Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) joins Andrea Mitchell to respond to Kevin McCarthy's warning to social media and communications companies not to comply with a preservation order from the January 6th committee, which she calls "a direct threat to those who have been subpoenaed." She also reacts to Texas's near total abortion ban, saying she believes immediate action in response should come from the executive branch, as getting something done quickly through Congress will be a "challenge."
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lock mccarthy up for obstruction of justice because he threatened businesses when he doesn’t have the law, lazy DOJ
@Daisy Mae Absolutely not true, not even close “Speech and Debate” unrelated to duties of the House is NOT protected.
The Justice Department handed Rep, Mo Brooks, R-Ala., a legal setback Tuesday when it notified a federal court that Brooks hadn’t been acting in his official capacity when he spoke at the pro-Trump rally on Jan. 6, the day of the U.S. Capitol riot.
@Daisy Mae January 6th was an insurrection, if you think you have a hand to prevent those involved from being held accountable, I say to you: You can’t stop me. An attack on the government will not be tolerated and your petty legalism means NOTHING to me. They will answer for it. Any questions? You might wanna get out of the way…
@Daisy Mae not political … he went against the law, and no one’s above the law
@Larry Jensen Whether the conduct is criminal will depend upon first, whether a reasonable person familiar with the context within which the statement was made would view it as a threat, and second, whether the speaker intended to intimidate. Certainly, the words and the speaker’s power and ability to make good on the threat will play a part in that analysis.
Do you see any of these companies coming forward to press intimidation or witness tampering charges against McCarthy? Until they do, the DOJ will do nothing!! And in the Mo Brooks case, it was him asking the DOJ to act as his attorney in the case Eric Swalwell brought against him. The DOJ said no, like you said, because he was acting out of the scope of his own political position.
@Lily Jade have you seen any charges brought against him by the companies he supposedly intimidated or committed witness tampering against? Until they do, the DOJ will do NOTHING.
American companies to McCarthy:
Stand back and stand by, we’re about to make you cry.
No doubt $$$
@J. Noble good one

@Dr David Bonar This is too on the nose to be real… “Trumps gonna be reinstated” I rest my case.
@Dr David Bonar lock her up !!!!!!!!!!
More of Republican witness intimidation and obstruction of justice – when is the DOJ going to step in???
@Arnold Fossman who do you know in congress that’s been arrested???
What in the world is going on anyway? If any of US tried this we’d see the DOJ in a second! If not sooner!
@Joe Bruno like I said, members of Congress don’t get arrested until someone accuses them of a crime. These companies McCarthy threatened have NOT accused him of a crime.
@Daisy Mae
Actually the Department of Justice can press their own charges… Well, technically through the FBI.
But the DOJ does not need to wait for someone else to make a complaint, they can take action on their own.
The power of the federal government
@Daisy Mae That’s not even close to true yo.
What McCarthy did is no different than a mob boss threatening potential witnesses in a RICO trial.
Wish I could dig up the clip of Michael Corleone sitting in the back row of the courtroom.
In trumplican fashion
@NoToBigBro You can be sure that the words were no sooner out of his mouth…
@Keith Ziegler He is not very bright.
Lol yeah democrats have never done that and far worse right?
Nothing says “I have nothing to hide” like screaming “HIDE EVERYTHING!”
@THE ANGRY QUAD clinten didn’t hide anything- what did you hide as a republican????
@THE ANGRY QUAD wtf does Clinton have to do with anything? Can you lemmings ever not deflect with pathetic whataboutisms?
Kinda like election audits
@J. Noble “Now go back and sit with your Evangelical cult.” [Fixed, with respect.]
@maria schultz …and catch a lethal virus.
The ‘REAL REASON’ TRUMP wanted to remain President even though he lost, must be exposed, investigated & if found to be unlawful, prosecuted to the full extent of the law…Also anyone colluding with him, like McCarthy, deserves the same sort of attention…The Republic’s Democracy is at stake here…
You have been waiting 4.6 yrs now ….. keep waiting. See you at the polls 20224/2024
Dum dum dum dum
@Zennbubba As I recall, the only time Trump faced reelection, he lost. And when he was elected he lost the popular vote by 2.3 million. Such a winner.
@Bryce Brogan Trump set a record for most votes EVER for an incumbent. It still stands and guaranteed the doofus who strands Americans that was installed with around 60 million fake votes won’t get close in ‘24 if he lasts that long.
@Michael Saylor I need a citation for those 60 million fake votes bub.
Expand the Supreme Court! The idiots have left us no choice!
@Max Power TOPLINE President Joe Biden’s approval rating slipped six points from August to 43%, according to a new Marist National Poll with NPR and PBS Newshour, marking the lowest rating for Biden since he took office and highlighting the public’s dissatisfaction with the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
@Max Power There will be Info out from Az. shortly you might not like the results. And yes I know you will say it is all made up numbers. so that means there will be a audit of the audit ordered by some Judge then the REAL truth will come out. But think about it Max …. with an open mind not a closed one. If say you were in charge of said audit in Az how stupid would you have to be to bring out numbers in your report to the Az Senate that were not TRUE. Knowing the whole world is watching …. Are you that stupid Max . I think not nor are the Cyber Ninja’s
@Zennbubba forensic audit run by a non certified or bonded group of friends from a facebook sub. Sounds legit to me!
@Zennbubba today, at work, I saw a poll sent to republican Ttump contributors asking if they liked Trump in 2024, I wonder if it will be a resounding 100%???
@Max Power Did you know that there is no such thing as a certified audit company. Maybe you are that stupid.
Every woman should leave the state of Texas to somewhere that respects them
Killing female babies isn’t pro woman.
This is a commie law. Getting people to turn each other in. WTF?
@Ice 247 and the women just need horns….
@John Carter Trolls need a horn.
Bidens Afghanistan?
McCarthy is scared
less. Hahahaha. 

