Devastating aftermath of deadly blast in Beirut

A massive explosion ripped through central Beirut, Lebanon, killing dozens, injuring thousands and blowing apart buildings across the city. CNN's Ben Wedeman and Jomana Karadsheh report.
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    1. cory cannon yep I looked like a staged demolition to me with some cgi effects used to exaggerate the quickly moving then somehow disappearing white smoke plume.

    2. Yeah and the dollar is 8L.L we cannot sustain any longer a goddamn chips bag is 1.5 L. L i realy hope that everything goes well

    3. Chris Proctor Not luxury. These people’s money were stolen. They’re hard working smart people who know how to make $$$$$$ but sadly everything they worked for was taken away. Even with that trust me, from experience, I’d rather be around middle easterners. Try it. You will learn what true friends are and get spoiled with how good they treat you and others. It’s sad bad things always happen in their countries. However, it’ll always be much better than Trump’s America. My husband lives in Lebanon and loves it more than home.

  1. I’m generally an optimist, but when it comes to democracy and autocratic leaders, wishfully thinking “it will all be fine” guarantees a catastrophe. It won’t be fine unless you fight like hell.

    1. Smok33 – You are right upon what I wanted to say. A “pure Democracy” DOES lend itself to authoritarianism because it can result in majority rule. This country was SPECIFICALLY designed to avoid that by incorporating Democratic ideology into a Constitutional Republic governed by a separate, but equal, triartite balance of power. This Hyena, with an IQ of 65 and a vocabulary of 400 words, has managed to blast right through that structure into Fasism in such a short time that our heads are spinning. Oh, it was going on already, but insidiously and behind the scenes. They never anticipated the speed and reckless defiance of any structure or loyalty he would use, as his depravity has no bottom at which it stops to sink. Guilty by their omissions to act to stop him, Congress MUST BE shocked, too, never thinking he would go so out off control. THE ONLY GOOD THING that Hyena has done was to draw back the curtain to reveal to us the evil, dark capitalist, elitist plan for our demise and their enrichment. Now we see it, who is doing it and ALL must be drop kicked out out of Washington immediately.

  2. If they have an equivalent to the medal of valor the firefighters who died fighting the blaze should get it.

  3. At such a time for this to happen,as the world hasn’t suffered enough deaths and losses this is horrible

    1. Nick Pride Lol you’re clearly a republican… People like you suck, you have to look at it from a neutral point of view

    2. @Dylan Wagemans I know this man sucks. How is this about republican or democrat. This is about humanity not your political allegiance

  4. That white bowl you see during the explosion is the explosion breaking the sound barrier. That’s horribly violent.

    I feel sorry for the people who died and those who got impacted by this in general.

  5. They have my deepest condolences 🙏. I’m so sorry for their loss. Oh my Lord that was horrible. Let us all pray for all the victims In Lebanon. This is horrible and heartbreaking. SMH

    1. @younes jorge I live in the Americas and I can remember a time when Beirut was called “The Paris of the Middle East”. That was a long time ago.

  6. My prayers go out to everyone who lost their lives , injured and to all who’s been affected by this tragic disaster .

    1. The worse it YET to come. It’s sad but true. When something is bad evil learns to scale it up and make it worse.

    2. Bad Kitty shut up who needs trump he’s a terrible president that has done nothing but himself.

  7. This broke us all and traumatized us all! Its sad and heartbreaking seeing our lebanon falling apart😔

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