Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison joined Stephanie Ruhle to discuss voting rights legislation and other key items on President Biden's agenda. He says that voting rights reform has “broad bipartisan support” but that all Republicans care about in Congress is "amassing power."
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#JaimeHarrison #McConnell #Manchin
Dead people need health care also.
What is this? The United Appeal for the Dead?
EDIT: This is a joke. If you get it you have great taste in movies.
@Blarg Blarg it’s just good for the economy and health care providers. Free education will be good also. Dead people have a right to higher education also… if they can vote they can go to school.
But not males
they should get free parking with validation.
General Ratko Mladic will remain in prison for life, the international tribunal in The Hague ruled on June 8, 2021.
Meanwhile turn out in the last election was the most ever but yeah I’m sure you’re right
@16 Accounts Removed there were NOT more votes than registered voters, that has been debunked.
@charles brugger bless your heart, stupid one, I do my research, where is yours?
@charles brugger prove that dead people voted
@psycobleach46 tullis coming soon. Panic in DC.
@charles brugger I see you still have NOTHING but crap to post
My the agenda they spinning
Just identify yourself and vote. It’s not complicated.
What if my pronoun is they? Can they all vote?
@charles brugger you can vote, so long as it is legal. Pronouns are made up and do not affect ID
@16 Accounts Removed racists
@charles brugger was gonna troll. But I see this bridge is taken. I’ll move on.

One Person, One Vote!
No, One live, legal US citizen, with ID proof – One vote.
@Paul Hare I have no problem with that, but if you read through some of the voting bills that have been passed, you will see that it goes much deeper. Supreme Court Justice and Religious Cult Handmaiden Amy Coney Barrett has vocalized her support for One House (address) One Vote. If some of the provisions in these bills are not modified, we will be back to 19th century voting laws.
@Michelle Bobier-Groves eh…. i.agine if you had 2 addresses. Just ID yourself. How hard can it be to keep track of who voted? They keep track of us with everything else
I’d bet he has an ID
Only Legal citizens with a valid ID should be able to vote. Change my mind.
@charles brugger lol. I identify as 25 different people.
US exceptionalism is dead. I’ll only vote when a trump is running
@Melanin Magdalene you theory so wrong. Only the dead votes when Trump is running.
@charles brugger
I never had faith in voting. I will forever vote for the person running against a trunp tho
@Melanin Magdalene I am so glad I have no one in my life that hates someone enough to give up freedom just in spite. Good luck to you.
There are provisions in the For the People act that fights against corruption and money in politics. Our politians should work for the people and not be buyable by those with money.
Hunter Biden used the N word… why isn’t MSNBC talking about that?
He repeatedly used the word and I’ll guarantee old man 10 percent uses it too.
This sad tired crap about voter suppression…if you are too stupid or lazy to get a photo ID you shouldn’t be allowed to vote
This is Brian stelter in black face right? Certainly sounds like him , no urinals for this dude either.
Yeah, who cares about the integrity of our elections. Let’s should be able to vote too by the way.

Jim crow laws were thought up and enacted by southern democrat run states.
I’ll let that sink in
This is my favorite propaganda channel.
Not a citizen – NO VOTE, no ID – NO VOTE, did not pay taxes – NO VOTE
Biden: “if you don’t use the N word, you ain’t my son”
Imagine the laptop….just gigabytes of democrats who knew about the covid lab leak and poems with the N word
@James DuBois relax, boris.
This is not assault on voting this is keeping voting honest across-the-board.
“I’m afraid we’ve integrated in to a burning house” – Martin Luther King before he died.
US exceptionalism is dead
They can “pressure” all they want this garbage “voting” bill is not passing.