Did Peter Navarro Go ‘Rogue’ In Fauci Op-Ed? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump’s top trade adviser, Peter Navarro, criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci in a new op-ed for USA Today. But did Navarro go 'rogue' in writing it? Jake Sherman discusses. Aired on 7/15/2020.
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Did Peter Navarro Go 'Rogue' In Fauci Op-Ed? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. A person who doesn’t respect science and cares about the Confederate states of America is not Fit for presidency! Vote Him Out

    1. @foreigner fan Can you tell me who has been always right about a new disease? I would like to know and why is Toronto doing so badly as opposed to the rest of Canada

    2. Killroy was here👈🏻Cold Harbor June 3, 1864
      1100 Union soldiers killed in 11 minutes.
      They said “Grant the Butcher”. Not quite true.
      Today, “Trump the Butcher.” That’s true.

      Trump doesn’t was to control the virus. He wants to control the _spin_ of the story of the virus.

      Why is Fauci on the outs? The elemental reason, the quintessential reason? It’s because Trump wanted to let the virus “burn through” America quickly, and be done with it. America-one big Covid Party.

      Fauci told him 2-3 million might die. It scared Trump. Now Trump has decided it’s ok, and if it’s that bad, blame China.

      Trump can’t, and doesn’t want to control the disease-he wants to control access to the numbers. So CDC, _CDC_, isn’t going to get the stats.

      Somebody is to blame. Not him. Somebody’s going to pay. That’s us.
      This vengeful butcher, Trump, doesn’t care. However you cut it, he’s figured a burn through is right for him. And if millions die, but he’s still in charge, great.

      If not, someone has to pay. Not him.

      Grant’s losses at Cold Harbor occurred in an attempt to win a Just war. Grant admitted he was wrong for the bloody final assault. The purpose was to get to Richmond. To end the war.

      Trump’s purpose-to stay in power. To fend off the sea of criminal charges and lawsuits which will go after him.

      But win or lose on those fronts, Trump gets to sate his rage, wielding a huge butcher’s cleaver through the spine of America. There is no quenching his rage.

      If he can’t have America, no-one will.

      Trump the Butcher.

    1. @John O Cute the Obiden. I bet you miss the 8 years you spent hating on Obama. Look at the bright side after the November 3rd defeat of donnie you will be looking forward to 8 years of hating on Biden. I mean O’biden.

    1. Donald tDUMP ordered all hospitals to bypass CDC and directly send all COVID19 data straight to HHS/ WH. Uhhmmm what is Donald tDUMP up to??? Is he gonna do some magic to the number of cases and deaths???

    1. EVERYONE on Trump’s staff have been INVESTIGATED and NOT vetted as EPSTEIN survived so long …..BLACKMAIL

  2. Navarro pulled the shortest straw and had to sign the smear op-ed plus be called “going rogue”. You know how that regime operates…

  3. Bottom line Peter has no credibility what so ever and is corrupt to the core. He is doing this for a reason look into it and the crimes will follow.

    1. Donald tDUMP ordered all hospitals to by pass the CDC and directly send all COVID19 data straight to HHS/ WH. Uhhmmm, WHAT IS DONALD TDUMP UP TO???

    2. @Bunker Baby It doesn’t matter. Just compare the seasonal death numbers with previous years. Guess the cause of the MASSIVE spike in deaths. He can’t hide the numbers even if he tries to. He can’t make dead people magically come back to life. And the result of his incompetence is unfortunately the deaths of people. And you simply have to compare the European and USA curve…thats all you need to know. The virus isn’t influenced by his lies…the virus is the virus. He can try to blame china…or the WHO….or the democrats or Fauci but the bottom line is that he is responsible. The rest of the world acted waaaay faster. And the USA f-ed it up the most compared to the entire world.

  4. Trump doesn’t “give permission.” He indicates what he would like to see happen and his henchmen make it happen, without him having to take responsibility. That’s how organized crime figures operate.

    1. @Denny Walters You got the wrong mobster. Trump hired mobbed-up firms to erect Trump Tower and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan, including buying ostensibly overpriced concrete from a company controlled by mafia chieftains Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno and Paul Castellano. That story eventually came out in a federal investigation, which also concluded that in a construction industry saturated with mob influence, the Trump Plaza apartment building most likely benefited from connections to racketeering.

