MSNBC’s Ari Melber cuts off Monday's coronavirus task force briefing when President Donald Trump derails a medical press conference to play a video defending his reportedly late response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Howell Raines, the former Executive Editor of the New York Times, called this "one of the most astonishing acts of disinformation from the White House since the Vietnam era." (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber,” a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. Aired on 04/13/2020.
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'Disinformation': See Trump Virus Briefing Get Cut Off On Live TV | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
This is the type of video where normally you’d see “Comments Disabled for this Video”.
@Joe Blow Yep.
@Joe Blow I missed the part where you acknowledged that Trump said these things. Surely you admitted it, because he said them on the record. Or is this one of those “alternative facts” things where in an alternate universe Trump didn’t say those things and anyone who quotes him or plays the footage is Fake News? If you don’t know that Trump said these things, you have to have been ignoring his speeches for two months. So which are you, a Trump supporter who doesn’t believe what Trump says on camera or a Trump supporter who lies?
They gave UP! LMAO!
@WrizzleDVM Do you have a remote? Just change the Chanel to Fox. Ah, right you clowns only watch fox 24/7 anyway. No wonder you have no idea what`s going on in the real world.
Trump supporters are some of the most unhappiest frustrated people ive seen in my lifetime. Obsessed with the MSM lol
“We’re not going to let you watch the video, but here are four talking heads telling you about the video.” Lol.
Ellie 55 what are the lies exactly?
@Call Girls Kitchen hate crimes like whites attacking non whites. Trump started his campaign saying Mexico is sending us their criminals, promoting a wall and a travel ban. Made people forget about terrorists like Tim McVeigh and most serial killers.
He got you too. Why did you single out liberals? Do you even know how that became a slur?
MitchBloodGreen Trump was simply showing where he did do all the things the MSM accuses him of not doing. How is that “propaganda?” It’s because of these liars (msm) that he’s forced to to this. Otherwise they’ll stand there and deny he ever said this or said that. It’s the fault of the democrats and MSM that he’s forced to do this!!! With people like them and you, he’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Give him a break man!
He didnt achieve anything so yea
@Swift blind justice Your point?
Literally showed CNN and MSNBC news articles.
Atleast now we know even MSNBC calls themselves propaganda.
Nicholas Bulley youre clueless

you really thought they were videos of Fox News
you obviously don’t recognize CNN and MSNBC news anchors

Colorado 450L too bad the dems believe that murdering their children is ok to do
Don Pepe omg it’s so funny, and he STILL thinks they’re from Fox News and is acting like everyone else is stupid. It’s gotta be a joke, right ??
@Tara Fazio Oh man. Got a co-worker seriously POd the other day when I told him the virus might actually be saving lives. He asked me to explain and so I pointed out that in many areas abortion clinics have closed temporary. Since the USA kills 3,000 voiceless babies every day because they’re inconvenient, it goes without saying some of those babies might actually live. I then told him I had never seen someone get so angry at the thought that unwanted babies might have a chance to live.
Colorado 450L it’s crazy, isn’t it? People still try to use the “clump of cells” argument. WRONG! As soon as that baby is conceived, it has a soul. It’s really no different than saying it’s ok to murder your 7 y/o child, and that is immoral and illegal. I saw someone on FB who is married and has a child, and is pregnant with twins right now (happy about it, of course) but she made a FB post saying that she should get an extra $500 stimulus check for each unborn baby, or else a fetus should have no rights till it can survive without its host. I was shocked that someone would exploit their unborn babies to get extra money and at the same time say that it should be ok if she chose to murder them. Unreal!!
They hate watching their own clips as much as we do I guess
@Cobone could you imagine any media treating Obama the way they treat trump… Trump’s doing a great job and if anyone can’t see that then they are never Trumpers plain and simple .. just admit anything trump does or says you have issues with it.. tds
Hilarious how all these people who hate MSM are pretending they watch MSM. You trolls are here just to dislike and bash. The world caught on to the slime tactics
Simba Simba no one’s pretending they watch it, we DON’T watch it bc it IS fake news. We ARE here to dislike lol bc MSM is TRASH.

