- so sad that Trump the clown can’t give them the respect that they deserve*

    1. @Jody Alred The situation has already de-escalated. The spike in cases of healthy young people was to be expected when we re-opened. None of them are dying, which was also what we expected. Less elderly people are getting Covid because we now know better how to protect them. The fatality rate turns out to be less than the Flu. We’ve learned asymptomatic people do not spread the disease. We’ve learned children are rarely infected and also do not spread the disease. We have most definitely turned the corner if you know how to look at the data and don’t rely on CNN to tell you what it means

      We also know this about poverty. It kills 250 thousand people every year during a normal year. That is with an unemployment rate of around 5%. We are well beyond 5% unemployment meaning poverty will sky rocket and so will deaths.

      So yeh, prioritize. Covid will kill far far less than the poverty the lock down created.

    2. @Christopher Moltisanti Yes genius!! Once your statistic is out let me know. We have to hear about 50 head of states with different options and opinions telling us what to do, while they have no idea of what is going on (very divisive). You know why because they are not scientists. They want to wear all the hats across the board. And we have people like you as an they enabler. This is why most of us still don’t know about our heritage. That was hiding from the get-go. Sad but true.

      “Becarefull who you trust, the devil was once an angel.”

    3. @Christopher Moltisanti Poverty and disease are two separate issues.

      “In a country ‘well governed’ poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of .”

      “Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.”

      Death is absolute, poverty caused by greed!!!

    4. Yeah why didnt CNN interview him while they were encouraging black lives to be outside on the frontlines of a pandemic?
      Anyone who isnt programmed can see right through the bullshit
      I want a law that would allow regular citizens to sue media companies for lying .
      If i had 1 dollar per trump story id be jeff bezos overnight

  2. And now this administration wants to put kids at risk by reopening schools early. Just awful 🧐😷

    1. The kids seem to be more or less fine with the virus, of course a few have died worldwide. Maybe that’s Trump’s sacrifice for the economy or something. However the kids can carry and spread the virus even if they themselves don’t feel it. Think about an older teacher with a pre-existing condition, are you going to force him or her to still teach a class of kids who might be spreading the virus without understanding it? What about the parents who get the virus from an asymptomatic kid? I get the idea that the economy needs someone to babysit the kids during the day, but this seems like yet another deadly blunder in the making.

    2. *@Thanh Mai What sort of a name is Thanh Mai? Thai? Viet? Lao? Burmese? I became interested in Indo-China affairs after I watched the 2008 movie **_John Rambo._** Violence turns me on like nothing else does. When John J unleashes the 50 cal in the final scene, my twinkie became hard and I had an orgasm. Gosh, Indo-China must be such a cool place too visit.*

  3. Trump and Bolsonaro are both Covid deniers.

    The US and Brazil are the worst hit countries. Most infections. Most deaths. This is not ‘’bad luck’’. It’s incompetence.

    1. @Noah Jackson great logic, so the whole world is in on it? But then trolls don’t use logic.

  4. This pandemic can kill you but. if it doesn’t kill you remember this virus can permanently destroy your lungs.

    1. @Silly Anna that’s coming from experts in full capacity ICUs so i believe them over idiots like you.

    2. Fear Fear Fear God did NOT give us a spirit of fear but one of courage and love and a sound mind and an amazing body with an amazing immune system and if we don’t constantly listen to the news fearmongering we might have time to use that sound mind and do some research maybe start with BeChamps germ theory and how big Pharma grew their evil empire

    3. mary morningstar

      An amazing immune system? Really? Then please explain to me why my body is slowly killing me with 2 auto immune diseases? Plus a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that gives me a 75% higher chance/risk of blood clots, strokes, aneurysms, and embolisms than the “normal” population? If he made our bodies so perfectly then why is mine so screwed up? Why was I born sick? Why was I born in constant pain?