Horrible politician.
Wait a minute! He’s the next speaker after 22,u Dems need to start showing respect please.
@Steve Clayton nope. And not a dem. Nice try though.

@Steve Clayton never happen
Why can’t he be charged with threatening or badgering a witness?
I hadn’t thought of that. That is what it sounds like…
@Moose Itself If just the average Joe did what he is,I’m sure we would be in alot of trouble. I hope the same rules apply to him.
81million Americans waiting dailey to hear Trump is under arrest and in Jail
Cut off from his power
You are so right you have been waiting for 4.6 yrs now…. keep waiting . See you at the polls 2022/2024
Today, just 44 percent of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president; 49 percent disapprove. This is Biden’s lowest approval rating in a Yahoo News/YouGov poll since taking office, and the first time more Americans have disapproved of his performance than approved of it.
@Zennbubba Rasmussen reported only 40%….I actually think that number is high
…and most of Germans too…

“It’s a real nice company you got here …” McCarthy should be told that obstruction and intimidation are felonies. To his face, on the House floor. And if he wants to go to prison, send him there.
He thinks the judges will save him.
I would love to see his face if Nancy Pelosi did that ! I agree 100%
That being said, I’m not sure just exactly what McCarthy thinks he can do.
@Stefan Frankel He thinks he’s a mini trump and like so many trumpy GOP he thinks he can get away with murder and empty threats he makes will be valid.
Wasn’t it, “You have a nice family…..”
Vote blue in 22!! Get rid of the republicans, they’re worth nothing!
ITAgree 100%– vote blue- so Kelvin will NOT be speaker– he CAN NOT handle it!!!!!!
@maria schultz When you get old don’t collect your SOCIAL SECURITY, Healthcare or food stamps. Hope you don’t break a hip
Won’t happen unfortunately. The right is a cancer that had metastasized.
Not happening…The Biden Afghan fiasco has sealed the deal. You folks can thank yourselves for voting for the teleprompter moron
Even Biden knows he’s done… yet you Democrats still live in denial
If congress is trying to get to the bottom of Republican treason they’ll have to take into consideration that the bottom may be miles below corruption.
You forgot a word “below their own corruption”.
Well put.
McCarthy needs to be led away in handcuffs for his actions.
McCarthy is no one special he’s not a king or a prince he’s not above the law
@Dr David Bonar Witness tampering, Threatening companies with non-existent laws (I especially loved that part, no existing laws covered the threats McCarthy made
“It’s like a gangster saying, ‘Gee, nice telecom company you’ve got here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it.'”
@Dr David Bonar
By making the threats that he did, it absolutely is witness tampering.
So that fact is already established. So consider yourself corrected
@Dr David Bonar Dr William H. Music the Lot Lizard chode with over 350 fake accounts.
Do what is Right. Do what is Right. Do not be intimidated by ANY Republican, ever, ever, ever.
Yes and start with locking hunter up
Why isn’t he arrested for issuing threats to these companies? Isn’t his behavior against the law??
We’ve had four years of criminal actions never facing consequences. This isn’t something you can clear up in one term.
Try violating one of these companies “terms of service”. The law even protects them there so it should protect them from this extortion.
If McCarthy is in prison, he won’t be in a position to carry out any threats. Sounds like a great reason for tech companies to cooperate with the committee’s investigation.
@THE ANGRY QUAD McCarthy literally does not have the ability to “reject” the release of records so it WILL happen, no matter what. But that’s okay, he’s got nothing to hide and likes to point out how people want to know the truth, so I’m sure he’ll be fine. Right?
@turfxpert Homie if they wanted it to be bipartisan then they should have voted it to be bipartisan like they had the opportunity to do. Why SHOULD they let any Republicans on the committee? I mean, it’s becoming blatantly obvious that those dudes knew something about what was happening and are trying to hide it. You don’t let a criminal investigate themselves…
Trump can run things from behind bars.
McCarthy — nah.
@Chris ONeill Ding. Clever, too.
@Moose Itself Gym Jordan’s looking like a cat on a hot tin roof at this point, literally and figuratively.
Squeal, Gymmie, literally and figuratively…..
The real patriots and Americans DO want the truth.
@Kyle Loew hunter, hunter, hunter.. REPUBLICAN tears.. you forgot Hillary ,Hillary, Hillary…
Tell us what happened in Afghanistan…. why did Biden abandon the troops and military equipment? How many people died due to his incompetence?
@turfxpert Yes, we have. Remember the republicans barricading the House door, including the guy who called the whole thing a tour of the capitol?
@S J …who replaced Ted, Ted, Ted on the republicans’ Most Wanted list.
@S J Biden the weakest president ever
After issuing his statement why hasn’t McCarthy been charged with threatening witnesses/witness tampering? You’re not allowed to intimidate people who are supplying testimony to congress or the courts, full stop.