‘Disappointing’: GOP governor reacts to Trump’s campaign speech

GOP Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire shares whether he thinks former President Donald Trump will become the 2024 Republican nominee and responds to a recent poll placing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the lead. #CNN #news


    1. @Nera Kar I said John was a 1600 SAT. The former moron-chief paid for his SAT’s because he quit reading at 13 and has a 68 IQ, TX Supreme court rued a 68 IQ was not a disability for Texans in TX, as it is normal, for Texans, according to SCOTX.

    2. @Jeezum Crow He reduced entitlement outlays by denying Medicaid expansion under ACA letting recipients die of treatable ills that survived in Blue states. 125,000 Medicaid recipients died 2013-2015 from treatable ills in red states. Eugenics is good for the churches, too as the funerals always increase attendance.
      Tucker and rupert’s anti-vax meme after “It’s a Hoax!” was to get their ignorant fans, most of whom were over 65, to reject hte vaccine and die, because they were both facing a FICA payroll tax hike when CDC told them “80% of covid deaths are 54 and older” aka on FICA. Killing them boosted the mortuary services index 27.45% in aug ’21.After 666,000 FICA recipients quit collecting, the FICA hike was cancelled.

    3. Those lockdowns saved lives. That’s one reason why the death rates in blue counties us lower than that in red counties.

  1. What could Trump possibly expect to say to the American public to get them to vote for him? It would not suffice even for him to say things like, “I”m sorry, I won’t be such a whiny & obnoxious lawbreaker next time, I promise not to suck up to foreign dictators next time” and things like that. He’s lost the popular vote twice, and the second time was by a much wider margin.

    1. @Bobby Haines so Bobby, I definitely agree but I’ll repeat what an die hard trumpet said to me. “Trickle down economics. Tax breaks for the rich trickle down to us” no as* joking here. Like wtf, you don’t think you deserve better in an America that takes takes takes from the people never giving back. While I’m making ends meet I still think Americans deserves better. All Americans! No just the billionaires and millionaires or corporations at all. Corporations are not people!

    2. What laws did he break? What has he been indicated for? You sound like a whiney crybaby. A sheeple people maybe?🤔

    3. but but but, everything was great when he was president and everything now is a “disaster”…. or at least that’s what his cult members believe.

    1. @gia Ma if you think that’s Trump you need help. Ask any senior member of the team he chose. Barr? Pence? Anyone? You are clearly a cult member beyond help

    1. @Kevin Carpenter you are the most bigoted racist person I have ever seen. My wife and I are white, our son is African American. We raised him to be a non racist non bigoted person no matter the color of his skin. We insisted he did well in high school and went to one of the best universities in America. He is now a political advisor to a white governor. You liberal democrats cry about LGBT, African Americans not having rights, and every liberal lie racist people use to further the political divide and cause divisive racial separation. In my 58 years on this earth, and a seven year college education in political science, I have never seen a president create more racial divide than Obama. How many African Americans are sitting members of Congress??? Spare us all your liberal hatred diatribe.

    2. They’re fighting against the wealthy paying their fair share of taxes, and for the US to turn toward Fascism.

  2. “I’ll strongly consider pardons for those arrested on Jan 6th.” – Trump 2021
    “They are $99, frankly should be more. They make terrific Christmas gifts.” – Trump 2022
    “I just learned about Silk. Look what’s happened over the last two years.” – Trump 2023

    1. “Must have”. “Should have”. “Would have”. “Could have”.
      The abbreviation is “must’ve” and “should’ve”…
      It’s an “iv” sound, not an “of” sound, so you have never properly listened to what people actually say, or learned to write the phrase correctly.
      “Must of” makes absolutely no sense in English.

  3. The republican party won’t ultimately be the downfall of this nation, it will be the American people who consistently vote for them.

    1. @Milton Passon well I figure while Liam was holding the door while the Brains were passed out, you were on the Crapper Shitting Out what few Brain Cells you had left!

  4. “Disappointing” is the probably the most generous thing you could possibly say about Donald Trump, lol.

  5. look at him frantically struggling to appear like a normal, reasonable person when you can practically *see* the creature inside, squirming to get out

    1. Yeah, and he says “great candidates”: Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo. Holy crap, that’s frightening.

    2. The way he’s fighting a grin talking about Tyre Nichols tells me everything I need to know. White people stop treating black grief like an HBO release challenge…

  6. In one of Trump’s first calls as a president with a foreign leader he referred to New Hampshire as “a drug-infested den”… no matter how much love he feigns for the granite state, a man’s word when he thinks nobody is listening are the truth he believes. #neverforget

    1. @liberal halfbreeds you are right, you do sound like a halfbreed. The other half is an animal that makes that blah blah noise all the time. It’s a mating call.

  7. Take a long, hard look at who you’re recruiting to be officers. Servants of the people MUST be held to a higher standard!

  8. People are always so outraged by Trump but there are no guardrails, no consequences, to inform and limit his behavior. He is like a child that has never been told “no”, never learned ethics or morality, and never had to. Even now, its perfectly ok because he says so and no one is stopping him.

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