Watch Stephanie Ruhle beak down the stunning text messages between Trump-appointed diplomats and explain how they suggest quid pro quo in the Trump-Ukraine controversy. Weighing in: Politico’s Anna Palmer, former Ambassador Michael McFaul, and former Special Presidential Envoy Brett McGurk. Aired on 10/4/19.
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Do The Kurt Volker Texts Lock Down The Impeachment Argument? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
There’s a boatload of impeachable offenses .
There are several criminal investigations going on.
It’s not if but for which crime. Just get it done.
What crime?
The whole Biden story was already investigated.
It’s not a scandal.
Biden acted with The full support of the United States and the international community. He got his deal done in one day.
The orange one withheld military aid from the Ukraine for over a month and then asked them to investigate his already investigated political opponent. Why does he want the Ukraine to investigate his political opponent?
His intent is to extort the president of the Ukraine to provide dirt on his opponent. The prosecutor that Rudy got his info from is an unreliable source.
The orange one is spreading lies and misinformation.
This is what he does.
@Power corrupts oh that’s so untrue
The truth does not come from the white house.
Only lies and propaganda.
Maybe that is the real reason Trump needed to be President to reduce his 10k audits of these in debt businesses that borrow from Rich Russians
Kinda funny how his cult and the gop see nothing wrong in this, flag waving fascists.
@Jock Young more “whataboutism”.
Joe Shaloom n
well at least they dont have nuclear weapons so you know at lest we dont have to worry about that lol right….right?… right?!?!
About damned time the Dems put up or shut up! But they will draw out this sham ‘investigation’ as long as they can because they DO NOT WANT SUBPOENA POWER GIVEN TO THE REPUBLICANS. Once Adam Schiff admitted contact with the Whistleblower he became a potential witness and I’d bet Jim Jordan is salivating at the prospect of putting lying Schiff under oath…
Funny how the Republicans want the full transcripts of the Volker hearing released but the Dems refuse to do it lol!
This Orange Thug with over 200 lawyers is going to want a bigly DEAL for himself !!! Just saying ! Coming soon !
@Randy Sanders I LOVE the smell of desperation and you positively reek of it!! What’s next? Gonna invoke the “I know you are, but what am I?” defense??
@Larry Byrd can you tell us who ordered the Obama Administrations DOJ and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign? I mean you better have the goods to spy on a US Presidential election right? Especially the other party? Mueller said “No Collusion” so we have a huge problem here your media and career politicians aren’t telling you about huh? Weird none of the fake names like yours can answer this question? I guess that’s why AG Barr is on it. We cant trust people like you!
@Randy Sanders You’re obviously referring to trumps delusional series of tweets about being spied on with zero proof ever being provided (i.e. spygate)? What I’m wondering is: how long after trump is removed from office will it take before you eat a piece of copper-coated-candy? C’mon, tell us! Inquiring minds want to know!!!
@Larry Byrd Are you even from America? Do the Dems have a call center in Iran or something? You’re a keyboard warrior trollio dude. Come back when you can be a Patriot and stand by your comments with your real name. Don’t use Magic Johnson or Fernando Venezuela either haha
The GOP is the party of treason and corruption.
@SCIL Films Biden was heading a bi-partisan movement four Republicans backed in a committee, on behalf of the IMF, the UN and the EU. They all wanted Shokin gone for NOT investigating hard enough against corruption. The investigation into Burisma began before Hunter Biden worked on the board and continued after Shokin was removed. That Hunter Biden was under investigation for anything is demonstrably false. But let’s not let facts get in the way of a Trump conspiracy theory. Neither Trump, nor you, can name one one law the Bidens have broken. US or Ukrainian.
@Dennis Leduc
@Sheree Brandon I’m sorry “Sheree” but you failed to type your entire post in all caps so, naturally, it does not sound very convincing.
Remember, you need to use all caps start to finish if you want to come across as credible.
@Sheree Brandon again, I asked for FACTS, not Trump pundit mouthpieces which regurgitate WH / Republican talking points. No actual investigative reporting. Please do your OWN research, stop the chain of stupidity which proliferates your party. Thank you.
Yet his daughter got patents by China…..should she be investigated
@McKittrick Hyatt Ba -bing! It’s comical…whatever he says…
Mondfischli …. I have a brother that is every bit as predictable as Trump. And every bit as amoral. I learned to read these people early on.
@McKittrick Hyatt They are absolutely predictable, you’re right. When someone with clinical Narcissistic Personality Disorder gains power they become malignant.
Whats wrong with that?
Mitt is not the only republican, for sure. The other repubs are simply scared shittless to move.
Romney is the conscience of the GOP now? Unbelievable.
Darren Nicholls a joke.
