With cases, hospitalizations and deaths on the rise in the U.S. due to the coronavirus, Drs. Susan Bailey and Debbie Hatmaker discuss the concern from medical professionals as the country heads into the holiday season and why it's time for Trump to share virus data with Biden. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#SusanBailey #DebbieHatmaker #MSNBC
Doctor Calls On Trump WH To Share Virus Data With Biden Team | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I cant afford for us to get closed down. The money given out isn’t enough.
@Deanna Hampton just going by what I heard. There’s people who think the know it all. When in reality they no nothing!!! Me I have to take what I hear. Cause I no nothing and I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. Sorry if any my statements offended you!!!!
@Ann Ward you misunderstood me. I wasn’t coming at you. I was agreeing with alot of what you said. I’m just going on what I heard as well.
We are living in strange times, and people getting offended over everything isn’t helping at all.
@Deanna Hampton ok I’ve just been through a lot since the beganing of 2020. I’m just not sure of anything. With the world and the way thing’s are going in America. We’re good.
@MsKimki7 Well corporations and Wall Street needed the cash more than the people apparently. That’s where it all went in the US. Sad.
@Sam Harris my comment was about this country. Can’t you read? Of course not, you’re a trump worshiper. Lol!
the orange thing is pure and utter evil!
This is what psychological warfare on the people looks like.
@The Sixth Oracle

Your granny.
@Bacon CheesebergNo your mother
@The Sixth Oracle
Na… your granny.
@RoRo and silent John slots they will never listen! It’s sad
@Billy Brand I keep thinking of I can come out of my mk ultra brainwashing, anyone can.. Ugh
We need a stimulus. So we can at least get by.
@Tony Tony No, Pelosi should not have taken the 1 trillion dollars because most of that money was NOT going to the American people. They took the last deal and small businesses got screwed. Stop looking at the dollar amount and do some research where the money is going. Republicans don’t care, at least Democrats understand what is needed and they are trying to fight for all of us, not just their Party.
@WindBreaker No, do some research. Most of that money was Not going where it needs to go. Stop looking at the dollar amount and research what is in the Bill. Pelosi accepted the last deal and small businesses got screwed. They not going for it this time.
@Helena Hall ‘You can’t see what is in the bill until it is passed.’
– Nancy Pelosi
@Helena Hall and it was $1.9T not $1T.
@WindBreaker The negotiators know what’s in that Bill and most of it will is not going where it needs to go, according to Pelosi in an interview about a month ago.
just do a whole lockdown all the other countries are laughing at the us
@John Stamos that’s why you shutdown again right? Maybe if you weren’t so pathetic you wouldn’t come here to cry…
@John Stamos … I also live in the U.K. – the majority of people prefer Biden and laugh Trump – that includes, England, Scotland , Ireland and Wales. Almost all of 27 EU leaders have welcomed Biden’s win ..https://news.yahoo.com/trump-kind-awakening-e-us-205248310.html
@Oxford Hall Come on give the whole story, fatalities per capita this week so far exceed U.S. in France, Spain, Italy,UK. Incredible how little people in U.S. know on that. If you are implying most people are ok there with lockdown, I am a skeptic. And you do know most are required here to wear mask too.
@Oxford Hall That does not make Biden good, sell that line somewhere else
@Merchant_of_Kek ok…then take MY place. Asshat.
They do not care about you. Since when does the federal government do anything free just think about it
the federal government provides you with an army, marine corp, navy, air force, and coast guard so you have the freedom to be a maga coward.
They probably deleted your post because you’re lying. Not too hard to figure it out when you can’t even spell the name of your so called profession lol
Just a note to everyone I’m using the microphone on the phone
@K. McKee No actually I believe you’re a liar. See I have nothing to prove. I only want to protect America and American citizens. I don’t troll around to make highlights of others mistakes or downplay others truths. You are a troll and I’m sure everyone can see that clearly
Free phones, housing, food stamps, heat, probably cable TV and taxis by now
What sucks is you have people so passed off about wearing a mast then they get sick now they want people to risk there life taken care of them..unbelievable
I vote no on wearing a mask.
@cool kid Blue states are not doing better with virus, Europe is not doing better, media has not gotten better, you probably have no idea that freedom and capitalism was what made America great
My whole family caught the virus while wearing a mask and doing the social distance according to the test . No one had symptoms and after 2 weeks tested negative. So what’s the whole point of lockdowns and a mask if your just going to catch it and survive it . This is dumb stop believing the media live your life stop being scared
He’s taking it out on the country now, for real, for real.
trump’s like idi amin
This is a scary thing … I’m worried about my loved ones and political agendas seem to become more important than human lives …
god is 
Human lives don’t matter
Sam Harris, masks have worked in Europe, Asia, and New York. The numbers all dropped precipitously after mask mandates were enacted. It’s stupidity like yours that has prolonged and worsened this nightmare. The CDC has said masks could have prevented 90% of the spread, had we followed their guidelines during the initial shutdown the Congressional emergency relief package could have allowed us to emerge at least as well as Europe and Asia. Instead states ignored the guidelines, the package was wasted, and we’re continuing to get worse throughout the entire nine months. Please enlighten me as the downside of wearing masks, because they seem to work, and Trump’s solution isn’t working.
