Did Rudy Giuliani get bogus dirt on Hunter Biden from a Russian intelligence operation? Philip Rucker breaks it down. Aired on 10/15/2020.
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Did Giuliani Get Bogus Hunter Biden Dirt In A Russian Intel Op? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
No one gives credit on how well giuliani looked as a cross dresser back then w/ the screaming orange! Fake news!
And he’s a Lawyer? America is a laughing stock.
@smokingnothinbutgood Fascism would be so much better, right?
@Collin Keemle You can’t out-trump stupid, and you can’t out-stupid Trump. #864511320
Man have the Biden trolls come to his defence? Can you imagine the blackmail videos and graft transactions the Russians and the Chinese got on Biden? He’s totally in their pocket.
It’s fools like you that are laughing stocks. There couldn’t be more clear evidence against Obummer’s entire administration! Sad how easily you leftards are to brainwash!
wow, how far Giuliani has fallen since his dignified performance as Mayor of N.Y. at 9/11, evolved into a low grade shyster.
I’m still waiting for Giuliani’s shocking Ukraine findings that he he claimed to have found…
Rudy: “I have evidence of Hunter Biden smoking crack.”
I’m sure that was doctored video of Don Jr smoking crack before the RNC conference. Or maybe it was the night he was hammered on drugs and liquor during his cry for help yelling- “WE NEED EVERY MAN AND WOMAN TO BE TRUMP SOLDIERS TO KEEP MY DAD IN OFFICE!”
@Annie when people like you have to bend over backwards to try to spin obvious proof to fit your narrative, you know something is wrong..
@bryanatwku I agree with you Bryan. There are too many people (on both sides) who refuse to look at evidence brought up by the other side. I cannot take seriously the charge that the Russians have somehow fed misinformation – that explanation is too farfetched. If you look at the emails and photographic evidence, there is at least something that must be examined seriously.
@William Lucas, yes. Obviously we have only seen a small fraction of the contents. If it really is Hunter’s computer, the proof will be there. Imagine all the personal stuff you would have on your hard drive. The FBI convicts criminals based on only possessing hard drive information all the time.
Anyway, they are going to release a little at a time to build up to a big finale ten days before Election Day. I wonder what that will be. I’m sure the Bidens are wondering too.
@bryanatwku I’m not from the USA. I’m from what is probably the luckiest area in the world: the South Island of New Zealand. But I have been following how the pandemic has been playing out in the USA, the UK, Australia and elsewhere, and it’s just mind-blowing how ignorant the public, how reprehensible our ‘leaders’ , how partisan the MSM. How goes it with you?
Co-conspirator Rudy was also neck deep in the theft of Clinton’s emails.
Old Uncle Bob
how can he steal something that was erased using bleachbit?
MSNBC viewers brains r rotted . They r so far indoctrinated theres no hope for these ppl
@Alex Hamilton
Troll are you forgetting that Pence had emails on a private server and went to Court to block them from being exposed, moron.
Wasn’t Trump impeached for this? He’s the “Lance Armstrong “ of Politics.
@allieversaid True . Dirt for Aid.
Correct, but Biden should be the one under the scope for past wrongs, but you watch MSM and love your Democrat Communist party to know any better.
Should be a wake up call to how corrupt WD is but lemmings like you just keep eating up the propaganda the MSM dishes out. FN sad!
@cornskid Wow, the TDS is strong with this one! FN commie!
@John Doe I spent 9 months on the Fulda Gap (look it up) facing real commies. You don’t even know what a commie is.
And putin chose old Rudy creepkeeper. Losers stick together, I guess.
So, the millions from Moscow and Being going to Hunter and Devon’s Rosemont Seneca account were perfectly legit. It was the Russians that wanted to invest in a very valuable consulting firm. Yes, it’s all perfectly legit. Nothing to see there. It’s all been investigated by Obama and company.
who lifted the rock Rudy Giuliani was hiding under
The Rock is the main stream media. If they report what he has, they will cry like little babies who dropped their binky.
Fake Page Snowflake

Biggest political practical joke of all times. America is the best reality show to the rest of the world.

@william kobling Cheat what? You’re voting right? How is Russia preventing you from voting? You’re a sheep and Biden has been a corrupt boob for for 47 years.
@David De La Mora Why does Biden not come out and deny it?
@SPZ Aruba Yup, Trump 2020 The MSM fake news need these sheep for support or they already would have been buried and finished.
The evidence says otherwise.
America is a joke, don’t blame Trump though, it’s been a joke for some time now. Trump is actually better than the other U.S puppet presidents controlled by men in black suits.
Rudy has Destroyed Any Credibility he garnered. Almost feel sorry to see him sink into being despised and untrusted.
This is why you use your real intelligence agencies to gather intel….not a washed up mayor.
“We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia”
– Eric Trump 2014
Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of our assets. Don Jr.
Trumps “Perfect phone call”.
“Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy”.
As it turned out, Like “Moscow Mitch”, Rude Giuliani was played by Russian Intelligence to manipulate Donald with Misinformation.
Rudy’s daughter sums it all up “end his reign of terror”. Vote Blue
The GOP and Trump is feeding misinformation based on Russian Intelligence Services… Why is Rudy pushing stories fabricated by the Russian intelligence?
He’s pushing to help the Thug In Chief.
Rust is old, rich, so why did he ruin his reputation and risked himself being jailed is beyond me!
LMAO-putins badly forged emails-real issue Trump lost the election when he vowed to get rid of the payroll tax that funds SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE-its bIden time
Why is no one asking what the Presidents personal lawyer gave to Russian agents in exchange for this “treasure trove”? That is the bigger story here.
Don’t worry, Hillary will be named Attorney General under Biden and will lock Trump up for good. Hope he enjoys self-exile as no doubt he’ll be off as soon as possible.