Attorney Mark Zaid, who is representing Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Brian Murphy, joins Hallie Jackson as his client prepares to speak out to investigators and to members of Congress. Zaid hits back at claims his client's reports were in response to a recent demotion, saying Murphy has been filing complaints for over 2 years. Aired on 09/10/2020.
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DHS Whistleblower Atty: Murphy Will Give 'Classified Evidence' To Congress | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
It never ceases to amaze me the number of dementia sufferers we have working in the White Outhouse! Does anybody know more than three people who might actually belong there? Other than the cleaning staff? Maybe with a degree of some kind?
lol! I know right?!? All these people don’t know anybody who works anywhere! Even when there are pictures and video of people mingling with the person who claims to never have heard of them!!
White Nazionalist House
*TRUMP TAPES! Trump KNEW for months. Let’s end this nightmare on November 3rd. Vote out the Moronavirus.*
@Annie Warbux lol I love when you write a long speech and think it makes you look like you know what your talking about. You all look stupid. We had 8 yrs of Treasonous Obama-Biden and 4 great years of Trump. Get use to it because you have 4 more years coming.
Nov 3rd remove the TURD.
Moronavirus…. that is perfect.
Republican Senators- Putin’s Puppets.
Head of the Putin Puppet show Donald J Trump and the Trump Administration.
Defenders of their OWN, RUSSIAN, NEVER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- Power, Interests & Wealth
Mitch McConnell- Kentucky
Ron Johnson- Wisconsin
Lindsey Graham- South Carolina
Thom Tillis- North Carolina
Cory Gardner- Colorado
Steve Daines- Montana
John Thune- South Dakota
Joni Ernst- Iowa
Susan Collins- Maine
John Cornyn- Texas
Martha McSally- Arizona
Ted Cruz- Texas
John Kennedy- Louisiana
Marco Rubio- Florida
Rick Scott- Florida
Josh Hawley- Missouri
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma
All of These Do Nothing, Say Nothing Republican US Traitors Must be Voted out of Office November 3rd, 2020 or 2022.
The whole world knew he was lying about the virus.
Brave men do the right thing, do it for your country and expose this evil and wicked individual 1
@Anthony Halliday Individual 1 is Trump in court documents that have been filed by his former attorney. He doesn’t get re-elected, the indictments will be coming his way fast & furious & he knows it.
@Cold Winter Aaaarrrh! Had a feeling I was missing something. Thanks for the info.
@Cold Winter liberalism is a neurological disorder.
@John O vote Communist China biden, right? Do you promote India’s infiltration too? You sure got the 711 vote.
Chammah Acbb its really sad that the gop allow trolls to mess with our elections. Vote Blue for democracy!!
Tough on Russia????wow that’s some bold faced gaslighting,tell the troops with bounties on their heads how “tough” you’ve been.
@james kenyon yes you are
Republican Senators- Putin’s Puppets.
Head of the Putin Puppet show Donald J Trump and the Trump Administration.
Defenders of their OWN, RUSSIAN, NEVER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- Power, Interests & Wealth
Mitch McConnell- Kentucky
Ron Johnson- Wisconsin
Lindsey Graham- South Carolina
Thom Tillis- North Carolina
Cory Gardner- Colorado
Steve Daines- Montana
John Thune- South Dakota
Joni Ernst- Iowa
Susan Collins- Maine
John Cornyn- Texas
Martha McSally- Arizona
Ted Cruz- Texas
John Kennedy- Louisiana
Marco Rubio- Florida
Rick Scott- Florida
Josh Hawley- Missouri
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma
All of These Do Nothing, Say Nothing Republican US Traitors Must be Voted out of Office November 3rd, 2020 or 2022.
@Antonio saxon Totally! These people swore to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution have done just the opposite and should be retired in disgrace! Fined and jailed!
@Country Girl he promised Putin he wouldn’t tell the people about it because he didn’t want them to panic. If they panicked he might be expected to do something.
@Anthony Halliday
The Saudi Prince who chopped up the journalist
They’re scrambling like Roaches when the kitchen lights come on !
@Tiktokovna Shkrebneid
Get a clue and try coming up with a cogent response.
@Tiktokovna Shkrebneid
Im sure you do, Bidens voters are all about that and kids running them up and down..
@Tiktokovna Shkrebneid
Aww..somebody get triggered??
Unfortunately roaches usually get away
Naa…they go away and stomped on when sighted!
Like Biden IF he debates Trump. I doubt he will, he’s too stupid and slow and his handlers know it.
Why release books when trump supporters can’t read, publish a coloring book
speaking of reading did any of you lefties read the 57 pages just released by schiff on the Russian investigation.
Lolololol. Heeeheee. Their commonalities are what binds them together. rightwingnut propaganda that gives them daily instructions, they are aware of the reading and Independent comprehension as well. That’s why they were the target subgroups to brainwash with lies.I like that Audio comment as well, Juan.

rising Star lol
@William BaileyL.o.l. Can’t read without perfect punctuation?
How this election is even close is unbelievable. This is one of those moments historians would ask what did you do?
Fight fascism, because that is what is happening. No dictator for america. Refuse fascism.
It’s only closed because of hate greed and the rich wanted to keep everybody’s money and if that means making a deal with the devil they will do it. Moscow Mitch is the main character in this story get read of the snake which is Mitch and the body will die.
Don’t know him, never met him. Where have we heard that before?
