Health minister Patty Hajdu weighs in on the latest coronavirus news and claims that the government sidelined initial virus warnings.
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This woman has no idea how to be a Health Minister!!
i think she needs to be relieved of the position
A graphic designer? What do you expect? Plus, she is really repulsive as a person.
Fake it till you make it…. this lady is trying hard to fake it!
@Corwyn Warwaruk well she didnt make it
Mitch Holder her liberal privilege would make her think otherwise.
Really bad liars
Dan QuarterMan wake up
@Eric Dube “wake up” you’re delusional, bud. NO REALLY. Seek a medical professional. You really don’t have to put yourself, your family and friend through all this, just cuz you’re a resentful loser.
Compulsive liars you mean…it is a mental illness
Oooo this four trough eaters think you are dumb…they understood your three words…lmao
They messed up. But it’s everyone else’s fault. Typically Minister response.
Yes its never ending fear mongering too !
Just like it’s our fault that all of those students couldn’t get paid volunteering jobs through the WE “Charity “
if you can do a better job…..
pretty sure its trumps fault.
Really surprised this wasn’t harpers fault
They don’t know what they are doing? Where are the skills matched to duties?
A better idea by me, no not Ford: Confirmed deaths should be compared to a population base only. The tests show a False Positive of 50%. In most cases this far most provinces have fewer confirmed death rates that the yearly regular flu bugs. Wat too much bs going on here. Politics be gone and reality is welcome.
Confirmed deaths should be compared to a population base only
Explain what you mean by this
@G Guest I fear I may be accused of mansplaing
@Paul David It’s not mansplaining when you are asked to explain something. It’s mansplaining when you are talking to a female epidemiologist but you try to explain something to her that you googled yesterday. Hope that helps.
@G Guest I already have
No, they let it spread intentionally until it seeded in every country as planned.
@Scott Summers links?
CiCi Ryder watch China’s minister of defence speech from 2005
@Rebecca Sluchinski How about stating facts to support your point inside of saying “educate yourself”
Your source came from the internet, correct?
What makes your “education” differ from some other random on the internet?
“Educate yourself” is simply saying
“I’m too lazy to try remember why I put effort into this”
“I blindly follow for acceptance”
Find a hobby or read a book.
Saskguy20 thank you for proving my point. It’s not up to others to research for you. I never said anything about my research coming from the internet. Your assumption obviously is off. I love to read and yes you should try it sometime. As I said educate yourself. Google research and apply that to gain knowledge.
@Dan QuarterMan I suppose it depends where home is, Dan.
“Without any knowledge politically” is her way of trying to excuse the Feds, and claim that despite her not knowing why her department cut this program that it nevertheless had nothing to do with pressure from the federal government. That doesn’t seem to jive.
But she kept telling Canadians the risk was low?
Refused to consider a travel ban. Travel bans were called “Racist”
She & Trudeau are F@cking liars (no way to be polite about it)
The security told them about the virus in December to slow to closing borders and Roxham road and airports also masks and closing borders don’t work not their fault hmm
how about a little responsibility for yourself? I’ve been physically distancing and wearing a mask since mid-march and working since may and have not gotten the virus.
All that is sputtering out of her mouth all lies and not answering the questions
In late January she said “The risk is low to Canadians.” She trivialized the risk of Covid and focussed on the risk of racism!
Now the RCMP can go and give fines out I thought government couldn’t tell them what to do example Railway blockage etc.hmm
Guess that’s better than them shooting up civilians in a fire station like they’re used too?
@Billy Hill the rcmp administer drugs to civilians?
Did the air line passenger get off on the tarmac, no they paraded through the air port into taxis, buses ,rental cars off to grocery stores, hotels homes and work no one checked if they were self isolating. Then the Feds passed responsibility off to provinces FEDS only provided LIP SERVICE.
This is all propaganda bs!!
How so?
empty account, no sources, obvious troll…. they need only shout their lies, not defend them.
Worse, its outright lies.
Mathematical models of illusion = confusion & theft.
Funny how those “models” seem to be old news now
There’s a lot of math in what they do
@Julie Gill Not math! It is called Mathemagic.
Brian Smith sort of
But they said it will be waaaaay worse than the Spanish flu…!
Why did Dr. Tam wait a month before telling anyone?
They were sending PPE from Canada to China only later buying back needed supplies for a premium. This alone should bring down the government.
Tam is a Chinese plant
@Tzeentch What evidence do you have?
everyone waited to see how bad it was and how fast it spread, no one knew what they were working with.
Because He gets off on it.
@Andrew Cummings this is an anti government comment, not a pro mask comment
@Fattiger thanks for clarifying this, personal responsibility is the most important, don’t wait for government to decide.
@Fattiger umm Buffalo Bill from the movie Silence of the lambs, where you got your quote from..
Well is that investigation the minister was referring too, going to get done? Not likely, since Trudeau prorogued parliament. Investigations are a moot point! .. So why make it sound like the Liberals are doing something when they can’t? .. It’s all about redirect, deflect and mask your excuses!
Idk why your comment is not pinned
@Rebecca P or censored
I’m old enough to remember when we were being called racist for saying we should close the border and airports.
who in canada called closing the border and airports?
Our Canadian military warned the Liberals of the virus before it spread out from China BACK IN DECEMBER.
Relaxing Nature research shows there was a meeting and it was discussed back in 2018 and in December 2019 covid stocks were set up. Interesting research. So they knew.
Rebecca Sluchinski yup, certain nations with certain ideals of singular gov for “Terra” had testing kits ordered in 2017
Bravo everyone!
This thread is pure facts!
Just found this on another comment. “Add potentially illegal donations he accepted from Barry and Honey Sherman. they were murdered in 2017 while being under investigation for their
donations to JT. The investigation was closed after their murder. They also controlled Apotex a generic drug manufacturer that produced HCQ. Things are much more connected and messed up than anyone can imagine.”
Astro send me info please. I haven’t come across this information before.
They never answer a question and never names.
His lips are moving, he’s lying.