Ahead of the premiere of two new CNN Films Shorts, CNN National Correspondent Omar Jimenez hosts Arianna LaPenne, director of “The Bunker Boom: Better Safe Than Sorry” and Charles Todd, director of “Lessons From the Water: Diving with a Purpose.” The directors discussed the making of their films and the communities that they met during filming.
#CNN #CNNFilms #News
Directors discuss their newest CNN Films Shorts

Now tell the story of the rich elites who have their own bunkers in New Zealand.
Dear Sir/ Madam. Good day. I would like to request you to help Myanmar Covid patients in Yangon and in Mandalay Oxygen shortage and Medicine shortage if you can.Because there are those problems in Myanmar now.
….and its gone…
From a world where they didn’t want to see my prevail
Didn’t want to see me take it all
They’d rather see me fail
Its like …
I was down and out
Wondered how I’m gonna make it through
BLANK homepage reads: “Joined 28 Jul 2021″……Russian troll with excrement poetry.
@John Wilharm
Could be from china
Hii from Cambo !
Finally! Time for my daily fascist news report!
@B. T. al rogers is coo-coo
& I Like your posts all the time. You are smart.
@al rogers Going to an unvaccinated camp would be much safer than a vaccinated camp obviously
@B. T. wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
@al rogers wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
@al rogers wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy
Geez! Wasn’t seeing CNN Tobin and Belcher in shorts bad enough?? ?
For REAL News, GOOD journalism and substance, subscribe to the Epoch Times.
I’m subscribed they are so much better than fake news CNN.
@Wark Mahlberg wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
Project Veritas CNN shorts are way better…
My least favorite CNN short would have to be Lil’ B Stelter.
@M Hall Dong Lemoan is a big fan of shorts…on young white men…the most dangerous threat to America in his opinion. Don’t kink shame, he’s so very brave.
Is there something on Joe’s chin again?
@Dixon Uranus Lemon put a dab of truffle butter on Joe’s chin
@M Hall Don Lemon takes white pipe.
@Wark Mahlberg wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
Lemon immediately stuffed his hand into the CNN shorts, and forced a man to smell his fingers.

@M Hall wesley clark 2007 said iraq to syria going to be destroyed, he said 7 countries 5 years, that is 2 terms each between bush/obama! pelosi with 300 corrupt house members wasted trillions of taxes just so they can migrant crisis US/EU, they still want to stay in syria to do evil deeds
all that wasted taxes could have been better used to give all medicare=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
Estimated 164 million have been fully vaccinated.
Per world in bata.
Estimated 74 million have had covid.
Per web MD all most their.
Libs, like me, can’t think for ourselves. So I believe anything the media spoon feeds me. I’m not dupid
My coworker said his microwave told him to kill his neighbor.
God bless America
” Arent people awful ”
~ Caligula ~
Hey CNN, tell us about Chris Cuomo’s wife appearing in Jeffrey Epstein’s “black book”. Trump kicked Jeffrey Epstein out of his house for annoying a girl, in case you libtards bring it the fact that Trump was associated with him too.