Congressman Devin Nunes is at the center of new claims by Giuliani associate Lev Parnas about Nunes reportedly trying to dig up dirt on Biden. Aired on 11/26/19.
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Devin Nunes Now Implicated In Ukraine scandal | All In | MSNBC
Would be nice to see traitor Nunes in prison.
string clown nunes up by his walnuts
@Paula R you failed
@Paula R Igor Pasternak is the CEO of a company that manufactures blimps. I suppose every country in the world wants to add blimps to their arsenal. I hope Kim Jong-il doesn’t start trying to develop a blimp of his own. Oh the humanity!!!
Theres more than you know
@Adam Flowers fool me 14000 times I must be a Trumper.
Nunes runs to the White House, finds the door locked.
@Peter Oca A real republican IMO is Ana Navarro.
Together we stand, Brother. Kudos for your comments.
A comment on Freedom:
Theres more than you know
@Dawn Adriana lol he’s a tool.
Deflect, deflect, deflect…Everyone connected to Traitorous Trump taints!
@Kurt Vanoosterweyck You’re a genius. Do you hang out with Nasty Pelosi? Y’all on the same level.
so true
Haha you guys are crazy, Trump 2020♥️
And it begins.
Trump officially threw Rudy under the bus today in an interview with Bill O’Reilly.
Trump told O’Reilly that Rudy Giuliani’s push for a Biden investigation in Ukraine was not done on his behalf and noting that Giuliani has “other clients.”
When O’Reilly asked Trump point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on VP Joe Biden, Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When O’Reilly asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told him that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Unfortunately for Trump, we have the transcript of his own words that disagrees with him.
The White House’s own rough transcript of Trump’s July 25 call with President Zelensky, Trump himself repeatedly brought up Giuliani in the same conversation where he reminded Zelensky of all that America does for Ukraine and asked him for a “favor.”
“Rudy very much knows what’s happening, and he is a very capable guy,” Trump told Zelensky, after asking him to investigate a widely debunked conspiracy theory about Ukraine interfering in the 2016 election.
“If you could speak to him that would be great,” he said.
I guess now Trump is going to start saying that his own words are never Trumpers, and part of the deep state.

@Wallace You think he hasn’t?
@Tom Pratz: Who? You and the massive 30% of the electorate? Dream on douchbag. Oh! Right. A douchbag has a use…
@Phil E independent sentinel.
A right wing publication that says they are neutral between parties. Has a fact check rating of 32%.
At this point the National Enquirer is less reliable but not by much.
Please stop touting “fake news” when using actual fake news as a source.
@Raven Rodriguez The fact that I’m being lectured about what is a reliable news source by an MSNBC viewer is hilarious. MSNBC is propaganda.
why do you not want to know about the corruption that Obama and Biden were doing?
I’ll never be able to hear his name without thinking about cows.

@Russ The Troubadour It needed to be said, and somebody had to do it. Way to step up, my brother. We will not kowtow to any meadow muffins from devine little Devin. And be careful of those traps when traveling to Mumbai . . . And now, for something completely different:
@dreamshot Dolly Parton said, “I love you, but I told you to stay in the truck.” You really need to take it down a notch, tough guy, before you hurt yourself. Mr. Ogden was defending a true patriot. Your attack on him is uncalled for & won’t be tolerated. Don’t attempt to enter a battle of wits unarmed as you are. Check yerself before ya wreck yerself. You may be on the right side but picked the wrong target.
@Dave Schultz You may find making remarks like that are unwise. Patriots here in America are getting pretty tired of this kind of crap. You attack one of us, and you attack all of us, my misguided brother. You may want to heed this friendly advice.
@Tom Ogden Together we stand, my brother.
A comment on Freedom:
Jeff freaking Sessions had the integrity to recuse. Nunes should see prison time for malfeasance in office.
The corruption hadn’t set into the GOP as yet. Now it’s all rotten to the core. Sessions wouldn’t recuse himself now, no way!
@Bobby Dazzler easy win for anyone, both democrat and Republican.
“When Trump wants to build the wall and say “Alabama will pay for it”, then we all know who would not fight for your higher taxes.”
Watch out he is suing the company that made the ink that printed the story on the news paper.
@Lee Powers moo!
This should be a national movement: Sue me motherf*cker.
nebulous stargate lol!
@IX XI – it already is, if you’re a Republican who’s been caught in a scandal for which you have no defense.
Nunes is a Great Embarrassment for California. But he’ll never be re elected.
You should thank God that you have someone like Nunes fighting for what is left of a state that has been in steady decline under democrat control. Too bad he’s outnumbered by all of the people in California who keep voting the same liberal leaders into office, expecting a different result. California can’t even keep a power grid up and running. Pretty sad.
@musoangelo I don’t watch Fox. But I don’t watch MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. either. If you get your news there you are part of the problem. I have hundreds of family members in Ca. and they all want out. Third world cities, over-run by illegals, tent cities, human feces on the side walks, drugs everywhere. But it’s great if you are on welfare, need a free stuff or government handouts. San Fran is a cesspool, Thanks Pelosi!
@piper845 So it’s exposed that he secretly went to the Ukraine to try and dig up (manufacture) dirt on a political rival and he sits on the congressional committee investigating trump and doesn’t mention that to anyone and you’re ok with that . THAT IS CORRUPTION, THAT IS A FELONY. My god how can anyone be so stupid.
@Dee Ess My 2 bedroom house is Oakland is worth about a $1,100,000. and real estate prices have done nothing but go up for the last several decades and that’s because people want to live here. Do California citys have their challenges, yes, but cities across the country also have their issues but if your family wants to leave, that’s their right. Go somewhere else.
I find this hilarious, I knew there was a reason he was acting that way in the inquiry, cant wait to hear Lev testify
@greg hill most likely not these Narcissists dont believe we will catch on
@Dawn Short You make good points. But I submit that to bring humor to an otherwise very dire and dark situation has its place as to morale. These are dark and serious times indeed.
But consider the role played by Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, et al.
I have heard it said that it’s a wonderful life if you don’t weaken. Together we stand.
@Dawn Short Lev and Igor were stranded in the desert. They had been there for days, and were out of water. Igor continued to clutch tightly to an old car door as he dragged himself across the burning sands. Lev said to Igor, “We are both too weak to walk, and we can barely crawl. Why do you insist on dragging that car door with you?”
Igor replied, “When it becomes too hot to go any further, I can roll down the window.”
Lev and Igor, after drinking to the health of their best friend Rudy, and Vlad, and Donnie J., and Don Corleone, and all their families and pets, found themselves out of vodka so they proceeded to stumble toward the liquor store to replenish their provisions. They decided to take what was thought to be a shortcut down the railroad tracks.
After following the tracks for what seemed an excessively long time, Igor said to Lev, “Lev, my friend, my comrade . . . isn’t this the longest stairway you’ve ever seen?”
Lev replied, “I don’t mind that, I just wish the bannisters weren’t so low.”
(Abandon all hoax, ye who enter here)
Ganiscol can i get those names in tshirt form?! Haha perfect! Let them all rot in jail!
Nunes got caught committing arson, now he wants to go after the person who pulled the fire alarm and called 911. Someone as unethical, immoral, and conniving as Nunes should be removed from Congress….and in chains preferably.
You should add Lindsey’s name to Nunes to be removed from the house
Nunes is an honest man trying to show the people how corrupt the government was before Trump. msnbc is fake news, made up.
@david cook Enjoy whatever they’re paying you while you can. Karma takes care of people like you.
@piper845 Then why are you watching CNN’s channel and posting in CNN’s comments? Must be that you’re only here telling people what you’re told to tell them. Ironic, huh?
Nunes is a liar and traitor to the United States Constitution.
@Meta Capitalism Well said.
@Paula R thanks Paula. Finally someone who thinks and researches before opening their mouth!
@Paula R take it to court.