      And don’t use the same argument my adopted mother did which was “you must have sinned”. Aren’t babies born innocent, according to the Bible? Then why would God let a baby be born with a body that slowly kills it and puts it in constant pain?

      An amazing immune system. Bullshit.

    1. @I love God God is my hero and snowflakes DON’T comment on children locked up in cages.

    2. @BILL MURRAY Yeah that’s a good idea but what about the potential asymptomatic kids that spread the TRUMPVIRUS to others. I think sending them BACK to school will be disastrous. Parents should NEVER have to make the decision of turning off life support or bury a child. I wouldn’t sent my child out there because 45 says so.

    1. How come mask protect us, when in the beginning the experts said: no mask is needed. When experts change their stands they aren’t accountable anymore.

    2. @lili shyta they stated that the masks should be prioritized for health care workers due to them being more exposed… You were to keep yourself at home.

    3. @lili shyta Do you honestly think those TP hoarders would not have done the same with N95 masks? They wanted to make sure PPE got to the frontline.
      Besides, science evolves as new data is collected. It’s not static. At one time people were bled with leeches to cure disease. Now we have chemotherapy. Do you want to go back to leeches because they have “changed their mind”?

    4. Complacency is what makes us put that mask on instead of really looking at this entire plandemic and what is really going on!

  5. This is so sad. You can feel the frustration and grief in the doctors voice. Due to stupidity of some, doctors like him has to put themselves in harms way even more than they already are.

    1. The esteemed DOCTOR had a family gathering at HIS HOME. That’s how he became ill. There is nothing to respect here.

    2. This doctor is really full of it, he said his confortable with his kid getting the virus again smh. His idiocracy is what has us in this mess in the first place.

  6. What I like most about Andrew Pastewski: he is able to express his empathy for both patients and frontline personnel without calling them American heroes invoking a fake patriotism.

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      Last Updated: July 8, 2020, 3:15 a.m. PDT

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      COMPLAINT against Alphabet Inc, Sergey Brin, CISON PR NewsWire, DeepMind Inc, Facebook Inc, Google L.L.C., John Does 1-29, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Neuralink Inc, Sundar Pichai, Tesla Inc, Mark Zuckerberg ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number CAS117684.), filed by John Does 1-Unlimited, Tibetans, The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Christians, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World, Lawyers, Judges, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Journalists, Uyghurs. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)The new case number is 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG. Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo and Magistrate Judge Allison H. Goddard are assigned to the case. (Parsa, Cyrus A.)(jmr) (rmc).

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      Parsa v. Google L.L.C. (3:19-cv-02407)

      District Court, S.D. California

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      Last Updated: July 8, 2020, 3:15 a.m. PDT

      Assigned To: Cathy Ann Bencivengo

      Referred To: Allison H. Goddard

      Date Filed: Dec. 16, 2019

      Date Terminated: June 1, 2020

      Date of Last Known Filing: June 1, 2020

      Cause: 28:1331cv Fed. Question: Other Civil Rights

      Nature of Suit: 440 Civil Rights: Other

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      Dec 16, 2019

      COMPLAINT against Alphabet Inc, Sergey Brin, CISON PR NewsWire, DeepMind Inc, Facebook Inc, Google L.L.C., John Does 1-29, Larry Page, Elon Musk, Neuralink Inc, Sundar Pichai, Tesla Inc, Mark Zuckerberg ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number CAS117684.), filed by John Does 1-Unlimited, Tibetans, The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Christians, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World, Lawyers, Judges, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Journalists, Uyghurs. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)The new case number is 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG. Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo and Magistrate Judge Allison H. Goddard are assigned to the case. (Parsa, Cyrus A.)(jmr) (rmc).

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      Dec 16, 2019

      Summons Issued. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. Summons has been provided to plaintiffs not receiving notice electronically. (jmr) (rmc).