“No administration has ever been tougher on Russia” Where have I heard that before
Mitch mc Connell wants your kids to starve vote him out
@Steve-O_88 congress did, to the tune of trillions particularly corporations and some millionaires got huge checks when everyone else got 1200
@SDC yea, I know that, but the one guy I was replying to, was referring to just one party. So, I’m trying to figure out which party is holding the people hostage from receiving help?
@Steve-O_88 actually, both
@SDC exactly, Its both! I’m tires of hearing everybody blame each others party. But, at least I give a little more credit to the dems for wanting to attribute more to the working people.
@Steve-O_88 that’s about where I stand
Toughest on Russia? That’s not really a talking point. Agent Orange doing a stand up job being an asset against the United States.
Next year after Biden’s win we will be seeing all the tax documents, hidden files and the amount of contact this administration has had with Russia. And a pee-pee tape thrown in for good measure.
Republican Senators- Putin’s Puppets.
Head of the Putin Puppet show Donald J Trump and the Trump Administration.
Defenders of their OWN, RUSSIAN, NEVER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- Power, Interests & Wealth
Mitch McConnell- Kentucky
Ron Johnson- Wisconsin
Lindsey Graham- South Carolina
Thom Tillis- North Carolina
Cory Gardner- Colorado
Steve Daines- Montana
John Thune- South Dakota
Joni Ernst- Iowa
Susan Collins- Maine
John Cornyn- Texas
Martha McSally- Arizona
Ted Cruz- Texas
John Kennedy- Louisiana
Marco Rubio- Florida
Rick Scott- Florida
Josh Hawley- Missouri
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma
All of These Do Nothing, Say Nothing Republican US Traitors Must be Voted out of Office November 3rd, 2020 or 2022.
Just read Trumps new book ” It Takes a Villain, To Raise a Child “
Dont forget the other best seller.if im breathing, im lieing .
That’s too funny
Detailed Democrat history you can use to prove to a Republican that they are voting wrong.
Thanks for the recomandation!
Lol. Whenever a Republican says “I never even met the guy” you know he is guilty.
Watch “The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party” on YouTube
Detailed Democrat history you can use to prove to a Republican that they are voting wrong.
@StockTraderWayne good luck with that. These Republicans against traitor trump have regrets they voted for him mad what trump has done to there party. Country over Party.

2020 first time.
The trump defense
Hmmm, sounds a lot like what Trump said about Epstein ! “ I’m told that someone says they saw me throw Epstein out . I don’t know the man well at all…”
I never thought that I, a professional Musician in Germany, would become so well versed in American Court Law. Since the Trump Administration I have heard nothing else. Ok, so what is wrong with this Picture? The whole Administration is constantly in court because everyone seems to break the Law, State, City, or even Constitutional on a daily basis. I sure would NOT want 4 more years of this.
S. H. In the USA, we are in. Tough spot. We have the air born Virus, and a president who lies continually. I think the government is trying to make us sick and it’s working.
S. H. We don’t either. Trump is a disaster for the U S AND FOR human life.
But Biden will let BLM make the laws. And I will be subjugated and will have to give all my possessions to a black person. Trump may be mean but Biden cant control anyone or anything.
@Dan Chick So what, since you’re black?
@Dan Chick Biden will give the country to BLM & we have to give them all our taxes too. we also need to give them our houses & businesses & live on street. Ive been a Republican for 44 years and im still voting for biden because I want to live even if it is on street.
If they’re on Fox News then you know they’re lying!
Check CNN retractions this year!
WHEN was Trump ever ‘tough” on Russia?O’Brien is a boot lapping foot soldier!
Republican Senators- Putin’s Puppets.
Head of the Putin Puppet show Donald J Trump and the Trump Administration.
Defenders of their OWN, RUSSIAN, NEVER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- Power, Interests & Wealth
Mitch McConnell- Kentucky
Ron Johnson- Wisconsin
Lindsey Graham- South Carolina
Thom Tillis- North Carolina
Cory Gardner- Colorado
Steve Daines- Montana
John Thune- South Dakota
Joni Ernst- Iowa
Susan Collins- Maine
John Cornyn- Texas
Martha McSally- Arizona
Ted Cruz- Texas
John Kennedy- Louisiana
Marco Rubio- Florida
Rick Scott- Florida
Josh Hawley- Missouri
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma
All of These Do Nothing, Say Nothing Republican US Traitors Must be Voted out of Office November 3rd, 2020 or 2022.
@John Bush And a year later he handed Syria to Putin in a silver platter while stabbing our allies in the back.
The previous administration refused to send offensive weapons to Ukraine,they did send blankets. Pres.Trump sent offensive weapons! BOOYAH
@David Eby only when his bribery was outed.
@அவானி உயர்ந்தது I agree
The rats are starting to eat each other…let the feasts begin.
:’D Love it!
I’m getting my popcorn ready. Trump belongs in prison.
Trump steaks all around!
Love your comment.
Everybody better watch out for the fat, orange, roach. I heard he’s never satisfied.
It’s beginning to look like trumps tower of lies is crumbling when exposed to the truth
yeah just like the Russian investigation lefties are clowns
@TWO NINE How much dose being a Russian trump bot pay asking for a friend
+ Eric Hansen Donald Trump built a house 60 stories high and every story in his house was built on lots of lies!
What a spectacular and obvious LIE: “No one has been tougher on Russia”. Obrien is the face TREASON.
yeh , I’d be frightened too if my job relied on roubles .
Is believing Putin and Russia over US intelligence his idea of djt being TOUGH ON RUSSIA?