@0:40 “Lawsuits…Which seem to be his go-to mooo-mooove”
“I’d LOVE to answer the question but first LOOK OVER THERE!!!!!!”
Yes, was the 1st word he said in that deflection.
@Jill Morrow I noticed that.
VP Perf – Bwahahahaha!
Trump is about to set records for the number people in his administration that end up behind bars doing what he told them to do.
worse than the Teapot Dome scandal.
Nunes is real weasel. He oozes guilt.
C’mon don’t have a

Devvy noo-noo moo moo…
The question isn’t whether Trump will be impeached, the question is who else will also be impeached? Every republicant?
The question is who will be the demtard/KKKlown to lose to TRUMP… also please enjoy the FISA and Barr/Durham Reports…ya cvnt
I hope his whole party goes down including Pence
Right in everybody’s faces! Nunez spinning the Ukrainian conspiracy. Has this man no shame! Evidentially not.
These people got no shame ! Just look at trump.
They need to go to prison for life, selling Russian propaganda to the American people is as traitorous as Trumps idiotic brain.
you have low info.
david cook – You must not speak English or you have low grammar. Low education, all of the above.. Good talk lol
Are they going to build a special prison for politicians?
Just send them to Guantanamo Bay including Donald Trump and his whole ministration along with any other politician that sells out this nation again.
They need to do hard time, multiple life sentences would stop these idiots before they sell our Country out. Jim Jordan needs to be in prison for the Ohio State scandal, why are all of these politicians crooks and liars?
yes, the democrat national prison, heard it will be in california.
@david cook I assume the prison will accept all types. Even independents.
@Dan Lunsford Yeah, I’m not sure why a lot of these crimes aren’t classified as treason.
I hope Lev doesn’t commit “suicide” before he can testify.
Junior C “Clearly murdered”!?!? Seriously. After his prior conviction, the overwhelming amount of evidence against him including the dozens of extremely credible victims that would have testified in trial, he would have spent the rest of his natural life in prison. Because of all the publicity surrounding the sweetheart deal he made in 2008 there was no reasonable chance of any other possible outcome at a trial that would have been astoundingly embarrassing for him. Considering the charges, there was no chance of a plea deal either that would get him anything less than a life w/o parole sentence,. No matter how much money one has, being convicted of sexual crimes like his, lead to an abysmal existence in prison. We know his attorneys told him that he was in a terrible situation because they’ve said so, they also said that he was extremely despondent the last few days before his death. Conspiracy theories are rather convenient these days, in fact they seem to be everywhere, however if a fairly intelligent person applies some critical thought to the specific circumstances, there is usually a much more realistic and prosaic explanation to be found. Cheers!
He won’t unless, Trump and Barr take over guardianship!? then as Trump puts it bing, bing, bong! Epsteined?
Don’t let Barr visit him.
luckily hes already given docs, vids and emails so we GOOD GIRL
let’s see how Nunes wiggle his way out of this one lol.
Right into prison.
Trump will guide him…”Hey Nunes, there is the bus I was telling you about, now jump”