Disinformation On The GA Senate Races Has Run Rampant On Social Media | MSNBC

Color of Change President Rashad Robinson and NBC’s Janell Ross join Ali Velshi to discuss the upcoming senate runoffs in Georgia and the targeted disinformation campaigns that have been spread on social media. Robinson says, “Part of why this is so all over the place is because of the decisions social media platforms to prioritize growth and profit over safety, integrity, & security.” Ross adds that despite this, the turnout for early voting has been significant, “it’s almost at the point where it was at this point in the general election.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Disinformation On The GA Senate Races Has Run Rampant On Social Media | MSNBC


  1. Conspiracies are out of control! We had a secure and fair election. Trump LOST. QANON IS CRAZY & so is anyone that believes these lies, trump and republicans that spread them!

    1. @Terry Hawk very sadly. Some people should be put up against a wall, and eliminated, but the rest of us are too squeamish to do it, even when it is explicitly deserved.
      Republicans are traitors.
      Treason carries the death penalty.

    2. @Callsign Starbuck EXACTLY…..I COULD do it tho and sleep GOOD at night KNOWING the ROT I helped get RID of !! 😂👍👍

    3. qanon has been classified as a terror organization, why are we allowing politicians who believe in it to run for office, its akin to allowing someone who supports isis to run

    4. It really must be lonely in real life for these people cause you know this mentality has ruined many relationships, I hope they heal and are able to free their minds and be able to make fact based, critical decisions. They 100% feel that the real world is Trump’s reality. This is how Jim Jones was able to talk people into killing their own children. It’s no use arguing with them, not sure how to reach them, I just hope they are able to break free. For the sake of the US.

  2. Getting emails about Georgia elections too saying that Democrats are losing and send them money 😕 I ignore them but I hope and pray Georgia votes for Democracy over Republicans and bring our country out of dark ages

    1. Look what happened to Trump. In person voting was winning for him. Then the Absentee ballots that had been begun to be processed 15 days before the election were stored and counted last (by Georgia Law). That is when the Democrats pulled ahead.

    2. @Priscilla Robb And it wasnt rigged. By Georgia law Absentee Ballots cant be counted until the in person counts are over. Thats why they are in batches to count.

  3. Trump has two parts of a brain: ‘left’ and ‘right’.

    In the left side there’s nothing right.
    And in the right side there’s nothing left.

    1. @VP A-Team I bet you did. And your grandchildren (if applicable) hope you spent it good as well cause they will be paying for it.

    2. @VP A-Team sorry my fault. I thought you were speaking about the spending the money given in the bail out that our children will be paying for.

    1. 😂😂 republicans never left the Republican Party when they lost the war , republicans are traitors, At Pro-Trump Georgia Rally, Lawyer Lin Wood Says Don’t Vote for GOP Senators in ‘Rigged’ Runoffs: ‘They’ve Not Earned It’ George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the lawyer heads of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided already

    1. @Tim Smith Your racism is showing. You hated a black president and you let your racism run wild. You are a vile person.

  4. who is behind Qanon ? they need to be destroyed ! – how can they carry on with htis and how can people beleive them ?

    1. At this point, Qanon is a basically self- sustaining fire mostly made up of really stupid people vomiting recycled nonsense. The good news is that they are VERY easy to infiltrate because they will believe literally anything, as long as it sounds totally insane. There are already a lot of individuals who are using Qanon’s own stupidity against them by fighting conspiracies with conspiracies.

  5. It seems like everyone in USA have crap internet at home, combined with bad microphone and webcam. So strange that people in interview cant get a good setup. ?

    1. They definitely cover hundreds of right wing talking points, leftist ones, almost none…. So if you’re upset the right wing corporate owned media isn’t authoritarian enough for you… I’d say you’re the very people Senator McCarthy was afraid of…

    2. @mark Evans Google “How much does Fox News Lie vs. MSNBC”. Fox News has created an alternate reality bubble for its Republican viewers for years.

  6. At this point it’s pretty obvious that things such as facts, truths, fair elections, verified recounts and lawsuits aren’t working for republicans…..may as well go with complete bull$hit.

  7. Every time the people of MAGAstan tell lies that destabilize America, Putin smiles a little.

    1. @mitchellkarera ;
      It was Richard Nixon and his Republican supporters who saved the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY from the revolution that would have wiped them out, by recognizing them and giving them the economic support they needed to survive in exchange for their pressuring the North Vietnamese into accepting a peace deal, that both knew would not be worth the paper it was written on.
      The China we are dealing with today is a Republican and corporate creation.

    2. @Bad Carbon Why then nearly 50 years later is the U.S. Democratic Party a wholly owned subsidiary of the Red Chinese? Shouldn’t China be paying off President Trump and his family instead of the Biden crime family?

    3. @mitchellkarera ;
      Newsflash sherlock,
      You just choose to ignore the evidence.
      Your boy is a Russian and Chinese stooge who Barr and Pompeo can no longer defend, so now , according to him the people he put in power are fake news and dark agents along with every other person he appointed but couldn’t tow his line of crap.
      Smart phones and dumb people are his only assets.

    1. Hmmm,the Democrats have been lying the past four years,and now what they have been claiming to be misinformation(Biden emails)has turned out to be fact

    1. Fact check companies are run by leftist activists. Pull your heads outta your bums, sooner the better.

    2. @Dr Frauducini Fauci You can check the backgrounds of them. Not true they are run by leftist activists. But you won’t believe that either. Where do YOU go for your facts, please tell me?

    1. At Pro-Trump Georgia Rally, Lawyer Lin Wood Says Don’t Vote for GOP Senators in ‘Rigged’ Runoffs: ‘They’ve Not Earned It’ George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the lawyer heads of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided already

    1. Please ..,, At Pro-Trump Georgia Rally, Lawyer Lin Wood Says Don’t Vote for GOP Senators in ‘Rigged’ Runoffs: ‘They’ve Not Earned It’ George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the lawyer heads of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided already

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