Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI) speaks with CNN's Dana Bash and Abby Phillip about Trump's second impeachment trial, saying she feels hopeful despite Democrats' inability to convince enough Republicans to vote to convict Trump.
#TrumpImpeachnent #StaceyPlaskett #DanaBash #AbbyPhillip
10% of the problem with the USA is Mitch McConnell.
10 0/0 oh it’s well over that
Check Out Glenn Kirschner – Dump the Trump !
@Bobby Biondolillo Wrong answer, go to jail go directly to jail do not pass go do not collect $200, and Trump will be with you soon.
GOP are completely self serving and corrupt. Disgusting. Obama was held to a much higher standard….and is 1000 x the man Trump is. It’s sickening to see him get away with everything.
@Leonardus Christianto I am all for it. I mean why not? It has caused more problems for the US too have too many people in Politics who are way too old. Look at Pelosi. There should be 2 terms for everyone at most
@Senior Billy Bull seriously… really… you really going to push that stupid flawed defense? It’s as stupid as claiming that insurrection is done by an undercover antifa.
@Senior Billy Bull oh please… like I trusted a politican to source my information
haha how fake
You joined 6 years ago and this is the only comment youve ever made.
Not So Fast. See Glenn Kirschner – Be Patient (He Will Make You Feel Better)
The PEOPLE didnt vote, Republicans did..
@Kathleen Wyatt they were voted that came in late and shouldn’t of been counted stop saying black and brown.
@Kathleen Wyatt it was not a free or fair election. Trump has more black and brown supporters than everyone thinks.
@Jim Ziemer yeah over and over and over again. Go figure.
This fortified election was stolen
@J ham Yep, I saw so many at the insurrection. Dude, get real! President Biden won our free and fair election. All 50 states counted certified their votes, some multiple times, and Pence oversaw the counting on January 6. And, yes, those Republicans wanted to throw out the ballots from specific counties in the swing states…which were predominantly black and brown communities. You can’t deny facts just because they don’t fit your narrative.
Check Out – Glenn Kirschner – Dump the Trump !
Americans just be careful. America is a dangerous place to live.
@Mark Smith no that was the boogaloo bois
@serenity4ever2010 I’m Canadian and it’s about covid, not so much politics, but yours affects us directly, scary stuff for humanity in general.
@sara moore grimke yes and many people are fearful
@Dr Zaius it was all of them..all of them.
@Suzy Girl, an understatement!
McConnell’s words can be disregarded by his vote. Shame on him, shame on the GOP.
Cynthia Jenkins he has not been impeached
@Chev4 Omega coming from the party of racists and baby killers your a joke
@Kathy Abernathy The jokes on you. Your gullibility lead you to believe the lies fed to you by a known liar and cheat. Time to put down the orange Kool-Aid and face facts.
@Friend gullible
Goodluck to you living in your little box put there by elitist .
the scary part about Mitch is he may also have the life span of a turtle
Good one
Conservative’s been saying same thing for quite some time, McConnell is loyal to McConnell , & China
@Dave Halcomb No, they call him “Russia Mitch”
Hilarious since he is one
Why would you think that Moscow Mitch would do anything else of course not
We The Few … Are fighting Demoncracks in the EVIL Satanist DUMPS in DC underground. cnn do not believe this FAKE news . PROTECT your Children/your People . Be Calm. Pray for the Good of the Earth. We Believe in G’D and his WORD we all Follow, MARINES Will protect you all. Believe and keep fighting for FREEDOM. JUSTICE is being served, believe. FREE WILL is your strength Prepare yourself you will be next Demoncracks … Wake up . OORAH!!
@Msgt D Oorah try English and try to make sense…..
@Msgt D Oorah Good God…
Will NEW JERSEY still be pressing charges again him for Tax and other charges???
Fulton County is full speed ahead with charges.the grand jury will start up in March…april…the real fun begins
I hope they will along with many others.
McConnell refuses to hold the trial when trump is in office then says he can’t convict a former president. The hypocrisy from republicans is disgusting
If the house democrats did their job in the house by following due process then they’ll be no need for Mitch to postpone the impeachment
@edward morales triggered, Trumpist?
Maybe it is disgusting but isnt it typical of a large portion of politicians?
See Glenn Kirschner – Pass it On !