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      Feb 26, 2020

      AMENDED COMPLAINT against Uyghurs, Huawei, Alibaba, Alphabet Inc, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Joshua Bongard, Boston Dynamics, John O. Brennon, Sergey Brin, CISON PR NewsWire, CNN, Chinese Communist Party, Didi Chuxing, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Anderson Cooper, Darper, DeepMind Inc, Facebook Inc, Festo, Bill Gates, Google L.L.C., Hanson Robotics, Harvard, ICarbon X, John Doe’s 1-Unlimited, John Does 1-29, Sam Kriegman, Larry Page, Don Lemon, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, James McCabe, Megvii Face, Microsoft, Elon Musk, Neuralink Inc, New York Times, Barack Hussein Obama, Open Society Foundations, Nancy Pelosi, Sundar Pichai, Qualcomm, Adam Schiff, Eric Schmidt, Sensetime, George Soros, Soros Fund Management, Tesla Inc, The World Bank, Time Magazine, University of Vermont, Washington Post, Wyss Institute, Mark Zuckerberg, filed by Tibetans, Journalists, The Worlds People, John Does 1-Unlimited, The AI Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, Christians, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human, and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong, America and Around the World, Lawyers, Judges, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Uyghurs. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)New Summons Requested. (anh)

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      Feb 27, 2020

      Amended Summons Issued. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. Summons will be mailed to plaintiffs not receiving notice electronically. (anh)

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      May 5, 2020

      ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Signed by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on 5/5/2020.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(anh)

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      Jun 1, 2020

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  7. I’d get emotional if I weren’t so numb after weeks and weeks of nothing being done to stop the growing number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

    1. This virus is just one big fat democratic hoax created to cause hysteria. The real death rate is .001 and people are closing the economy over this made up virus. They are literally hiring crisis actors to show the effects of this made up virus. The flu is more deadly than this virus and the only reason for 6is hysteria is to attack and conspire against trump since that’s what democrats do best.

    2. Cheeki breeki communism Noah Jackson doesn’t exist, so you can’t expect anything coherent

    1. Cateina Men should be as free as anyone else to shed tears if needed, but to do so – or not – doesn’t identify a “man” imo.

    1. @mary morningstar: The people in control? Of the world? If someone were in control of the world, things would look very differently. Global issues are not caused by global control, but by lack of control. And no, there’s nothing killing more people than the plague right now.

    2. @Kev Grant: I specify that it was a fucking extrapolation. Your idea that only medical professionals can use math to extrapolate a continuing pattern, is stupid.

    3. Jo-Erlend Schinstad those elite who control the money flow, the ones who cause the wars actually deliberately start them and then fund both sides for profit, the ones who are wanting to depopulate the earth from 7 billion to 500 million the ones who poison the air by weaponizing the weather Japan is literally being bombed with rain right now they are in a bad way 1.5 million people washed out of their homes … Japan did not go into lockdown masks social distancing etc looks like they are being punished for their crime against those in control those who have enough money to buy their reputation like Bill Gates who is a satanist and comes from a family of eugenescists and hopes to poison enough people to seriously reduce the population with his vaccines not to mention the billions he will take in personally t this point how can it be about money tho it always is to a point but no these people are psychopaths they want total and complete control of this world and everyone in it they have perfected the AI technology now to do just that

    4. @foreigner fan how do you figure over 100 million Americans have gotten covid? Even if experts are off by 100% then our total would then be double what it is at now of 3 mill that puts us at 6 million. Just curious where your calculations are coming from. Unless im not understanding you correctly

    1. not so free when conservatives are being silenced by big tech the left needs to push their one way ideology proganda first just like the Nazis

    2. @Jo-Erlend Schinstad “Just 10 million”??? Right, as long as your, you or you are not 1 of the 10 million or 10 thousand or 100 or 10!

    3. @v blackwell: Ten million is a lot of people, but it would represent 3,06%, which would be among the best results in the world. A more reasonable expectation of 10% would give a sacrifice of 32,7 million. Point is, you really should try to stop it.

