Dr. Paul Parks says that hospitals across the province have stretched resources to the absolute limit and capacity is at an all time high.
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Presumably these deaths and ICU capacity is mostly affecting Calgary, Edmonton and major cities and not the rural towns surrounding them. The rural MPPs were calling for his resignation for being too restrictive.
No, most of his party is trying to get rid of him because he is incompetent.
Tell that sentence to Edson… why do you think that rural is less stupid?
Common sense I would think that since rural is less populated, more wide open spaces, etc maybe that is why they require less strident rules
Well I guess we now have no health care unless u have covid
Fcnk well said

They get paid more that way….
And if they can write you off the tax paid news will run it how they feel…
You mean Morona Virus
@Mary Cooper yes exactly lol
@DeadNorth 86 oh I know they do don’t worry, it’s always about money at hospitals
Wave after wave, wave after wave
I’m slowly drifting away ( drifting away)
And it fells like I’m drowning
Pulling against the stream
Pulling against the stream
that just made my day. lol.
@Zed Linski I’m glad lol
Those vaccines are working really well.
Yeah, considering they’re not taking it.
But, it resolves itself.
Over 90 percent of covid-19 admissions are unvaccinated….it is a pandemic of the unvacinnated.
@Mark Donaldson Do your own research before making a bold statement like that
They’re overworked, yet they are firing their staff. HMMMMMMMMMMM….
Bad staff is not helpful staff.
Blame Jason Kenney for that one
@Aaron Dunlap you have a tiny brain if you think any of these politicians are different from each other.
We need a new virus, this one is getting boring.
You know what else would help? Spending the 600 Million we wasted on Trudeau’s vanity election on health care.
And the medication that’s been used by everyone for over 30 years.
It’s working very well for India
$1.3t will have been spent on NOBODY KNOWS not even the dopes who voted for him.
@Nat Mon they use it on the border hoppers…
That’s because of cuts to hospital beds nurses and drs prior to covid now u pay the price!!
@Little Jerrythecagefighter impossible. Got nothing to do with him. Oil is traded on the foreign market to bidders, then traded as futures. We don’t buy oil from a province. We consumers buy it from companies who bid for it.
@shizuokaBLUES Of which 30% is bought from Saudi Arabia instead of Canada the 3rd largest producer
@tobias1959 that’s true but since oil is sold on the international market to bidders through futures, I’m don’t see your point . We nationalize the oil industry?!
@shizuokaBLUES Point is we are throwing millions a day away from the Canadian economy sorry comrade no nationalization
@tobias1959 you think I want nationalization of the oil industry ?! How bizarre. No I believe in a market economy, but the difference is I understand whereas, apparently YOU don’t. Otherwise why would you say Trudeau has anything to do with the oil revenue in this country.
I feel bad for all the gene therapy clotsh ot victims. Irreversible with the inability to sue for damages
Notice they never say what hospital they work at ever.
That’s an easy answer. There are only a few ICUs in Alberta. Get educated
@Sally Evans wow.. great grammar..
Youre severally uneducated
What do they have, like 4 ICU’S? They are all screwed because of facebook zombie Karen’s.
@Richard Reynolds
I live in Ontario and I looked on the government site wondering how many hospitals Alberta has. 161 it says. That’s why I commented that they only say hospitals never a specific place. No need to be rude.
Don’t be dramatic it’s not about grammar. Lol.
They should mandate the nurses and doctors that just got fired, to be rehired.
Morona virus
@Jay Ray
Here’s why –
“CDC says among the V there is worsen rate of infection”
@Jay Beaton 100% of covid cases in ICUs right now in my province are from the unvaxxed.
@Jay Ray Nice trolling. It’s the vaxxed that end up in ICUs actually.
Mandate you! Theyre working their asses off!
They have always worked 14-16 hour shifts. Suddenly Covid is the only health issue we are facing now. I remember a Time when Doctors were crying for more Beds before Covid.The Healthcare System in this Country is flawed and has been struggling for years and now Covid is exposing the problem. So it is not Covid that the System is over capacitated and collapsing rather the inept Government handling the Healthcare system .for years.
and trudeaus got hundreds of billions to spend on discriminating vax passports and covid camps, but not a dime for the hospitals.
Then we taxpayers need to stop paying taxes for no services. Simple as that.
Those who are vaxed and get covi need to pay out of pocket
What does the hospital tell you to do regarding treatment of mild cases?
mild infections dont require hospitalization. That’s why they are “mild” so what you asked makes NO SENSE. You’re just another YT troll.
@Rupert Periwinkle YT?
What Did They Expect When 35% Of Hospital Employees Lost Their Jobs For Refusing The Experimental “Vaccines”
Figure it out, check what India is doing
Alberta has had a bed shortage a number of elections back.
Dire Warning: Many Law Suits are coming.
Wears scrubs at home to pretend he is a doctor. Is Trudeau giving drama lessons? Gotta dress up to look the part. Surprised he doesn’t have a stethoscope wrapped around his shoulders and wearing mask and faceshield