Dr. Vin Gupta joins Morning Joe to discuss rising coronavirus infection rates around the U.S., why he's urging the country's restaurants to not have indoor dining and why he's calling on Govs. DeSantis and Abbott to deploy assets to help battle the virus. Aired on 7/7/2020.
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Doctor Advocates Mask Enforcement To Control Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Choose wear a Ventilator or wear a face mask.
Yes, the sereological (antibody) tests are not reliable for diagnosistic purposes, which is (get this) why they are not used to diagnose COVID patients. Instead, the PCR test is used, which has practically no chance in rendering a false positive.
@Data More *WRONG!* –
*This Says It All*
*Again they DO NOT do care what the person died from, if they had covid, they died from covid even if they were hit by a bus!*
@Crystal Giddens A video clip about how the Illinois Department of Health categorizes as COVID-deaths is not a refutation about what I said about the differences between antibody tests and PCR tests. What is more is that, what Dr. Ezike says in the clip conflicts with the guidelines put out by the CDC on how to report deaths. The CDC guidelines explain that the doctor must determine that COVID must have been suspected to have played a role in the death to be categorized as a COVID death. If the death was more ambiguous, then the death may be classified as a “probable” COVID death. Regardless of how COVID deaths are labeled, there are enormous excesses in total deaths since mid-late March (when the infections started ramping up), and they correlate to the numbers of cases in specific areas. Even after accounting for the reported COVID deaths, there are still excesses in deaths, which is an indication that COVID deaths are being under-reported, not over-reported.
@Data More wrong
@Crystal Giddens What, exactly is wrong?
If my doctor told me wearing a mask gives me a better shot protecting my love ones then yes, of course! its not a big deal, at home I take it off, it’s not like im outside 24/7, why ppl get mad about wearing one I’ll never understand
quan Brooklyn kid LOL shut up kid before I whoop you like your Daddy who left you should’ve.
@Carol Japan has many of the conditions that make it vulnerable to Covid-19, *but it never adopted the energetic approach to tackling the virus..*
Carol Ok genius, whatever you say. Maybe you should be an “expert” too since you seem to have it all figured out.
@Crystal Giddens my comment was, why, if tel Aviv uni wanted to research infections in the countries that most resemble the u.s. it seems logical that they would include Canada
Then you came up with a totally nonrelevant comment in reply to me, THEN YOU SAY MY COMMENT IS…sorry it was so forgettable I would have go back and check
@Bill Wilson bollocks
If the U.S doesn’t clean up it’s act asap the outcome will be catastrophic.There’s no room for half measures anymore.It’s that simple.
It’s hurd immunity now, with a lot of deaths to come.
@PB & J Which means even with 99% being harmless cases (Trump’s claim) there will be 3 million dead Americans.
If you test positive
A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. *However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.*
Nothings gonna change! Except we might get a confederate flag
@PB & J Hurd immunity may not apply here as it’s becoming clear that if you’ve contracted it once, you can get it again.Antibodies apparently only stay in the body for 2/3 months.
The trump CDC has to be sued for data and
are free to travel to spread more SOUNDS LIKE CHINA HUH
When New York was getting hit hard in March & April we were in the 1st quarter of a basketball game and down by 20. Now we’re in the 4th quarter of the same game and down by 20 with just 5 minutes left, did we not learn?
Its a sad day for America when trumpers argue with health professionals trying to save American life’s…
Bill Wilson OMG, such stupidity. All you have to do is look outside the US to see if masks cause or prevent disease spread. This is such a stupid comment it must come from a Russian troll.
@Von Dor There are 11 studies on MASKS dating back years. You go ahead and contain a germ breeding ground on your face if you want, but, NO ONE should mandate the public to wear masks, that can cause health issues. They ignore these studies and don’t even speak of these risks. It is pathetic!
@Mike Smith Sure, protesters shd not continue gathering. Most are peaceful. You have other people mixing in with the intent of looting and rioting. But trump rallies shd also stop. So shd people out partying. And beach goers packed together. Teens piling in cars together. Everyone needs to STOP. Close the bars and indoor dining. If you stayed home you can have your liberty and go maskless there.
frictionRx9 See you in the ICU

Bill Wilson Mask or Ventilator. Your choice.