Apparently not, since he’s on an island with his criticism. Elected GOP doesn’t appear to have a conscience at the present time
That’s okay, he only says stuff. In the end he got on his knees and paid tribute to Trump just like all the other senior Republicans.
“Why would you call the FBI? I don’t think in my life I ever called the FBI”
Donald J. Trump
If you believe the orange one, there’s a bridge in Brooklyn he’s got for sale too.
Trump can’t afford the scrutiny, he’s done too much money laundering, tax evasion, other financial crimes, and sexual harassment. You poor fool.
@SCIL Films
Automatic misinformation and propaganda. HUH!!
@SCIL Films whataboutism won’t help trump this time.
@Jim Brew ummmm no. He has never called the FBI before in the same way bank robbers would never call the FBI. He has been a crook all his life.
What bothers me the most about this whole situation is how complicit the Republicans can be they’ve known the entire time exactly what this man was doing then sat back and allowed it simply because they thought it would put them in a better political position they are steel complicit in his illegal activities and lawlessness they should all be in prison
Jake Lebowski. I have no patients for idiots. Just STFU!
@Jake Lebowski go back to state farm and keep those blinders on
Kevin Martin
Trump and Pence claim that it’s all about fighting corruption in Ukraine, when they and others have been putting pressure on the president of that same country to engage in corruption by investigation Biden and his son.
Does that even make sense?
Notice that Trump is not concerned about his and his family’s corruption or the corruption in any other country.
They should all be voted out in 2020.
Trump’s like nailing down a Swamp Creature…. that’s made out of Jello!
Tangerine JELLO 1
When the time comes Trump is going to have to be physically dragged out of the White House.
@S T23 Could US Marshalls carry this out? There must be someone who can do this otherwise he really will be “above the Law.”
He will be yelling “fake new! its all a hoax! But what about her emails??!!!” while being dragged out of the office
That would be awesome to see
hopefully, whoever drag’s him out it’s a Mexican n a black !!!
And go put him in the cage at the border, and see what happens.?
coax him out by laying a trail of cheeseburgers that lead out the WH door and into a courtroom
If they need help dragging him out, I’m available and I have arthritis.
Using corrupt governments to discredit our intelligence is a high crime!
That’s not what he’s doin
@Dmitri Fukov He never took Putin’s side throwing our Intel under the bus? Are you blind?
The “intelligence” using foreign governments to meddle with our elections is more than high crimes.
@Dmitri Fukov That is exactly what hes doing, Trump is doing Putins work in the open. Trump is a traitor and will be remembered in history as the one who sold out USA
Don’t dignify Giuliani with the word “envoy”. He was a bag man.
Not sure if you can put ‘man’ and ‘Guiliani’ in the same sentence…
The Mule!
@Carrie More like a ‘Nag’…
More like a sack.
Stop acting like Mitt Romney is like all saintly! Has he called on the pig to resign? Why not?
@Carolyn Talbot
You are intelligent, wise and have sharp observation. Thank you.
Mitt Romney is worse than most. Most of them are deranged and don’t even know what they are doing is wrong due to mental health problems. Romney knows full well that everything for the last 3 years have been wrong but has less back bone than a jellyfish.
Mr 47 percent
He’s pretty two faced. He thinks he will someday be president.
@Samuel Khasin Romney is from UTAH so far better than Trump will EVER BE
“Bill Taylor: As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.” Fire the Liar in the White House!
Foniks Monkee
She won the unpopular, illegal votes.
jeck jeck
Come at these first, losers:
No collusion
No obstruction
No Quid Pro Pro
@Truth Seeker
Like I said, delusions from sub humans.
There is a response to that which msnbc. Volker responded “you misunderstand the president’s intentions. The president was crystal clear there is no quid pro quo. He wants to make sure President Zelenski abides by the reforms in his country.” WHY DON’T YOU GUYS READ THE TEXTS FOR YOURSELF. THEY PUBLISHED IT
@Bklyn Luv
And your delusions continue. Yawn.
Open season on Ivanka and Jared, go!
Jared & Don Jr. and possibly Ivanka know that the Donald is working for Putin, like he has been for years….
Jared and Ivanka are white house employees, must appear.
Please let no harm come to Jared and Ivanka. They dress so nice.
“Deeply troubling and wrong” describes Trump & Co. to a tee
Clever avatar.
Deeply troubling and wrong is an understatement.
Deeply treasonous and firing squad worthy” seems more appropriate
Peeling back the onion skins increasingly rotten just throw it out…
He’s selling out the country and you’re letting him! He’ll run down the country before he gets impeached.
Trump is facing Prosecution & Civil Forfeiture once he leaves office,
so he will burn our Nation before he is willing to leave office…
When has the Republicans have an election without some kind of drama,NEVER!!!