1. @Tomasino 🤣 look it up. Trump nrought back 50 people from 22 different countries. Just because cnn never mentioned it doesnt mean it never happened

    2. HOWLING WOLF  because you don’t release genocide producing international terrorists. Trump got multiple prisoners from North Korea and Russia without any cost.

      But when you’re an anti American trash democrat biden doesn’t care how many African people need to die after releasing the merchant of death

    3. @kay armstrong let me say this slowly so you can understand the Russians released her so she has served her time. Those 13 Marines died serving their country. The knew the risk when they join. How it feel to be a bigot who Hates others just based on their skin tone or political affiliation. Maga moron!

  1. Hopefully Wheelan will be brought home too. He deserves to be back home. Being imprisoned in a foreign country must be real hell.

    1. @MMarie you should really make sure your tinfoil hat is on straight. Get off the q-anon forums. You’re melting over false conspiracies, snowflake.

    2. @Tomasino You’re wrong, the trainings those young adults have to pass through to be a Soldier are strong and serious training Some even get injured during training. My sister went into the Army, I saw just a clips of her training video, not for me. Don’t judge others when you don’t know what they’re struggles are.

    3. @MMarie and how do I know that’s where you get your “facts”? Because I can also get on the forums. I can also use the rest of the internet to find out that it’s all bullshit. Trying to scare stupid people into overthrowing democracy so they can take over and lock up anyone who doesn’t fit in to their standards.

    4. @Phoenix Blanco  agreed, but she never was a man or a woman enough to renounce her citizenship . She wants to be an American citizen who hates America she is only one of many .

    1. @Jesus Montano you’re wrong. An investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department found institutional racism.

  2. Why do they keep saying “wrongly held”? She seems like a perfectly lovely person who made a stupid mistake. But she broke their law. She played in Russia and knew what they were like. Do you think a foreigner with an illegal drug, no matter the amount, trying to go through US Customs wouldn’t also be arrested? US citizens with a gram of THC have gotten 20 year sentences. Her 9 year sentence was harsh and I am very glad she’s home…but she did break their law and was not wrongfully detained.

    1. Some of these comments are hilarious. Does America really have such an inflated opinion of itself that they consider a former WNBA non entity a political prisoner?? She was playing in Russia, she knew the laws, she broke them, regardless of margins. They used Americas knee jerk reaction to their advantage while at the same time keeping hold of far more valuable bargaining chips. Russia took advantage of America showing their hand and are now laughing into their morning vodka.

    2. @The Divine you can find it on government sites where official statements are posted, apparently you’ve never heard of the freedom of information act. This is all public knowledge. That’s where actual journalist get their information, not on q-anon forums. How does it feel being a Russian shill?

    3. Pretty weird how so many of you are so proud to be Russian shills. Why don’t you just go there, and take trump with you? You can have your autocracy there, we’re going to keep democracy and freedom here. And it’ll be a lot more free with out all you freaks obsessing over other people’s genitals and what they do with them. Long as adults aren’t fucking kids, why does it bother you so much? Are you jealous?
      Are you afraid you might like that, but the church tells you that the bible says it’s wrong? Why are you so insecure? Why are you so afraid of LGBTQ+ individuals existing?

  3. Russia wanted a prisoner who is in prison in Germany. The Germans would have no part of a deal. So no one is sure who Russia will get for the release of Mr. Whelan. But also remember that his charges are more serious than Britney’s.

    1. @Vicki but you see who Russia wants for him even though his charges are false? A prisoner who is in jail in Germany.

    1. Took the words right out of my mouth! I was actually typing this comment and then I saw yours! I really appreciated when he said:
      “I would hate to steal her thunder as it’s her story to tell.”

    1. @jim lewis idk seems like you care so much about another criminal that uses drugs and tried trafficking drugs to another country. I guess you like some criminals better than others lol 🤡

    2. Putin wants a Russian assasian in exchange for Whelan. He is locked up in a German prison for murder and the Germans will not release him. Putin wants the US to pressure Germany causing discord. The Brits, Canadians, and Irish don’t have anyone Putin wants.

  4. I’m not sure, based on the many posts an interviews I’ve seen, that the state of the union is actually thankful. A too large percent of this “union” is angry, cruel, ill-informed, racist, and homophobic.

    1. I get it, but would not go that far. Instead, I’d avoid countries with authoritarian governments (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc.).

    2. That is one of the saddest statements I have ever read. The world isn’t nearly as scary a place as your government would have you believe. If you follow the rules and act sensibly most countries are far safer than the US.

    3. @Peter Lawton I’ve lived and worked (long-term) in two of those countries; both were much safer than the US.

  5. Many Blessings to those of us who CHOOSE to be law-abiding citizens and do not take for granted all of the freedoms that America has afforded us.

  6. You would think, by now, Americans would learn to stay away from those countries where our freedom is marginalized. Just because one can go there doesn’t mean they should go there.

    1. There’s countries I’d never set foot in, even a plane stopover. I’m with you Rebecca, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should or even risk it.
      David….👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 totally agree

    2. @david retondo if that’s the only argument you have, kindly see your way out. Your argument has been debunked repeatedly, and is therefore invalid. Quit being a Russian shill.

    3. Don’t take cannibis into countries where the stuff is still illegal. Don’t join groups trying to overthrow a government, even if you don’t llike the government. Don’t go on social media and talk trash about local politics (it’s quite likely to be monitored — a kid who was posting about shooting up his school ended up in a psych hospital before he could act on the plans here).

  7. The people on this thread wanting to point fingers in blame against her remind me of the people that blame POC for being killed by police in traffic stops or for minor infractions. I’m a former Army officer and I’m just grateful that another American is out of a Russian penal colony. It is the equivalent of you being picked up for failing to stop at a stop sign and being thrown in Attica.

  8. There are plenty of traps for travellers through other countries. For example, if you are prescribed medications that contain any opiates at all, you better make certain that you take your doctor’s prescription with you. 99.99% of the time it will not be a problem, but if you annoy some official for any reason you can find yourself with a major problem. We knew someone who had “defaced” their passport by writing something on the outside cover. Thrown into jail for falling foul of a local law forbidding that. The officials are often looking for a good profit from a bribe.

    1. @kay armstrong what don’t you get about the 1st amendment! Boy, you are a hater. Even Thomas Jefferson speaks of dissent as being patriotic. Calling it “the highest form of patriotism.” Geez! You hate BG, just because! What a loser and a victim!

    2. @Ann Marie Deignan Ann: Nice to know. Better late than never. So why, if this is true, not in the mainstream press? This s is the 1st I’ve heard of it.

  9. I’m happy Brittney is free but if you’re an high profile American, watch yourself when heading to these countries. This sends a message for sure.

  10. Authentic and humble..wel I sure hope so after being through what she’s been through. This dude is a duck. Glad she’s home finally

  11. I’m convinced that Roger Carstens is someone crucial to have on your side in these kinds of situations. Having helped free (15) wrongfully detained Americans in (9) months is Impressive, to say the least! 🇺🇸😎

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