The third night of the virtual Democratic National Convention will include speeches from Kamala Harris and Barack Obama.
RELATED: Check out more from the 2020 DNC here
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“Wouldn’t it be nice if politicians wear uniforms that show all their sponsors? Like the Nascar drivers.”
Like Bubba Wallace? BLM – hahaha !!!
James stop looking in the mirror and insulting yourself.
I’m just here to remind folks “Epstein didn’t kill him self”
Joe Biden did not kill himself.
Seth Rich did not kill himself.
Julian Assange did not kill himself.
course not hes living on a secret island with MJ and db cooper lmfao
@RC DR3 But then again….maybe he is and Trump is playing 4D chess.
No debates. Just make Trump, Pence, Biden, Kamala take the SAT test live on TV and then go to some 3 hour movie and return to reveals their scores.
Biden would do amazing ? Cmon MAN , he was dumb 30 years ago and now he has declined cognitively lol … naive af
That would be so much more interesting than a debate. I can watch Joe falling asleep, Pence praying for the answers, Harris actually doing decent but getting overlooked, and Trump complaining that it is somehow rigged and that he had the toughest questions.
No sound on Billie?
“I know a predator when I see one” THANK YOU KAMALA HARRIS

Yeah, her running mate is one.
@E Triggered much?
Body language says it all. Wind or not she could have have let him hold her arm while holding down her dress.
@E Biden literally said that “poor kids are just as smart as white kids”
Epitome of a corrupt police and judicial system.
stop drinking the kool-aid. Good grief humanity amazes me
Duplicating the “attendees” on screen?
eagle eye.
Just look at the presidents wealth before they take office and after. That should tell you who takes advantage of the system.
You deserve way more thumbs for that comment, your so right , it’s crazy people don’t see it , watch in a few year AOC is gonna be living on Martha Vineyard next to Obama but still crying b.s
I didn’t think it true, but on the Zoom board, there are repeats
I think is amazing how you cant see Jeff Dunham moving the dummies mouth! …really good CGI
Just a reminder…
Goodyear didn’t kill itself!!!
Bubba Wallace uses Goodyear. They have that going for them.
Yea it did.
This was the most “DETARDED” thing I’ve watched ever.
Yes, it was “Special”.
She’s cool she smoked weed. You got my vote
HAHA the duplicates on the screen XDDDDDDD 2:19:02
Who the hell are those ppl anyway?
Here it is from 14.00
We all really missed something here! What have the Dems done in the last 4 years? Absolutely nothing; nothing at all! So now what?