The family of Emmett Till is calling for justice. Nearly 70 years ago, the Black 14-year-old's murder helped spur the civil rights movement in America. His family recently discovered an unserved arrest warrant for his accuser, who is still alive today. They hope it can lead to her arrest. CNN's Sara Sidner has more. #CNN #News
Discovery of unserved warrant renews family’s call for justice for Emmett Till

What happened to that young boy is horrible and to think in some states they don’t want this history to be taught is horrible in itself.
@MyNeriah Erin said states were passing laws against teaching certain aspects of history and I said they were passing laws against CRT
@Erin levere no matter what is done to try and correct past evils some folks will never be satisfied. In the end those people will become irrelevant.
@Derek Juarez that ain’t no lie
NOT arresting that woman was the most RACIST thing I’ve ever heard… Today…
Told you
they did a lot worse things to black people , trust me , it was sport and entertainment for them
This stuff makes my blood boil. These people and their system decide only for them.
You don’t like it then move.
I choose not to live in poverty and government projects.
@Noneshere <——“oppressed” “white” male
Yeah, the system is so ray cyst that we had an A-A president and an A-A VP, and we have more African billionaires than everyplace else on earth combined.
That poor child was tortured …. The pictures of what they did to him were some of the worst I have ever seen. I know it Broke his Moms heart… May there be some justice
@Joboygbp Edwards Im still dealing with the time aspect ……there is no statue of Limitation on murder. People are not free to lie and stir up people to the point of violence….this boy was 14 and someone got away with causing his death and here they still never suffered a day in jail…..I dont care what color You are hurting a child in any way is one of the worst things you can do…
Channon and Christopher looked like a beautiful couple…he was like 23 ….just starting on his adult path.
But my understanding is they were car Jacked…. These boys planned a carjacking… Someone was gonna end up dead
Emmet was a child that a grown up told a lie that got him killed…. These people hadn’t been planning to kill anyone…they were lied to and this child paid the price…
OG Karen Carolyn Bryant needs to be held accountable for her hate crimes SERVE THE WARRANT
ZERO chance! LOL!
We need justice
We need to VOTE

