The world is reacting to revelations made by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in their explosive interview with Oprah.
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the interview made her look worst ,,, shes a drama queen
Come on.. as if we all didn’t see this coming.
Yep, but it has shown all its codswollop. AKA rubbish, bosh, humbug, hogwash, tommyrot, tripe and drivel. LOL
@Trese Bloody Hell
‘Cut off financially’ ……. cry me a river
Why is it so funny

English are paying to all royal freeloaders, why not paying to Meghan?
They chose to leave the royal family cuz they wanted to live their life in peace. Why do they keep doing interviews trying to be so relevant and in the public eye? Just go away already, I don’t ever want to hear about these two again.
They could have bought a house in the English country side or rented from his family. Bought a ranch in the middle of no where in the states. No they had to buy a multimillion dollar house in Hollywood.. but they want their privacy? Okay sure..
They were cut off financially but living in multi million dollar house’s
@Strega Medievale yikes… prince charles gave them 2M for starter…
@Strega Medievale And she got a large divorce settlement from Charles.
Margaret Ross that would make sense. Didn’t think about that
Sol Librero why yikes? Lol
Its a joke.
They should have gone to Dr Phil, not Oprah.
You nailed it!
I agree!
Any REAL journalist worth his salt would have been more credible, someone like Andrew Neil would have given a more fair and credible interview!!! The UK have polled a resounding FLOP for the three of them!!!
Still don’t like her.
I love her more than P Harry
That’s one side of the story.
I think we may have a Meghan Smollett
“Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves” — Confucius
Meghan decided she was going to lash out at the RF for now allowing her to use the Royal suffix to launch her business. And it’s just blown up in her face. He story doesn’t jibe and she’s shown the world that she’s vindictive. Who wants to work with her?
@Vittoria Colonna most peeps seem to have forgotten that the greedy duo were commercializing the Queen’s wedding present.
Meghan Markle you are the worse person in the world. Before you got married you knew that the royal family has to follow norms and regulations. The royal family accepted you with love and you betrayed them and made yourself look like a hero victim. Shame on you.
The Royals were right about this one. Vapid and narcissistic Hollyweirdo who was in it for the attention.
What a pathetic interview. A Narcissistic couple.
Megan and harry and Oprah. Nothing than sillier in the middle of a pandemic than watching multi-millionaires in their Malibu mansion whining to a billionaire about how tough life is.
No, you get that wrong. They didn’t say anything about their life being tough. Anyone a rich and poor can go through difficult times in their lives.
@Ladislav Josephs HAHAAHAHA but millions of dollars will give you options .
Meghan life is full of drama. She’s screaming for a Star role in Hollywood, so she’s making her own. Sad Harry and baby Archie are in the middle of it.
Like PM said; “I don’t believe a word that comes out of her month”
Shes soo emberassing ….so was he…tq
I knew meghan is a narcissist but harry came off as even more dumb and selfish than what i thought
Agreed. That to me was the real surprise of the whole interview.
I feel that Markle is the epitome of spoiled brattiness that makes modern America the laughingstock of the world. Narcissisiam incarnate.
Shame on Harry and Meghan for airing their private family matters in public. Grow up!
Yes it did. Now she has added lack of dignity to her many character flaws
How about Prince Andrew scandal? Very dignified.