After defying subpoenas to testify before Congress, a federal judge has decided former White House Counsel Don McGahn must testify before Congress. Former Acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal argues the highly anticipated ruling is a “a complete win for Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives, and a very devastating loss for the President." Aired on 11/25/19.
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'Devastating Loss': Judge Orders WH Counsel To Testify Before Congress Amid Ukraine Scandal | MSNBC
Trump just launched a bucket of KFC across the Oval Office. Extra crispy.
And some ketchup packets.
David J No you didn’t

! Too good.
And a couple of Big Macs
Finally judges taking actions against this autocrat
GM Newbold GM, fantastic commentary. I agree with every word. Please share with the numerous mis- or uninformed. I almost hope Trump temper tantrum tweets about Judge Brown Jackson in a disparaging way (although the Cult45 might think Trump is their brave warrior). In any event, thanks so much for your time and effort! Be happy!
Funny thing is what you gonna say when his narrative isn’t what you thought it would be.
@GM Newbold Had just finished skimming through the ruling, via the 120 page _COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY,
UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Plaintiff, vs DONALD F. MCGAHN II, Defendant_ document and came here to see who’d be covering this.
Of course they’ll be running ragged throwing together appeals but FINALLY!
I especially appreciated the Judge pointing out that
*”Presidents are not kings.”*
“they do not have subjects, bound by loyalty or blood, whose destiny they are entitled to control.”
“in this land of liberty, it is indisputable that current and former employees of the White House work for the *People of the United States* ” and they retain their constitutional rights, including the right
to free speech.
Thank you Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson!
@GM Newbold

Line up the stonewallers and shake out some answers. End the obstruction. America has lots of questions. TAKE YOUR OATHS AND REPORT TO CONGRESS. NOW!
but… but… but…..its all a sham
And to think they impeached Clinton over an affair.
Trump: I am gravely ill, regrettably I’ll have to resign as president…its coming
I hope Trump is enjoying his bogus presidency while it lasts… lol
I wish
Erik Islas ever notice no Democrat discusses economy or job growth. They care for Mexicans more than the homeless Americans . Glad I jumped ship , go Trump
No, mor e joying squirming like the fat worm he is! Let him suffer like all the people he’s wronged suffer. He has blood on his hands!!!!

@david whitaker WAIT!! Uber Eats then bill it all to the WH.. LOL
I am the most transparent President in History. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. We’re going to hire the best people. I’m the least racist person you’ve ever met. I won the popular vote. The call was perfect.
Try and imagine the mind that believes all of this.
Lol exactly what I’ve been thinking. Thank you for writing it. Seriously, the transparent claim is in direct contradiction of what is happening right now.
this dude read the cliff notes of the book “The Secret” and never looked back.
I’m dizzy just reading this. The man is mentally ill! He needs to be dragged out the White House and be put into a mental institution.
@Alyse Alyse btr make sure it’s more than a 1 bed room. Pompeo, Mulvaney, Pence they could all play Yahtzee or Scrabble b4 their night time medication
Perhaps its incarnation is President Donald Trump’s itself.
No, I don’t believe it!
The over ripe tangerine just choked on his cheeseburger.
Good.. will it keep him from tweeting?
Maybe so bit he choked while laughing at how you all cheering are gonna look stupid
He didn’t choke on a hamburger. He choked on a Peach
He should’ve washed it down with a large covfefe.

I hope he stays alive long enough to testify, keep him safe America.
Either way he’s going down
@Lavern Revels fkkkkk that. Human life isn’t precious Lavern. 9 billion of us parasites. The amur tiger is precious. The entire planet is endanger of extinction from this greedy mfer. and you’re worried about being polite and PC? Good thing there are still some people with balls as around here.
No no…he should choke on a fkin bigmac and die ASAP
@Winston C Not McGahn. Trump, sure.
@Winston C
Wasn’t being PC, human life is precious , ever hear tbe saying be careful of the ditch you dig for others because the ditch you dig for them might just be yours is ny point, animals are not more important than humans, the planet trees try to keep it cleaner.
Whatever floats your boat with how you feel.
This should make everyone who was subpoenaed have to testify. Congress has been given their power back. Good day for justice.
I would have all those SUBPOENAED Republican *MUTTS… Line up outside ( in the Rain or Snow ) and have them wait their turn to testify to the Committee.
Bwaaaaah hahaha !!!
@Eddie Lugo