It’s never too late to get justice. This young boy was tortured.
@Kabuki Kitsune Trial doesn’t begin until the arrest warrant is served.
@Peter Dragon justice
Well, the woman is 88yrs old now. It’s not like she would spend a day in jail, even if she is convicted.
I still can’t get over This.The Woman that Caused this Child to be Killed Needs to be Prosecuted to the Max!!!!!
@Kabuki Kitsune it’s not the right of habeas corpus it’s the writ of habeas corpus meaning privilege.
You still can’t get over this.
Emmit Til was killed 70 years ago. The woman is nearly 90, and she didn’t kill or assault anyone. She didn’t ask for someone to be killed. And personally I think we should focus on the thousands of blacks kids murdered every year In Democrat owned cities.
It was a tragic what happened to that child, however his death and story is what led to the start of the civil rights movement really taking off. Now, maybe we should honor that a sacrifice and try and stop the cycle of self destruction in the black community.
(Just a Reminder, we have what’s called the 6th Amendment, right to a SPEEDY TRIAL.
(The Sixth Amendment)
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
-70 years is not speedy- and on that alone this would get tossed out, especially since the warrant was issued 70 years ago, not like they just found out about her, they knew issued warrant and shelved it. that makes a difference.
@Derek Juarez Hear ye Hear Ye! Class is in session. Shall we begin? Ok…Did you see what they did to his body? Did you see the heartbreak and anguish on his mother’s face? The bravery and strength she had to allow an open casket to show everyone what they did to him? That was the absolute lowest form of humanity that did that. There is no remorse for that lady. She told the story completely different as it stands today. The Civil Rights movement was coming. There’s only so long you can keep your foot on someone’s neck before they push back. Rather it’s physically or in most cases financially. It was going to happen without what atrocious they did to that child. So no….absolutely no way you just “get over” something so evil. If they can go back and prosecute and convict the killers who bombed the church in Birmingham killing Four girls in 1963 —Addie Mae Collins (age 14, born April 18, 1949), Carol Denise McNair (age 11, born November 17, 1951), Carole Rosamond Robertson (age 14, born April 24, 1949), and Cynthia Dionne Wesley (age 14, born April 30, 1949)—were killed in the attack. (Their names needed to be said). I’m a correctional officer here in Alabama and I’ve seen one of those old devils at kilby correctional facility. Yes…all of them were convicted after the case was reopened. By former senator Dough Jones no less. Those old bastards were broken down and old. But still in prison….where they belonged until their deaths. The “speedy trial” didn’t work in their favor. She deserves the same faith. And nothing less. She was the catalyst for what happened. Why else would she constantly remain in hiding and change her name? This isn’t political. Stop trying to use smoke and mirror’s. This was a crime simple as that. Her warrant wasn’t issued 70 yrs ago technically so your speedy trial theory goes out the window. So fact check and do your research before you start to raving to some” urban idiots” you apparently believe us all to. Keep the political banter for the same topic on fox news with like minded people. Because here you’ll get educated. Class is dismissed and consider yourself enlighten.
So tragic Emmett Tell was cruelly murdered for a lie. Justice is due. I have read the book about about Emmett Till. Well worth reading.
Please can you tall name of book
where I can find I m rally interested to reading
Unfortunately, since that warrant was never served, and close to 60 years have passed, if they actually do serve it… it would be a direct violation of her Constitutional Right to a speedy trial; as outlined in the Sixth Amendment.
Yes. when I found out THIS woman was STILL alive and was able to live her life to a old age…. yasszzz THIS was this child Spirit wanting justice… it’s Time and I Hope this Woman that LIED get dealt with and NO I don’t care that she’s Old.
Never could find the warrant??!!!! JUSTICE FOR EMMETT!!
Really makes you hope that there is a Hell for “people” who were responsible or did nothing in the murdered of Emmett Till to spend eternity in.
I’m glad that I never had an abortion. What if there is a hell?
@Boycott Groomers then the people who deserve to be there. Funny thing is, most people who deserve to be there, don’t believe they deserve to be there
Thank you CNN for keeping this history very relevant.
Carolyn Bryant really needs to be held accountable even though she has said she lied on the kid. I don’t care how old she is she need to be held accountable.
@Capitol Mob Records
@kafkass love is love bro
She is 88yrs old. She won’t get jail time, even if there is a conviction.
The women who got this boy killed was able to live her life without a care in the world of what she did to this child.
@John D then stop looking at the mirror, bot
@Super Eagle nut Oh no the trash called me a bot! Guess I’ll go on enjoying life!
Believe all women, right? Respect one’s elders or nah?
It’s obvious that the authorities was not even looking for the warrant. It took them 2 hours. The authorities CLAIM they been looking for years

Thank God they didn’t destroy it because someone knew it exsisted
No justice, no rest, no peace. Emmett Till’s family deserves peace, and only Justice can bring that no matter how long that Takes .
@damart8 Next life he will learn not to mess with that woman!
@John D so your same logic applies to someone you truly love if the roles were reversed right?? Someone you truly love being tortured beaten to death, right??
@T. R. Campbell lol!!
No Justice No Peace!!!!! My heart breaks for them, I sincerely hope the warrant is served and this family can get justice for Emmit Till. The photos of his dead body is a grim reminder of the hate that exists in this country.
@Mohamed Trevino bot account
@Mohamed Trevino bot account
she literally had a smurk on her face the whole time in the courtroom back when this beyond evil happened to Emmitt. He needs to get the justice due him for decades and she needs to suffer in hellish conditions for the remainder of her life
Yeah, I just see evil behind those eyes.
It seems the fact that the warrant was found within 2 hours is an indication that those who were looking for this other than the family was not really trying to find it (if you want something done do it yourself), let’s not forget that in these cases even law enforcement officials would keep pieces of evidence as souvenirs, case in point the gun that was used to murder Medger Evers being found stored in a judge’s study in a trunk. Carolyn Bryant should be bought to justice, it was her lie that spearheaded he racist relatives to commit the murder