It will be difficult to persuade many Americans to wear a mask. The present day culture is one of selfishness and lack of social responsibility – stoked by the irresponsible policies of a shockingly callous self-serving government.
Red Alert – well said
Mandated masks are a way to take away your liberties. Masks can actually increase the risk of getting the Virus. This mask is a moist germ filled environment that is a great place for bacteria! If you contact the Virus this moist mask will actually trap the Virus and ensure you breathe it in or any other Germs! If U watch anyone on TV with a mask, they adjust the mask with their hands, A LOT! This transfers germs / Virus to your hands and then anything you touch. This will easily spread the FLU! Wearing masks should be the decision of the individual not the inept local Gov’t! I would hope that the way the Police have been treated, they would never consider handing out a fine for not wearing a mask.
@Bill Wilson Trump’s ideas about masks: https://youtu.be/bMKgX3V3Y_k
Take That Ridiculous Thing Off
Just put a massive fine on noncompliance. During my lifetime I’ve observed selfish cretins whine that they had the right to smoke in public places, not wear a motorcycle helmet, and not wear seat-belts. Really stiff fines made them comply. These fools don’t understand that they do not have the right to infect others, so make them pay for their lack of consideration for the rights of others to live.
Lack of leadership at the federal level is killing Americans. We are on our own. Please wear a mask when out in public and wash your hands frequently.
You must steal your granny’s underpants and make a mask out of them.
I prefer to say the lack of leadership of the Trump Administration and the Republican Party, rather than at the federal level. Simply because there are still good civil servants (as opposed to the Trump political appointees and cultists,) who are trying – against tremendous odds – to really help. This is the difference between good, necessary and important government and really bad admnistrations.
I am just glad my Govener is doing her job and being wise and compassionate with our lives!
The GOP is profiting off a Pamdemic and it is disgusting!
3 million cases and 132,000 deaths. Well, that’s Trump’s idea of _”America first!”_ Mission accomplished, Commander Bone Spurs!
@Ray S * fear
@ChannelSurfer 2020 Nobody’s crying except this crybaby: https://youtu.be/Qpfa6jMCn4U
Mandated masks are a way to take away your liberties. Masks can actually increase the risk of getting the Virus. This mask is a moist germ filled environment that is a great place for bacteria! If you contact the Virus this moist mask will actually trap the Virus and ensure you breathe it in or any other Germs! If U watch anyone on TV with a mask, they adjust the mask with their hands, A LOT! This transfers germs / Virus to your hands and then anything you touch. This will easily spread the FLU! Wearing masks should be the decision of the individual not the inept local Gov’t! I would hope that the way the Police have been treated, they would never consider handing out a fine for not wearing a mask.
Lisa Elissa Haha – freakin’ scary! Saw it on Kimmel and PMSL…
@ChannelSurfer 2020 lol, it’s pretty accurate except Trump has smaller hands and is a smidge less mature.
Trump truly believes that human decency is a radical ideology.
Trump has ushered in a culture of corruption, indecency, indifference, pathological ignorance, selfishness, chaos, and self-destruction. So much so that nothing good emanates from him. Trump constitutes a highly toxic and malevolent affliction on this country.
Trump should apologize for assaulting more than 20 women. He should apologize for creating a fake charity foundation, and using it for his own financial gain. He should apologize for creating a fake university, and using it to con Americans out of their life savings. He should apologize for using his golf resorts to pocket millions in taxpayer dollars. He should apologize to American banks for all the loans he defaulted on. He should apologize to all the contractors he stiffed when he refused to pay them for work done on his properties. He should apologize for insulting gold star family members and American PoWs. He should apologize for his failed response to the coronavirus that has led to the loss of 130k American lives. He should apologize for betraying America in Helsinki. He should apologize for hanging our troops out to dry in Afghanistan, by allowing his idol and benefactor Putin to place bounties on their heads.
@frictionRx9 sounded spot on to intelligent people. YOU must be the troll!
@Mike Smith you are a pus pocket on the a** of society.
