‘Devastated by my failings’: Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to more than 11 years in prison

A judge sentenced Elizabeth Holmes to more than 11 years in prison following her conviction in January for defrauding investors while running the failed blood testing startup Theranos. CNN's Natasha Chen reports. #CNN #News


  1. I am glad she got a long sentence, not only for defrauding investors (should have been for patients as well), but as an example to sociopaths there are consequences for your crazy.

    1. @Walter Shumate A child would point out a mistake because he has nothing else to stand on! You should take that weakness somewhere like back to your mother. Tell her somebody hurt your poor little feelings, because somebody thinks your a fool.
      FYI: never stick up for the rick man, because he will only use you as stepping stone.

    2. @James I see you deleted your comments pointing out other people’s grammar and trying to ridicule them.
      Then you come back with the “mother” line. You’re just embarrassing yourself further and it shows what a weak individual you really are.
      Thanks for playing kid.

    3. @Walter Shumate Of course I did, I always do after 2 days. I do not have the ability nor would I want to remember a conversation after so many days. That becomes very annoying quickly. Also, try deleting your comments after months and years. It will take days to remove them all. They make it very difficult to move. I can remove comments much quicker if removed quickly. All your comments can be used against you and so many others. IT 24 yrs, MCSE, CNE, …….
      Have a good days. Deleting your account does not delete your comments, they stay!

    4. Patients weren’t defrauded. I’m shocked at how many people are misinformed about this. The fraud was that they took the blood samples from the machines and tested them in a normal lab. That’s how they pretended it worked. All the patients got the blood test they were promised at a below market price. They got a great deal.

      Her big crime is stealing money from rich people and using it to give discount medical care to normal people.

      What a villain.

  2. I have nothing personally against her but am happy for this sentence as there really seems to be two separate legal systems in this country, one for the wealthy and one for the poor.

    1. There certainly is two separate legal systems.

      One for men and one for women.
      And if she were a man she would have gotten more prison time.

    2. That’s actually BS. In the US you are statistically more likely to go to prison if you are a billionaire than poor.

    3. @Tory Schleper That isn’t true. When they were “using” the machines, what they actually did was send the sample to a real lab to get tested to make it look like the machines worked. That’s how they ran out of money. No patience were defrauded, just investors.

  3. These people who commit fraud are only apologetic when they’re caught. She sat across from people she “loved” and calmly, lied to them for nothing more than to cover her grift. She now has 11 years to contemplate her actions.

    1. ​@No Stress Steeze There will be a restitution phase where hopefully she will be stripped searched for all her cash and holdings, which quite obviously have been seized years ago.

    1. Like every corporate failed CEO does before layoffs? Keeps those about to lose their jobs in dark until the last minute and then they are escorted out by a security guard? After giving blood sweat and tears for 20 years to a profitable company.

  4. That’s why I followed Elizabeth Holmes’ case and trial for some years now. I always loathed her and was angered by her. She gave all women and girls a bad reputation, especially those who are leaders and bosses of companies and really want to make a difference to improve the life of humans, not run some fraud and scam everyone out of their money. I think 11 years in prison is a fitting punishment for her.

    1. I personally think they should freeze all of her accounts and pay out to all of the victims. I prefer her being broke to her going to jail

    2. 11 years is okay, if she has to serve it all. otherwise more like 25 would be better. Typically in federal prison you have to serve every day of a sentence. We’ll see.

    3. @Emily The problem is that she faces a possible 800 million restitution. 2 things. 1. POSSIBLE, but unlikely in my opinion. 2. She’s a billionaire so 🤷🏾‍♂️ she losses a lot but she can always rebuild with the money that she has left. I want every asset frozen. Then I’d feel better about the possible 11 years, which will in the end be 7

  5. I want to hear the audio of her in court, maybe she used her real voice, or maybe it crept out when she got emotional.

  6. ‘Devastated’ by her failings but still doesn’t think she did anything wrong. And still had the nerve to ask for leniency.

    1. “Devastated” for being locked up! Her behaviour throughout the whole process, from first being exposed to the end of the trial, has been nothing short shameful & delusional. She even managed to deceive the jury into not believing she harmed or defrauded patients! Unbelievable!

  7. Agree this is justice, otherwise there is one standard for the rich and one for the rest. She committed blatant fraud at scale impacting thousands, and still doesn’t take responsibility. Sad she chose the selfish step of having children knowing this sentence was coming. Her baby will know her for 3 months before she goes to prison for a decade 😢

    1. @Tanya Love appeal can only be done once already in prison. They have facilities for moms and babies, until x months, depends if her husband agrees. For the next 10 years weekly visits…

    2. @EN Under these circumstances? A lot. There was no way she wasn’t going to get jail time. She had a child, then another to play on the court’s
      sympathy for leniency. One accidental pregnancy, maybe? But not two. She will be away from the children most of their early life. And her husband
      will have to double duty. Oh, and I have kids. Grown up ones. I have more sympathy for parents who conceive a child to hopefully provide an ailing
      older sibling with an organ or bone marrow transplant. That’s done out of love. But conceive one to stay out of jail? That’s the definition of selfishness.

    3. Repent…believe in Jesus. John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13 3 – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      John 3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

    4. @benjamin jensen you have very good intuition! She is a master manipulator! Those children not only have her DNA but also will suffer greatly in childhood bcause ALL of her choices! 😢

    1. “Don’t worry about the future – we’re in good hands”- Bill Clinton on Elizabeth Holmes, now disgraced founder of Theranos

    2. Yes. Typical poor me crap. I am being punished because I failed, not because I committed egregious criminal acts.

    3. @Heywood Jabuzoff exactly! But that’s a door that’s not convenient to open for the sake of too many interests including the big pharma.

  8. Former enron ceo was sentenced to 24 years in prison. His wrongdoing has nothing to do with clients medical health. This case, on the other hand, not only has bullshit numbers in the accounting parts, but also endanger people’s lives with misleading health information. Just saying.

    1. @Alpha Nerd no, I am not. She was found guilty on 4 counts related to investors who were defrauded but not guilty on charges involving patients and deadlocked on 3 of the counts of wire fraud.

    1. @Tyler’s TCAP That’s why she’s popping out these kids real quick, so she can put the money in their names. Idk.

    2. @Daniel Bonner I would reckon her getting pregnant has to do with either:
      1. To get sympathy in court
      2. Her “biological clock” might be over by the time she would be out of a potential prison sentence, so it is “now or never”.

      I tend to believe in option 1, but that is just my opinion. Of course the decision could have some to do with both.

  9. Narcissists find it rather difficult to apologise; it must have taken her lawyers a lot of repeated efforts to come up with this half-hearted apology before she approved of it!😂

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