    2. Michael Cohen explained all of that very well, during his Congressional hearing last year. “Mr. Trump speaks in a kind of code.”

    3. @Tessmage Tessera Remember when he had Jorge Ramos of Univision thrown out of a press conference? He made a little kissing motion with his mouth and immediately some big goon came out and grabbed Ramos. Then Trump denied knowing the goon and claimed he must have worked for the venue. This is godfather stuff.

    4. J. There’s Truth there and Trump is part of a grand scheme and I’ve said it from the beginning that Trump is thinning the herd. Now that may seem too hard to grasp for the media but I have nothing to loose here and this has happened before when Woodrow Wilson was in office and he much like Trump did nothing until it was too late 600,000 American citizens Dead! Why! And How? Controlling the information. Trump has caught a Demon while in his pursuit of Power and greed and there’s no one to stop this fool, not Dr fauci, CDC, WHO, nor his task force and now he wants all the information about the Numbers to first come to the WH? Mr Trump! What are you trying to hide? Vote Blue America and please Wear your mask.

  5. Who to trust, Dr. Fauci a world renowned immunologist? Or Navarro a known white supremicist and conspiracy theory vocalist.

    1. He’s an economist that can’t admit that tariffs are taxes on consumers because Trump lies and says they are being paid by China. Don’t know why anyone would take him seriously on anything

    2. @Stefan Smith Pretty much all the current data says children can go to school, as far as the odds on their own safety. Dr. Fauci has said that. The problem is who any infected children my give the virus to, and that’s always been the problem with asymptomatic carriers.

    3. @C Tariffs are specifically designed to cost the consumer money. Anyone who took high school economics would know that. Tariffs are used to level the playing field, making the import as or more expensive, thus encouraging people to buy , in this case, American. If Trump had presented it correctly, there might not have been as much push back.

  6. Dr Peter Navarro has a phd in social sciences, he is not a medical doctor and is not someone who I would trust with my health. Dr Fauci has decades of experience in infectious diseases and has served under 6 Presidents (Democratic and Republican).

    1. And worldwide recognized as a scientist. He played a keyroll in the development of the current treatment for HIV.

    2. @Mary Larson i’m not sure what you are getting at tbh? An impeached president is still a president.

      [R] Reagan
      [R] Bush (HW)
      [D] Clinton
      [R] Bush (W)
      [D] Obama
      [R] Trump

      Both Clinton [a Democrat] & Trump [a Republican] were impeached and acquitted but they were still Presidents. So the count is still 6 Presidents that Fauci has served under.

    1. Donald tDUMP just released his attack dog peter 💩🤮navarro to spread lies and bs on Dr Fauci.Americans knows that Donald tDUMP hates THE TRUTH and people who stand up against his LIES AND BS.

  7. Navarro is a 3rd rate “Economist” who would have never even sniffed the White House in any sane administration. If you take anything he say’s seriously, you deserve what you get. As dangerous to America as Trump and Covid 19.

    1. Exactly. And what is a so-called ” economist ” doing criticising a man who has over 40 years experience dealing with disease and illness when he knows diddly about any kind of medical matter, except what medicine he can buy of s supermarket shelf! These people are so ridiculous, you can’t even laugh at them anymore, its so depressing that they have managed to take over the running of what is probably the most powerful nation on the planet. Its scary to think that they could get another 4 years!

    2. Navarro is wrong in every single point even his field of economic advices and lopsided uneconomic ideas! How can he be right on every single word on total unfamiliar public health matter?

    3. He’s not even third rate. A college economics 101 student knows that tariffs are taxes on the consumer. He can’t admit that because it would contradict Trump. All he is is a Trump sycophant

    1. Donald tDUMP ordered all hospitals to bypass CDC and send all COVID19 data straight to HHS/ WH. Uhhmmm WHAT IS DONALD TDUMP UP TO??? Remember the lady scientist from Florida Dept of Health who was fired because she refused to manipulate the COVID19 data.

  8. Someone help me understand what a trade advisor knows about preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Until that happens my money is on Fauci!

  9. I “love” how Navarro makes a point of referring to himself at times as “Dr. Navarro”, as if he has some expertise which makes his criticism of Dr. Fauci relevant. He has a PhD in economics, not medicine, and is simply a fraud and a sycophantic blowhard.

    1. Donald tDUMP released his attack dog peter 💩🤮🤡 navarro to smear the good refutation of Dr.Anthony Fauci.

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