If I defied a subpoena, I’d have to spend months in jail. If I told someone to defy subpoena, I’d get a couple of years in prison. Above the law, orange Biff, is.
Subpoena Bolton, get him on record refusing a lawful subpoena.
@Lumby1 Cry me a river
Bolton has been subpoenaed. He is ignoring it.
@Cole Parkhurst Videos (plural) …. find your own links for the witnesses statements videos. There’s enough of them on YT. Just have to type in their name and the word _impeachment_ . Try it.
@Cole Parkhurst dude, seriously? Maybe watch the testimony for yourself? Everything you said is the OPPOSITE of reality.
@Cole Parkhurst Every witness said there was a quid pro quo. All of their testimony was consistent. Next order of the impeachment inquiry: the president’s old WH lawyer being compelled to testify against him to give more details of his 10 well-supported counts of obstruction of justice.
The worst and most corrupt president in the history of America
Larry Norman it’s coming very soon.
@iSellUsedCondoms I’m glad to see someone who makes sense on here, your right! Bush was just as big of an A$$hole as Trump!
Republicans… in shock…the person they worship as the chosen one…is not a king….
@paul milliorn Site the crimes and how freakin’ dumb was the GOP that they could not get Obama on a single one. RWNJ or Russkie asset …take your pick.
paul milliorn still this president is worst one
@Pat Brennan What?
He’s not even a person.
There are countries where the President has only
representative functions exactly for the reason for too much power in one hand. Maybe the US has to change the role of the President cut it’s power.
Trump’s toupee’s about to flip and testify against him too. LoL
@Igor JajicJust another Serbian Republican lol… I forgive you, you just weren’t loved as a child. Hate speech never prevails.
Lbc231, can a few strands of orange hair have much impact, even if they heard everything?
I have never seen an innocent person act so guilty.
And you never will, because he ain’t innocent.
Yup. Trump gets pulled over for speeding but tells the cop he didn’t rob the bank.
Kinda like Obama’s administration.
@lordsinister707 to start with, his tax returns. Lol
paul milliorn No felons from Obama’s administration.
Let’s not forget about Barr in the criminal roundup.
MAGA – Many Are Getting Arrested
Oh heck yeah, he needs to be disbarred and so does Rudy Colludy
Trump has damaged the presidency like no other ever…The Founding Fathers thought of Trump when they came up with articles of impeachment…
@chuck peck there is nobody to blame for what we have today other than the corrupt American culture of pay to play. The White House is a direct reflection of who the American citizenry is and amplifies it.
Jim Sea Well said!
@Jim Sea veritas…we get the leaders we deserve….
You mean like Obama did by dividing the country or running guns or ramping up spying on Americans or the uranium one deal. Or Obama care or helping Hilary avoid prosecution on the many of crimes she has committed.
Worst and most corrupt administration and President ever.
@Ben Vasilinda Are you serious? He admitted on the lawn of the White House to doing something that is specifically written in the constitution as wrongdoing. Perhaps you should read the Meuller Report. There we 10 cases of obstruction in that report. These were impeachable acts. You are hellbent on defending this man who cares not one whit about you and your family.
@paul milliorn
russia if you’re listening release the pee pee tapes
Americans also prefer presidents who dont get peed on buddy
@Brian Stripling
This is a putin installed criminal enterprise folks, the pussygrabber is a national security threat
Jim Battersbee your not very bright are you kid? Study world history, and American history. Read the constitution. If he is innocent, why work so hard to cover up criminal activity? Trump may not tell the truth, but eventually someone will tell the truth for him.
Trump is going to achieve something Obama never did, Impeachment!
@Cole Parkhurst TRUMP 2020 FOR PRISON!!!!

It’s going to be the biggest impeachment in the history of the United States, believe me.
He has already achieved many thing Obama didn’t. But impeachment isn’t gonna be one.
“Obama never got any peaches.
trumps like a serial killer it takes alot of crimes before hes cought
Not a serial killer..

Wow you totally misspelled Hilary.
Yeah, like when a serial killer says “Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you.” and all the schmucks believe him.
Lavern Revels no! just a baby Killer!!

vote blue vote Bernie

I bet he won’t say ish, he will pivot and invoke “privilegies”. He is ultra conservative and have a history of stonewalling…..
Barr is going to jail,plain and simple,he’s criminalised his office.against the law.