@PatrickLock29 It’s free speech say as you will. what’s it matter Besides that it’s fun to watch all people freak out
@Sam Harris is that why the second valley was bigger than the first peak? Still the same wave, or we’d have gone back down to europe’s levels. “I believe” is not an argument kiddo, so “why do you persist with Covid propaganda”? And uncontrolled spread of a virus made the virus spread more lately, also could have been the GOP claiming Trump defeated it in September and October?

My company can’t shut down I’ll have no money
You’ll join the citizens who’ve been maligned for generations
You can thank Trump and his Grifter GOP. The House passed the Cares ACT to support unemployment and hopefully keep people afloat in this pandemic, and it was to run out at the end of July. So they passed another the Heroes Act which would continue with those payments in MAY! Moscow Mitch and the GOP tried to attach a part of the bill that would let businesses not be sued. The Democrats will not pass this bill with that part in it. We want accountability. If your family member died in a car crash or accident…you want accountability. You want to sue those who did wrong. The GOP doesn’t want to take blame and get sued for the 250k people who died. The GOP caucus has held up any further stimulus to help Americans in this time. When people can’t pay their bills, their rent, mortgage, buy food, buy gas, they don’t care. Neither do they care if more people get sick. If you watch on youtube the “give me a loan” you will see where money that was supposed to go small businesses, and where some of it went to.
Bruh, welcome to my life.
I don’t think the company should cut the shutdown for anything maybe have people wear face masks as a Band-Aid because they always want everybody to do that but that’s about it because it’s more harmful than helpful
Governor Newsom shows us the dangers of COVID while at a party.
You have to be smarter than that and just because your government makes a mistake and goes to a party you should still follow cdc guidelines
California and New York 2 worst hit states both run by dems who think they know better . Cuomo killed old people by kicking them out of hospital care and sending them to care homes and nobody questions it .
N W Rural red states that refuse to take the virus seriously have far higher case numbers per capita than NY and California. North Dakota for example has the highest per capita numbers in the world. Comparing raw numbers is useless since NY and CA simply have way more people. But nice try.
There are a lot of creative ways to celebrate an occasion while respecting social distancing. Pinterest?
I have a bridge for sale
for NO-NEED-TO-WORK DEATH-TAXED investment class.
So pathetic that one maniac can cause so much havoc and ruin, and is enabled to do so by so very many idiots worried about lining their pockets.
The US has administered ~20% of the world’s covid tests. Because of this, it is no shock that the US has ~20% of the world’s cases. Context is your friend.
@WindBreaker Granted some countries did far better than most but that is not because U.S. did not try as some would mislead. We and Europe are in it together, 2nd wave baby
@Sam Harris blah blah blah…stfu.
@WindBreaker that’s a big thing no one is mentioning, I just hear look at all these people that died because of Trump, I mean COVID.
For the record most of us want to make a living not line our pockets. And as to the ruin…u need look no further than media outlets like this that peddle fearporn and division relentlessly on not just America but the whole world. Of course your perspective is skewed by your gullibility.
Michael Jackson : “All I wanna say is that
They don’t really care about us”
At least not since 1913 when nazi bankers got together to create the federal reserve cartel to take all our money in the form of taxes and interest and fees.
CDC Comes Clean: New Fatality Rate Is A Shocker!
That is a chart called the infection fatality ratio:
0-19 = .00002
20-49 = .00007
50-69 = .0025
70 + = .028
Scenario 1
September 28, 2020
Look at the senate and how they’ve failed to get a stimulus package done since august , this is on both sides red or blue because they are our elected officials but they don’t care about us, they’ve been taking vacations and eating 1000$ dinners on our tax dollars, and we can’t even get a simple stimulus deal, the dems wanted a 3 trillion package and the reps said no, so the dems compromised and went down to 2 trillion and the reps still said no, so the reps offered a 1 trillions deal and the dems said we’d rather get what we want or nothing , which is sad because it’s the people who get nothing not these out of touch old bats who control our money .
All these fake news reporter’s need to look at the reflection in the mirror. Start their.
It’s all lies. Why don’t you people posting.
Go to the CDC site.
Go ahead.
Snoop around.
Georgia guidestones
Lol facts
Gop incompetence is literally killing us
You should be ashamed of voting for lockdown candidate
Sam Harris I voted for facts, science, democracy, etc. The gop is an unamerican cult
Sam Harris never voting gop as long as i live
And Trump has done nothing of substance to help and protect Americans! Blood on his hands! Dereliction of duty! Lock him up!
I’m about to buy a face shield to use in addition to using a mask while at the store and I’ll do the best I can to stay off a bus and just walk places during this season. The more protection and caution the better
Drink more Kool aid
It’s not necessary face Shields face to a mask aren’t even doing the job face masks are a smoke screen that they want to push on people what it comes down to is go to work come home go out and get your groceries wear a face mask and don’t do anything that’s really truly unnecessary
Bloods are on dumpster and his gop’s hands
Meanwhile, breaking news next week: Trump inviting 200 of his closest friends for Thanksgiving.