  8. There is so much of the population in Florida that live with multi-generations in the family or close by! there have been now to children who have died from the covid-19 they had underlying health conditions as many of our children have asthma or any other kind of underlying conditions and you’re going to put them in schools together and you think that we have enough PPE gear for our children for our staff of our teachers when we’re short on the PPE gear again!!!for our nurses and our doctors in our emergency people are you joking me or kidding me!as for me and my family my children will stay in virtual School they are not going into a building and being a guinea pig or test lab for the government!!!

  9. Listening to the Dr talk about his patients breaks my heart. You can hear the emotion in his voice.

    1. I know. if wearing 2 masks would make this doctor’s day a little better, I would do it, too bad things don’t work that way. Sigh.

    1. @rosalind ganymede same… I have lost 3 people now. One in New York, New Orleans, and Northern California…
      My 25 year old neice is home recovering from it now, and she was perfectly healthy before going into the hospital.
      The people mocking the deaths and not taking it seriously dont have anyone personally who has been effected.
      Stay safe, wear a mask if possible and wash our hands.
      Bless the souls that have passed worldwide without someone by their side holding their hand.
      May we all find empathy at this time.
      The virus doesnt care what party we are in.

    2. @Thugsy DaClown I am so sorry. You brought tears to my eyes. I hope the best for your niece.

  10. This whole mess just shows how this country is full of spoiled, entitled people who don’t want to work for anything. The rest of the world has done the work, but we haven’t and it shows.

    1. Like the people who spend all day protesting and unemployed. Caused a spike and leaching off society.

    2. @dsfdsfdssf I feel sorry for you and sad that you are so brainwashed, you and others that do not believe in the virus are the ones causing this virus to continue on ! If people would take this serious and try 3 simple things, Social Distance, Wear a Mask, and keep yourselves at home! Please tell me why you aren’t willing to sacrifice a little, I mean what is being asked of us is really nothing, if You and others won’t to get this virus under control, kids go back to school, everyone go back to work then I would think the simple things asked would be no real issue! Please explain Why??

    3. dsfdsfdssf yep! If you live in America and actually talk to real people and real doctors you will know the truth!

    4. @dsfdsfdssf dumb people that live in red states need to realize that the entire world outside of FoxNews and Trump are giving the same facts as CNN while right wing propaganda (how it’s spelled) is brainwashing you.

  11. “People in their 30s and younger, is what we are seeing come into the
    Hospital. They may fell fine, and have no symptoms, But They Are
    Not Fine!”
    “When we take X-rays of their chests,
    67% show Lung Damage; Scar Tissues in their Lungs. These may have serious implications for their future Health. And we’re seeing even in young Children!”
    Dr. Aileen Marty,
    Florida International University
    Infectious Diseases Professor
    Notes taken from interview on
    July 7.

    1. David Aponte see so much of this makes No sense cause they are lying CDC WHO are corrupt it is not a pandemic it’s a coup on humanity

    2. @mary morningstar
      Where do you come up with this
      Crap? Dr. Fauci, worked on AIDS, and on Many other Infectious Diseases.
      He has Saved countless lives, and what have You Ever Done! 0000000
      Another, Paranoid, Trump cult supporter!

  12. Someplace private needs to hire Dr. Fauci and let him speak without being muzzled by the criminal administration in Washington!!!

    1. He must think he can accomplish more from the inside, or I’d think he’d have quit ages ago so he could speak freely.

  13. It’s been reported that a 16yr old is fighting for her life in a coma in Florida with covid 19.
    Please pray.

    1. She got into a coma because of Covid-19 or she was already in a coma before contracting Covid?

    2. Its also been reported that Joe Biden is sane enough to run the greatest country of all time soo……. Dont believe everything you hear/read #walkaway #blexit

    3. I will pray for all of us even the ones who are lying about the number of deaths… please pray to know the truth

    4. Stiaga Crevty don’t believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world, it’s not true

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