If you’re any reasonable sane individual you’ll be scratching your head and thinking nothing in life makes any sense any longer
Right! Men winning in women’s sports… “Chest feeding” “Human milk”… yup! Nothing the left does makes sense
@NoWaldorfs QAloon Qunt alert!
@NoWaldorfs I have to agree with you just stated.
Check Out Glenn Kirschner – Pass It On !
This case should let all American people and minorities know who runs this country..
Those who acquitted trump, disrespected the police who defended and protected the capital
@Robert Anthony lol the Dems have no business even uttering the words “disrespect the police” the Dems turned the other cheek when it came to the police all summer
That’s right!
“This_ isn’t nothing new”!; Since 2000_ year’s!!!

Find Out Who, You ! See Glenn Kirschner – Dump the Trump !
Mitch’s words are as useless as used toilet paper.
@Objective Detective Its not March yet,,,the last one hasn’t expired,,,it does when unemployment benefits expire!
Hey, put some respect on toilet paper! lol lol
…even used. lol
@Richard Gourdine she said ‘used’ toilet paper folks… attention before spouting!
Don’t disrespect tolet paper
McConnell is just a liar, don’t believe anything he’s saying.
So is Pukelosi.
@Wisdom101 but Dump kills the men in blue……
Maybe its the blood thinners talking.
@Wisdom101 ….and who were the ones beating Cops at the Capital and killed one and injure 100’s more????? Trump’s people!!!!! Fool….you make no sense you have lost your way….Wisdom you are NOT!!!! You need to go within cuz you my friend are LOST!!!!
@lifeisamazingoutthere You thugs were attacking NYPD last night again.
Indeed it’s mind boggling what the republican senators did, Stacey Plaskett.
Stacey plaskett needs to shut up and go away
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You a Clown
Catch – Glenn Kirschner – Now
I’m not sure why any of this is surprising to anyone.
Disgusting, but predictable
I havent been surprised by ANYTHING since even before the election. I know the gop are quite literaly the nazis(proud boys, kkk whatever) and work together with putin to try and make another dictatorship. I dont know the exact details but my guess is that after they would have succeeded together they would continue to take over the rest of the world. Trump was just in his position because hes the biggest gaslighter of all and has no concience whatsoever. Like putin but less refined.
I would have been surprised if he didn’t get acquitted!!
No one is surprised.
Isn’t McConnell guilty of dereliction of duty? He literally admitted it….

Ftis that
oh yes
Ya but we don’t care, as long as Trump was acquitted……LMAO
GOP is a joke.
America just showed the world a “democracy” rife with hypocrisy and corruption and a total lack of accountability or justice
Just set off a dangerous precedent for many years to come. This foolishness will be the blueprint.
The Constitution is riddled with flaws. Keeping it that way for so many years has nothing to do with conservatism and everything to do with the fascist malignancy now devouring the Republican Party – and apathy from Democrats – who should have been ready to implement a long list of changes as soon as they got into power. Instead, they’re moving with all the dynamism of a forgetful octagenarian.
Mark, I disagree, REPUBLICANS showed their hypocrisy and corruption and lack of accountability. Lets hope the republican party splits apart, which ensures democrats will win in 2022 and 2024 and beyond.
@Red Alert you’ll never get constitutional amendments until you get democratic control of most of the current red states
And on another note she was dressed impeccably throughout that whole trial
@Molybdomancer Oh yea…. Their pants were soooo nice. TF? You sound ridiculous. Who cares about how men dress? The point is that This Queen did her fits to perfection this week
. Stop being so tender, women are beautiful and should be noticed even from a distance!!! Like duh
Yes, she looked fantastic and presented perfectly. Every time she spoke, she commanded respect with intellectual eloquence. Huge kudos to her.
Impeccably. She was about looking about her business.
@Molybdomancer I’m a woman and I was impressed with her standout wardrobe. The others you mentioned did an excellent job. But she was 100
on fashion point. There’s nothing wrong with mentioning that.
@Ann I agree. She has a great voice. If she ever needs another career, she might want to consider doing voice acting.
mitch is now chief trump’s accomplice after the fact.
Democrats: Do not appease Republicans during Biden’s administration. Pass as much legislation as possible without Republican input. It’s time to treat them the way they treat you.
You are hundreds percent right brother