MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle is joined by Children's Hospital of New Orleans Physician-in-Chief Dr. Mark Kline to discuss how his hospital is dealing with an influx of patients from tropical storm ida.
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Doctor Describes Staff Dealing With Packed Louisiana Hospitals
That’s what the GOP governor gets for welcoming delta into his state.
Wasn’t welcomed numbnutz the border jumpers brought it into country cause Biden did not secure our borders! Seriously lay off the dope!
@Silence Do-Good Show your documentation/facts/statics. Maybe you should lay off the crack.
I thought the governor of Louisiana was John Bel edwards a democrat ?
@Silence Do-Good So Trump’s big, beautiful wall didn’t stop the border crisis? How shocking. Next thing you’ll be telling me he didn’t lock up Hillary or make Covid vanish in April.
@Silence Do-Good LoL
You’re blaming the immigrants at the border now !? There is no bounds to your level of ignorance and stupidity !??
The GOP seems to love self inflicted wounds. Covid, Afghanistan, Ted Cruz…………..
@Dog Poo Fairy that would be the ones they acquired from the Afghani’s stupid.
do you really think we would send out troops back to an area that the Taliban took over and disable everything, do you have any critical or logic thinking??
@Glenn Farris everyone that was at airport was liftedd out, NO Americans were left at the airport, look it up.
@Glenn Farris NO, Biden negotiated an extention NOTHING was broken.
@psycobleach46 tullis For the last several days they were telling Americans to stay away from the airport because of terrorist attacks.
@psycobleach46 tullis Trump’s deal was May 31st, Biden broke that deal therefore this was Biden’s deal.
All hail Biden
Neo liberalism and Satanic cancer cells, as these Satanic cancer cells relate to local aficionado’s of tribalism deprograming. The rainbow warrior leather daddy. Torture music and the kinky military intelligence service aficionado. Sing birdy sing. The heart of Patriarchy darkness upon the puppet strings of our national school shootings.
NO hailing
@Do-Bee Brothers whoa heavy.
Jim Jones had them swallowing poison to protect them against soldiers that were not coming.
And idiots refuse to be vaccinated against a disease that has already killed over four and a half million people.
@Deborah Freedman Well if you hate us so much then let us die and mind your own business.
@Redjam Redjam I don’t see anybody named that so I am assuming you’re joking
@Jenny Lemon

Aww huh
I’m just funnin
My little buddy
@Deborah Freedman
The soldiers were not coming. Jim lied to them.
Like spoiled children… Inability to grasp certain concepts. Your parents (responsible citizens) are trying to get to Disneyland (post pandemic). You’ll never get to Disneyland if you keep taking off your seatbelt and trying to grab the wheel to pull the car in the ditch, because you feel like seatbelt and roads are too restrictive.
@Hollywood Dodger “…if you did.”
First, this is about more than a vaccine (notice how that singular element does not come up?). There are a variety of mitigation strategies that have been opposed on all fronts.
Second, your line of thinking is what viruses thrive on. I’d encourage you to look more into virology; a very interesting branch of scientific discovery. Transmission vectors for viral loads require folks that think like you do… to become more efficient killing machines.
Unfortunately viruses, not unlike some parasites, do not require host survival carry out it’s purpose.(To replicate, mutate, and spread.)
@Damien Darko247 I was jokingly suggested the vaccine gave you brain damage, but since you didn’t get it, I’m quite sure it did now.
@Hollywood Dodger Ah, I see… The old “I was only kidding” line, eh? Then, that move to totally disregard the entire context of my reply was really a boss move. Good for you. But, for real, study some things, it might prove useful.
@Hollywood Dodger p.s. I got it the first time
@Hollywood Dodger Maybe you should spend some time learning how to spell and construct sentences, but since you’re trying to promote stupidity, that’s not likely.
COVID King DeSantis sez this is all overblown … sez he hasn’t met any dead people. Where are they? No dead people have shown up at his office. BTW this lockdown brought to you by Mutha Nature.
You might want to check your spelling. Its hard to take your comment serious with so many mistakes.
@Common Sense Yeah, but he’s not wrong.
@Common Sense You know it was deliberate. You never heard the old saying of: If you have nothing to say then silence is good?
Immense thanks to the medical and support staff heroes caring for the sick children in hurricane damaged NOLA hospitals

Vote out the republican nutshow!!
@John O u know Louisiana’s governor John Bel Edwards is a Democrat???????? LOL
Lovely pink top!
I am a retired nurse in Ohio and I remember the difficulty in tornado drills. I can’t imagine a hurricane cat 4.
very emotional report
God bless all medical and all of rescuers and of all the flooded people. Prayers to all of you
It is a source of wonderment to me that these medics carry on in extreme conditions. Especially when confronted with seriously sick people who need not be sick. Anti vaxers please note.
Thank God for doctors like him, and nurses too!
Good news Israel May have the key to ending this whole pandemic once and for all
thank you to all our healthcare and essential workers you are true heroes and deserve our deepest gratitude … sorry so many take you for granted
Republican politics are literally killing us. Vote out the whole republican nutshow asap!!
Yes, please VOTE OUT the political party that are sacrificing children to make a name for themselves in the Republican Party. Disgraceful.
U know Louisiana has a Democrat governor ????? LOL
Guess what!? They’ve all been vaccinated!!! Shocking

Thanks for the pandemic, Fauci – Mr. Gain of Function
Send the unvaccinated to their pastors when they show up at the hospital
I wonder how New Orleans’ homeless fared during the hurricane?
Believe half of what u hear and half of what u see