Yes, he should, but he won’t and we know he will never apologize. Donald wants us to apologize to him for being patriotic Americans, because that offends him.
@We are all connected then im a well armed one as well then..lol
You forgot about all of those children who were separated from their moms and dads, and all of those people who were caged, still are!
Redstates are tweaking the death numbers
My husband taught me about quality of life. Many people who get this virus and survive are going to find their quality of life severely impaired.. young people think. This virus is a game changer. In life there are no guarantee. If you survive you are going to spend your life paying medical bills.
@We are all connected my daughter taught me about those and I spent her childhood fighting insurance companies.
Mignon Simpson
Having to spend the rest of your life paying hospital bills sounds insane to a good old pragmatic Canadian like me….. But it’s fine, they tell me, it’s the EXCEPTIONAL MURICAN WAY…. We think freedom/liberty is paramount….. we , proud and free MURICAN INDIVIDUALS, we don’t want a “communist” universal Health Care System , run by a “Marxist-Leninist-bolshevik-Trotskyist-Stalinist-Castrist-Maoist-Pol Potist” EVIL bureaucratic government like THOSE CANADIANS and THOSE West-European “socialist countries”…… ONLY IN MURICA!!!!!!
@Dominique Roydor twenty years ago I stared a $283,000.00 hospital bill in the face after my husband’s icu stay on a ventilator. Thank God for insurance but it was still expensive . Before he died three years later we were staring the million dollar cap in the face. After the ventilator my husband never came off oxygen. I hate to know what that bill would be today certainly not cheaper. My uncle with leukemia actually exceeded his million dollar cap. I know what these people playing Russian roulette with their lives don’t. My husband certainly didn’t plan to be dead at 65 yet he was.
Mignon Simpson: Great point…and they will GET THEIR MONEY ! Been there..done that.
Wear a mask or wear a ventilator
Stay at home or stay at the hospital
Be a hero or be the problem
Ray S How about this if 50% of Americans caught this disease. It would still be 1.64 million deaths at a 99% survival rate.
Tom Duckworth – Its a Virus. Not a disease
Ray S My math is still correct. You’re just deflecting
Tom Duckworth – No. you cant continue using projections and “what ifs” to add to your fear mongering.
But whatever makes you feel better
Ray S Whatever I’m not afraid because I’m taking precautions. And I still live my life, no one has stopped me.
Trump and DeSantis love that coronavirus. Did all they could to spread it.
not as much as vile disgusting communist lazy bum democrats hate working
Biden 2020! You absolutely must cast a vote for Joe Biden in November! Make sure you are registered and able to vote in November. Repost this comment elsewhere please. Tell your friends and family to vote!
Are you talking about Joe Biden who chases black teens with six foot piece of chain for swimming in a public pool? Sounds like the perfect Democrat.
What’s Joe gonna do? Sniff your hair? Lol
“Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
― The Donald @ Twitter, November 2013
@Andrea B. you heard it in the news?
Bill Wilson nutcase pos!
Bill Wilson wear it or stay home, trumpkin imbecile!
Crystal Giddens no I take care of sick people.
Nota Bene: Twitter needs to “Shut-Off” his “Tweeter”. They won’t probably because Trump funds them in some way.
All comes down to premature reckless reopening without meeting/following CDC guidelines pushed on by the murderous
in the Whitehouse.
There are complications that follow this disease: all organs are affectedly especially the heart, liver and lungs not to mention PTSD.
Also we don’t know anything about this viruses . They don’t know how much damages this viruses will be in future for those people who didn’t die. Is scary.
Brains, testicles, and many other places.
Anna Mouse: Nah..it’s just the “Flu”. “Dorks”. Not you.
Are we tired of winning yet?
How much more great is America?
Mask wearing should have been enforced from the start back in March…
E. Squatch: And that’s correct.
The people going without masks forgetting that they have mothers, fathers and grandmothers that are at higher risk of death also older aunts.
blah blah get a bunson burner and a lab coat
Cutie Taylor: They don’t believe it..remember..it’s a “Hoax” to remove Trump from office. I even have a good friend that’s a Dump supporter and he denies it exists. That’s why I’m not around anymore ! Lol.