This is post is showing how they the media are helping the democrats take total control and censoring the president. Who gave them that power. The FCC needs to censor them. And they’re entertainment only be.
@Fabi Grossi stop being snowflake sweety
On top of that, he proves himself right.
CNN and MSNBC keeps reporting on this but won’t show the video. Interesting.
Its all their opinions and their spin on it
The obsession with MSM from trumpers is hilarious. Omg you would think MSM is in power lol
I won’t be here anymore bc you decided to edit out what I wanted to watch.
So true.
Riiiiight. Stop trying to start a movement. You never watched msnbc to begin with lol. So obvious
Media: “we were saying that this virus was dangerous the whole time…”
Trump: “Here’s a video of the media saying the virus was no big deal when I shut down travel from China”
Media: “oh so now you’re using this briefing to spread propaganda?”
Trump: “propaganda? It’s just clips of you”
Deez CM,
I think pyo was being sarcastic.
@Owen Keller ahhhhh….sarcasm. You may be right. It’s hard to tell though these days.
Deez CM oh. So your saying the many videos of Trump physically saying this would be over soon are fake? You also agree with relaxing social distancing when testing is still pitiable?
WiseGuys 2.0 Adam Schiff is investigating Trumps handling of the pandemic as we speak
@Renee DaSinger that’ll be an interesting hearing “
Trump: “These are your own words.”
MSM: “That’s propaganda!”
Thanks for admitting that your networks are propaganda.
@William Keys butthurt much…You need to look up propaganda. Propaganda is lies. Cherry picking what was actually said is not a lie.
@William Keys … no different what the media does to him. He just played them at their own game.
@MrLatinLingo hE pLaYed ThEm aT tHeIR oWn gaME
@fafa suluape “The media cherry picks what Trump says, it’s fake news” You can’t have it both ways.
@fafa suluape Your ignorance is only outstripped by your arrogance. The best propaganda is based in truth.
The definition of Propaganda is below for your reference.
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
Playing the media’s statements back, verbatim, is suggested by the media as a propaganda video.
Cant make it up
They are literally denying you the viewer from being ALLOWED TO SEE what they disagree with. And what was shown? A video of the MEDIA’S OWN WORDS being used against them. Just THINK about that. Then, THINK about how important NOT allowing the message to reach the viewers was to them, that they needed to cut it off. Wow. Just wow. The “news” denying you the ability to see your own president and Whitehouse give their daily coronavirus briefing, is far worse than anything Trump has ever done. Shutting down information they dont want you to see is what 3rd world dictatorships do to their people
@WrizzleDVM Looks like everyone is keeping well in America. Remember to be kind to one another.
@B V M Check again.
@AJ Reyes If your beacon of truth is Donald Trump, you are a hopeless fool.
Does MSNBC need a tissue?
Did that video hurt your feelings?
no it hurts our brain to listen to trump
@Mat S I doubted you did not watch the video :))
so when you playback msm talking points its a propaganda???

Bento Pereira I think that montage by Trump was very clear, just read most of the comments on here
Yepper! All Chinese! Propaganda…. That is why they ask stupid questions. Yepper! The stupid news reporters.
@Bento Pereira and during that time the left was calling him “xenophobic” and racist, and encouraging citizens to go shopping in Chinatown. What a wonderful little bubble you must live in to acknowledge only that which is convenient for you to concede to…
So, if Trump plays back “FAKE NEWS” does it become “REAL NEWS?”
@Bento Pereira didn’t he propose a travel ban really early and then get called racist by people telling others to go to chinatown?
And what is the media doing? Focusing on tripping him up and talking bout the election stfu
They are calling their own clip propaganda LOLOLOL, at least they admit
Open your eyes and stop being such a moron. Do you relish being stupid?
Seelar Barhoum there is a whole list of what trump did the whole month of February.
don’t tell me you’re actually falling for the media!
If Trump doesn’t have the authority to open the country because that’s the states governors job, how can Trump have the authority to close the country? So wouldn’t the question be what were the governors doing in Feb? I’ll tell you what Cuomo was doing in late feb. Telling NY that it wasn’t that big of a risk and that they should go out and support local business and go to the movies and restaurants. Nancy on Feb 24 was in China Town telling everyone to go there and hug them to show solidarity. It’s all on tape.
@Primal Werewolf say what?
“We’re not gonna show you the video, instead we’ll tell you our opinion on it!”

Please…please….please dont watch the video!
It’s beyond disgusting. The video title is misleading and opinions should not be labelled as ”news”.
”Treason” is such an unpleasant word…
Trump should have played these videos:
ikr and we all WATCHED IT ANYWAYS!!!
Media hates to be called out on their own words! How dare he!! LOL Media is a joke and got put in their place!
trump edited that video you clueless fool
Trump called it a hoax in Feb.
You do realize the reason the media quit using that bs talking point was because the video proved them wrong. Strange how they have Trump saying doing all these things but they never actually show what they are referring too. Does it not seem strange they don’t show the videos that would back up what they are saying? The only reason someone would decide to describe a video instead of just playing it is because it’s not what they are describing it.
@Primal Werewolf Of course he did or they would be watching it for 3 weeks with all the crap the media said duhhhhh they still said it and got called out fool
LMAO he fed literally played the media. Used your own words against you.
Maurice Boykin
Out of his mind he is but like the crowd in Germany all those decades ago how stupidly loyal are his supporters!!
Learn to spell, you Russian asset.
@Sarah Hie THANK YOU!!
@Tara Fazio Biden is as senile as Trump. Unfortunately your picks for president, except Obama, tend to be old idiots. Good bless America because you actually need it.
Bento Pereira Obama is charismatic, I’ll give him that. But charisma doesn’t necessarily make a great president. Obama didn’t want to be president, he wanted to be a celebrity. But I will agree with you on one thing.. God bless America!
What??? He played a series of clips of the media out of context??? That’s the media’s propaganda trick! How dare he copy them!!!
“Disinformation” – but it is their own reporters, in their own voices, saying untruths.
Cool. They’re just tv. Trump does the same and he’s the POTUS. Get some standards higher than waffle house
@Simba Simba Did you get your feelings hurt? Please provide an example of when President Trump spoke and then called that “Disinformation”. The US media is so biased against the President, it is not even funny. Oh, thanks for reminding me, he is our President, the US media should also show a little more respect. Waffle House is a good representation of ‘We the People’ and last time I checked, everyone in the Waffle House was a loyal Republican. Go somewhere else for an opinion.
get a brain someday will ya !!
@peggy lamb Can you be a little more specific with your comment?
Foreign trolls all over youtube
“Put on your analytical hat, and hack your way through what’s really happening”
*proceeds to not play the video we’re supposed to be analyzing*