Winnie the Pooh is taking on a new, sinister path for a horror movie adaptation. CNN's Alisyn Camerota speaks with the film's director Ryse Frake-Waterfield and executive producer Scott Jeffrey.
#CNN #News
Director describes turning Winnie the Pooh into horror version

Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey
Well that makes sense, he’s a bear!
and he’s the chairman of the chinese communist party.
Russia suspends its participation in the Treaty on strategic offensive nuclear weapons – Putin
Shouldn’t that be “Blood and Hunny?”
Watch a bit of it last night……will watch the rest this week
If there is no quality, then there will be no impact. In a few years, nobody will give a damn.
Pride and prejudice and zombies didn’t hurt the literary genre. It simply wasn’t good enough. This isn’t going to hurt Pooh.
95 years is more than long enough for the creator to make his fortune on the invention. I’m glad corporations didn’t win the chance to extend copyrights longer.
Russia suspends its participation in the Treaty on strategic offensive nuclear weapons – Putin
Disney: hold my -bear- mouse…
I have no idea what prompted CNN to do this interview, but as a horror nerd I appreciate any big channel showcasing peculiar lowbrow entertainment.
@Алексей Андреев who asked
@E L Δ T E As a result of the wars unleashed by the United States, almost 900 thousand people died, more than 38 million became refugees — Putin
“They let the genie out of the bottle — they plunged entire regions into chaos,” the president said.
@Алексей Андреев who asked
Lowbrow is right. The movie was bad. I have no idea why movie producers these days feel this compulsion to turn everything into a gritty and dark version of itself. It’s getting tiresome.
This is what Disney did with the original Grimm Brother’s fairy tales. The Disney version is nothing like the original versions.
“I’m choking on it”
Russia suspends its participation in the Treaty on strategic offensive nuclear weapons – Putin
Wow, they really won the lottery with all this CNN free advertising.
I knew there was something off with that bear. It was only a matter of time.
“Your own work”…so 95 years isn’t enough for the original artist? Alright.
I can’t believe they are all smiling over this…this abomination.
We revel in violence but still get shocked when violent things happen smh
Film makers and directors have become so uncreative over the past decade .
I think it’s already being labeled as one of the worst films of all time
Why would anyone want to do this… Haven’t ENOUGH of our childhood memories, fairytales, and books be turned into horror tales… SERIOUSLY LEAVE SOME THINGS ALONE… JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA DOESNT MEAN IT IS…
NOOOOO!!! No more children cartoon characters into horror scary characters!

This definitely is what the world does not need, while in a very bad shape spiritually, emotionally. People will defend this and then ask why is there countless mass shootings and violence acts increasing.
She cleared her throat and said “I’m choking on it”

choking on what? 

Hey there fellow YouTubers! I gotta say, I couldn’t agree more with the statement that there’s no need for a slasher film about Winnie the Pooh. I mean, have you seen the size of those bears?! A real bear could tear your throat out way easier than any of those knife-wielding, slow-walking serial killers. And let’s be real, no one wants to see a blood-soaked Tigger bouncing around the Hundred Acre Wood. Stick with the honey-gobbling, friendship-loving Pooh we all know and love. He may not be terrifying, but he sure knows how to make us smile (and crave some honey)!
There already is a living horrifying version. Just no Hollywood pervert has the balls to make that kind of parody a reality because a certain region would be upset.