Discovery of a new organ may revolutionize cancer treatment

A team of researchers in the Netherlands has discovered what may be a set of previously unidentified organs.

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  1. Soooooo the doctors are clueless; excellent 🀣🀣🀣🀣 no wonder medicine is called a practise πŸ˜‚

    1. @Military Productions Not in the slightest. Remember when “doctors” were forcing soldiers to take a nonsense anti malaria drug that caused hallucinations? I have boots that need licking if you’re curious and brave πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‡

  2. This is nothing. A real medical breakthrough would be a Covid Vaccine.

    Jk I’m not taking no China/Bill Gates vaccine.

  3. Who put it there? Can it cook? Is it a spare brain (I need all the help I can get!) or did my appendix grow back in the wrong place? Sigourney Weaver, where are you when I need you! Found in every human? Now? Really? They really are bored. ”Oh look Dr. Bob I found my missing spit after all these decades!” All those wasted anatomy classes! ”I’ll take Missing Organs for a hundred Bob!”

  4. ts the part of the sinus that drips down the mucus and the reason we have Phem when we have a cold they are just imaging it in a new way and renaming it thats all

  5. to give you an ideal. when you gleek, or spritz at random when you talk or intentionally, it is those glands that allow you to gleek or squirt like a cobra

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