Senator Chuck Schumer points out to Rachel Maddow that even though DNI John Ratcliffe said at his press conference that Iran was trying to damage Donald Trump, that was not conveyed in the classified briefing he received, which emphasized a goal of general chaos. Aired on 10/21/2020.
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DNI Ratcliffe Message In Classified Briefing Different From Public Remarks: Schumer | Rachel Maddow
It sounds as if our very own president and the Republicans have the same objectives as the Russians and the Iranians! Undermine our elections
@Hank Locke
Wanna pet my unicorn?
No lie!
Its purple and I have a link!
All the proof you need is there!
@Dave W I am an immigrant Asian. I voted for Hillary in 2016. Do you know Hunter’s hard drive? Biden knew everything. He got Ukraine prosecutor fired for hunter.
@Hank Locke
Im a Vietnamese, Thai, Mexican immigrant.
My unicorn comes from Chyna!
Come pet her!
@Dave W brainwashed fool.
@Hank Locke Everyone in Europe knows that but Dems are still calling it disinformation or making excuses.
The Russians and the Iranians are using Trump’s playbook.
@Buck C Republican led Senate Intelligence Report said the Trump Campaign worked with Konstantin Kilimnik (Russian Intelligence) and Oleg Deripaska (Putin’s friend) during the 2016 election.
Go convince your own.
@Buck C –Trump said he knew Putin & could make great deals with him on the 2016 debate dais, then “jokingly” invoked him to send Hillary’s emails Russia hacked (& we “know” that because it was hammered into our heads for 2&1/2 years of congressional grilling of Hillary over them). He had the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak on the RNC stage during his campaign and in the Oval Office in Jan. 2017 after his inauguration & is said to have recklessly shared sensitive classified information with them–those are facts leading to those allegations. Trump’s a flashy carny-barker showman who exercises no discretion who LOVES setting tongues wagging…maybe you should lay some of the blowback from whence it came, think?
The russian, doubtly…but still probable. The iranian? No way. They already got their hand full just because covid!.
@Nurlinda F Sihotang -Trumpers are grasping at straws with all of their crap…Giuliani’s a crazed old perv & rebugs’ll run with anything if it bamboozles Covidiots enough to keep Trump in & draw attention away from his lunacy; it’s like throwing crayons & coloring books to kids to keep ’em busy with something

Kia Ora from Aotearoa New Zealand

Democracy is a small club and y’all are in REAL trouble USA.
China isn’t in the club and neither is Russia or Iran.
@Graham Young it’s always difficult to vote in a corrupt country.US is the most.corrupt country in the world.
Kiwi blog! Sitting in Northland watching this debacle from a safe distance. Vote like your lives REALLY depend on it, US.
As a U.K. resident I have never been more worried in my 67 years on the planet as to where the USA have been heading for the past 4 years and can not get my head around how so many appear to have been manipulated and STILL seem to want to follow a dictator leaving democracy behind.
@Peter Cary specialist ADI im in UK too scotland to be exact and I am worried too i have seen increasing numbers in UK starting to support trump thank god he’s not our leader but its worrying still how many like him just because he doesn’t wear a mask and doesn’t support any type of covid response at all hes the biggest con man I’ve seen
And we didn’t see this coming???

I smell a Rat.
The name says it all.
I’ll bet that Russia made Iran look guilty.
Trump’s Cronies are Shielding Russia and putting the blame on Iran, that tells you something
Remember the Intelligence Reports that intercepts were between a know Russian Agent and Rudy..Russia is behind all of this. TRUMP may be using this current Breaking News about Iran, as a potential EXCUSE to go after them in the end…(just a thought, possibly to interrupt his leaving office)
@Cynthia Pikoulas Rudy ghouliani borat 2020
DNI Ratcliffe trying to make it appear like it is against Trump when It clearly is not.

Bad word choice or a mistake????? I have a feeling that Trump will try to use this as an excuse as to his lose. He will throw those words back at us.
@ALBERT EINSTEIN explain why Biden did that?–dj2-CY
@ALBERT EINSTEIN is this news source funded by China? Are you China 50 cent inter army? Sorry! I am out of here. China & China are together with this corruption
brilliantly said, ty minority leader schumer and dr maddow. that ratcliff lied is no surprise. vote!!!
To deflect (obfuscate- he’ll have to look that up!)But Gop senators are driving this. Doing the obfuscating to save themselves.
America your democracy is in jeopardy. Don’t let trumps hacks destroy your country.
from the left
@Steve Logue
@Steve Logue
Pity. American are blindfolded by media. Hunter’s sexual abused underage girls photos are exposed.
@Gwendolyn Williams

Ratcliffe is just a trump mouthpiece
Actually John Redcliffe deliberately mentioned “Trump” without mentioning Biden at all, in order to give the impression that Trump is the victim of the interference. But we know as the fact that Trump is always welcoming foreign interferences, like when he said “RUSSIA, IF YOU LISTEN…” and “CHINA, INVESTIGATE BIDEN…”
We now see, from the mouth of his bootpolisher, that the one that is trying to undermine the election is TRUMP.
Harumi, Good of you that you are able to put two and two together. It’s a ploy to give impression to Americans having realised that with all what they have done to voters suppression, people are still voting in droves for not only Joe Biden, but also Democratic candidates. They wanted to paint him as victim. One tragedy that will eventually come out of this, is that if you Americans allows this to sway your votes towards him, by the time he commence his second term in office, the damage would have become irreparable even if the entire houses are filled with Democratic party.
@Michael Raheem you are correct. I never watched The Apprentice and had no idea the severity of the problem of electing Trump to a real office, not just a reality show “star.” While l didn’t vote for Trump, l awoke from what l can only call apathy when he fired Sally Yates. Since then, l gave watched this amoral, unpatriotic fool with power nearly destroy our democratic republic. I have been candid about the prospects of another 4 years of Trump being the destruction of the United States of America. For our survival, we must rid ourselves of this monster and ALL of his enablers who have overtaken the Senate and the entire judicial system. Vote BLUE because your life and the life of the United States continuing depends upon it. It will be rough going because Trump has divided the country, but we must succeed if we are to continue as a free country.
We don’t need help to undermine the election. We already have enough coming straight out of the White House.
“The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. President Donald Trump is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”
— General John Kelly, Trump’s fmr. Chief of Staff, October 16, 2020
“Play it Again Sam”.
a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
Ratcliffe tarnishes, embarrasses Intelligence Community
Anyone paying attention knows that the administration is lying period.
Your children will never learn to read
“Damaging” Trump seems a bit redundant, like throwing a brick at a broken window.
Trump is so desperate to get reelected. He’s pathetic. His desperation is sickening.