Some senior Democrats, including Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, have moved to shut down any talk from Democrats on impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh over new assault claims. The panel discusses. Aired on 9/17/2019.
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Do Impeachment Talks Play Right Into Trump's Hands? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
the issues are criminals running the show.
Todd Foret
I feel you aren’t giving young people enough credit. They aren’t idiots and many share liberal ideology because they believe it, not because they were tricked. And you can’t blame them for spreading their belief.
And climate change is real. Unfortunately.
But I agree with you that some liberals have gained power based on climate change. But that doesn’t mean it is a conspiracy.
@UCkCPGfjup_V1GS0pn6o1mcA Teaching kids to accept people is proper. Teaching kids what lgbt is, isn’t. When they become old enough to understand, they should be taught to respect PEOPLE, because they are people, not because they hold a particular view on sexuality. Homosexuality is morally wrong, but I would never let my kids be hateful towards them because that is likewise morally wrong.
Pre-pubescent children are not capable of processing the concept of sexuality. This isn’t debatable, their brains are not developed enough.
Choose for yourself, that’s a luxury of freedom, but using children to push a homosexual agenda is EVIL because it steals their ability to make an informed choice. And I’m talking about teaching kids to express themselves sexually and seek gender reassignment. When they are old enough to understand what being informed means, then they are free to make choices.
There is a reason we have age limits on drinking, smoking, driving, voting, etc. There should be age limits on medical sexual reassignment.
Anyone who thinks 10 yr old boys or girls should be sexually active is insane and a danger to children. Teaching children to self control as they become sexually aware is the strongest lesson in self-restraint most people will ever get.
Well if you idiots would stop voting in the SAME people every year who nwwvr accomplish anything then maybe your party wouldn’t be full of crooks. Trump has been on poltics 3 years yet LIFELONG politicians are complaining he hasn’t done anything when they haven’t done anything in DECADES.
You cant have Impeachment without a corrupt government. What came first.
Contact your representative; they vote on impeachment.
Brian Gudio , all Dems need to Resign or be Impeached !
@Beachdudeca i want to pressure the nincompoops.
I will ask my congressman to impeach ALL males from Power. Someone saw them do something and no one needs evidence now.
#MENAREEVIL Why stop at Republicans. All men are evil. I bet your father forced himself on someone. Start with your father!
Impeachment DOES NOT remove a president from office. JUST ASK Bill Clinton . ONLY the Senate can remove a president from office and guess which party still has the majority in the Senate
Trump will win again 2020
Epstein was murdered.
Probably by the same forces that killed JFK and are about to drag you into another war in the middle east
Naw he’s in protective custody, he’s rolling over on all of them
Bill Clinton couldn’t take the risk of him talking
when was his funeral?? never, he isnt dead, he is in witness protection
public offender high iq reasoning
What was it Mrs Willy Brown was sayin again?
She was only his piece on the side, even Brown wouldn’t marry that prostitute
While I am not a fan of Morning Joe, what he says here is true.
I was thinking the same thing!!
It’s as fake as the New York Times story
I used to say that very same thing. In fact, over the last year I have said that about 100 times.
I never used to watch it either, but I started listening to this show starting about a year ago, while I began my day, because of the headlines. I was trying to keep up with the trump nightmare. And over the last year I have become a fan because in the current political climate, Joe says things that hit home very eloquently almost every day. I don’t know what the show was really like before trump, but Joe deserves credit for staying true to himself in a corporate news environment. Sometimes he gets pretty emotional, and it’s real. I never expected that.
When this nightmare is over and they are on to talking about other things I am not so sure I will like it.
Chaos and a common enemy can bring the oddest and most different ducks together even while it divides like minds.
I’ll be watching this show at least until trumps war on the constitution of the United States and the other war trump is fighting- the war against the American non-elite individuals & the individuals of the non-millionaire class, namely: the 90%, is finally OVER!
The only weapons he uses to fight the 90% are lies, trickery, and the undermining of the democracy he has sworn to protect. Thank God trump is not smart or savvy or smooth.
Imagine the plethora of other institutional weapons trump could be using in perverse and backward ways against the people If he had a real understanding of how the mechanisms of government actually work, if he had some legitamate previous experience within a bureaucracy and a basic ability to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that that equals 4 if you add them together.
trumps base better wise up. This war is clearly against them too. Look what he did to them!!
Hard to believe they haven’t figured it out yet! Isn’t it?
Anyways, ya, Joe is not so bad. But I don’t like the way he talks to Mika sometimes.
@Thats not funny Is he even still a republican?….I know he was a hard core Reganite
@Todd Jenkins No, he mentions it often: ‘This is why I am not a Republican anymore’, is a theme that Joe brings up quite a bit. He doesn’t identify as a Democrat either.
Impeachment of anyone is just gonna hurt the dems in 2020. Be to and kamala are jokes running for president.
Trump: “I hold in my hand a letter, a beautiful letter from Kim Jong Un Kim love me long time”
Mike Zimmer
Reminds me of when Obama praised Castro and madruro for being GOOD leaders, now look at the countries the lead. Funny how silence from the left then. Obama supported and encouraged tyrants, remember ISIS? the JV team of terrorists, or his red line in the Sand with Syria, who cares they were using chemical weapons, obama and Hillary had to go after gaddafi to cover their gun running ops from liyba to Syria. But again silence from your side because gotta keep goosestepping to the agenda.
If they didn’t impeach Clarence Thomas, they won’t impeach Kavanaugh.
maybe nixon forgot 2 buy the IRS ?
T.Kizer Söze
History has shown you are wrong
@R C – Just need to wait for a Dem president, then impeach Kavanaugh and get a more liberal judge
Dots are connecting… keep warching. @t
I might agree with Durbin, except that Moscow Mitch is standing in the way of getting anything done anyway.
you sound like a fucing moron still beating the dead horse that is the RussiaTrumpHoax. seriuosly its like you want people to think you are a loser
What are the penalties for TREASON and Sedition ?
Oooh “sedition”… love it! New posting word!!! Thanks
We’ll find out when Durham is finished with his investigation.
Brave Heart… DEATH is the penalty for treason and sedition.
No, impeachment is not “the solution for everything” . . it´s just the solution where it applies. To Kava & Swamp
24 hr circus in Washington waste of tax payers money.
When there is no proof, yes, this is now hurting the Democratic party. They are frayed, weak, and grasping at straws.
Wow. At 4:30-4:50, you hear someone drinking a pop of coffee or something.
Yes. They play right into the hands of Trump. I’m proof. I’m leaving the Democrat party.
It was a sham Kamala because Diana Feinstein sat on the letter until the very last second
DO impeachment talks play into Trump’s hands?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer Yes, definitely.