Self-proclaimed poll watchers in Detroit have gathered outside the TCF center in a “mob like scene” demanding access to the building. There is a police presence and some official Democratic poll watchers that are supposed to have access to the building have been shut out. Aired on 11/04/2020.
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#DemocraticPoll #2020Democrats #MSNBC
Detroit Sees ‘Mob Like Scene’ Of Poll Watchers Outside Vote Counting Facility | MSNBC
This is just desperation. You can smell it.
@blowing trees do you get splinters when you’re blowing trees?
It is definitely a right stink . Trump will cheat as far as he can, to get his next term, up to and including inciting his supporters to violence.
Most of us know he is utterly shameless and desperate.
@blowing trees Oh you’re clever … Did it take you a long time to come up with that??
Well if Trump does win I will smell the fires of buring cities when the Marxists don’t get what they want.
The vote is the voice. Count them!
Every last one!
count all legal votes!
Every vote should be counted even if it takes 48 hours , the people that stood in the cold and rain waiting in line should have a say in this election , the statements from the Trump campaign are groundless
#Biden2020 for president
trump: “I love the men & women of our military”
Oh yeah? then why don’t you want their mail in votes (voice) counted ???????????
Trump is trying to silence voters
Biden has been called the winner of Michigan
Did Biden win Nevada also? or are they still counting?Cuz if they are still counting, then he only needs Nevada and he won.
@Sneaky 314 Nevada not called yet.

I have a great intuition PA will really sky rocket Biden to the clouds.
@Peter T

He is points ahead though I believe.
Also Arizona, there’s the likelihood Biden might win.
@Mary Here is the problem Mary, We just DON’T know what votes are left to count.
We know that in PA, the remaining votes are early/mail in votes. PA law tells us that.
In Nevada we don’t know if the remaining votes are early/mail in or on the day votes.
That difference has significant difference in who those votes will be for.
Basically it comes back to what I said earlier, DON’T believe a state has been won until the state election officials call it.
Voter intimidation should be dealt with swiftly and severely, this is not Nazi Germany and Trump is not Hitler.
complaining the election is rigged, is Trumps go to, these days . But the same process put him in the Whitehouse lol . He was hoping, to run down the clock, on charges of Tax fraud which are in place for 2021 and being the POTUS would stop him being charged with any crimes running down the S.L. on the fraud charges
maybe tell the republicans that?
@robots v That’s very clever of you, you managed to string together about 6 of Tronald Dumps Twitter messages. A big round of applause. Now….. show us the proof!
Thos isn’t voter intimidation.
@Ryan Brown what did these “trumpites” get away with?
“Losing is never easy.”
Donald J. Gump
Stupid is as stupid does.
Nether is doing prison time.
If I lose I may have to leave the country”
Donald J Trump
Trump never condemned White Supremacy. He told the “proud boys” to stand back. If in case Trump will announce Martial Law. The crooks are right behind by Trump.
Let the people speak! Count all the votes!
Every vote should be counted even if it takes 48 hours , the people that stood in the cold and rain waiting in line should have a say in this election , the statements from the Trump campaign are groundless
#Biden2020 for president
Let them watch.
Your counting sucks!
@Jared Zufelt ByeDon ; )
Nicely put Rev.
The most un-American thing you can do is suppress other Americans votes. Why do Trump and his followers hate this country and what it stands for?
@Akram T now THAT makes senseto me.
those are democrats
@Ben997 doing what???
@Ben997 Go away, the grown ups are talking, son.
It should 50/50 of Republicans and Dems watching these votes, not all Dem or huge majority.
I dont care how much you hate someone for good reasons or lies or whatever, BE HONEST WITH VOTES, I RATHER LOSE HONESTLY THAN WIN DISHONESTLY.
But hey, I guess breaking the law is ok cause that’s the culture theme of the Left, if its against the law,do it,cause it doesn’t apply to you cause you hate trump.
Don’t call them poll watchers like what they’re doing isn’t illegal

Democratic poll watchers at that 0:58
@ToC News Plenty of people were arrested pre civil war and pre civil rights too. Pointing out that tyrants are arresting people in unmarked vehicles with unmarked military gear on US streets is not BS. It’s a fact.
@Mama Bear those were the legit ones she was speaking of that got shut out when the dumbfucks rushed the building and caused the commotion

@jeck jeck Ok, so people protesting outside a polling station on the sidewalk, not blocking any cars or people are domestic terrorists?
Does that make Marxists BLM burning down cities and businesses upstanding members of society?
@Umbrella Corporation Crazy person, there’s no marxists anywhere. No city has been burned down. Quit exaggerating and lying like the drama queen and snowflake island.
Isn’t America “Great”?! What a disgrace. I am ashamed to be American at this point. No wonder we are hated globally.
I feel bad for the Americans that don’t support Trump. I’m based in Manchester, England. You have my support and I hope it works out for you all.
Hello Thad, you sound embarrassed, that’s understandable, but you are not hated.
@robots v “Trump made things better” (?) Dude, 1,000+ of us are dying of COVID *every day*
Ikr and trumps makes fun of them
Be proud to be American! I’m proud of those who did voted! It’s sad that there are.adults who are stupid!!; Every vote mush be counted.! This is America!
We see Trump destroying every citizen not just those that did not vote for him he hates his own voters!
TRUMP cases nothing for anyone!
And how is he doiung that?? I noticed something you crazy lefties make lots of accusations but literally cant ever provide proof.
Well let me correct myself the crazy left does speak of evidence etc. only problem is no one can ever seem to bring it forward or the source is always unknown or anonymous, weird I know
@ToC News keep being blind and see where it leads you.
@sweetd097 Care to help me out and tell me what I am turning a blind eye to???? LOL of course you cant lol. But no if you can please do lol
He’s the scorched-earth, “I’m taking my ball home” Chief-of-State.
Best Wishes from Hogtown, Florida.
@B Spot on!
Trump’s latest message on Twitter, trying his best to start some chaos, lawlessness and wicked scemes:
Replying to
…..there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!*
Although Twitter have censored it:
“Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more”
Mans a child. Children who lose claim they’ve been cheated. Reeks of desperation.
@warpedjaffas1 yes he’s thinking of all those 250 case’s he has to deal with … Before going to jail … He fought forty years of jail and finally he’s gonna get his. .. duly deserved
Trump is literally trying to steal votes he’s not hiding it he’s full on just doing wateva he wants he’s being watched by the world not just us Americans an pulling all stops to avoid losing
He is dead
seems very nazi like to the rest OF the WORLD.
He doesn’t want face jail time
@leon it certainly does. Shocking in a democratic nation.
@L D Pretty much every elected Republican would be out of office
@ToC News are u stupid thats because it was mail in voting being counted and dem voted by mail u lot went un person
@ToC News and don’t worry when they’re all rechecked u will see what fools u look trump can convince u of anything just because trump is losing in mail in votes it must be fraud grow up
Exactly! He’s so pathetic!
@ToC News That’s what the lib freaks can’t seem to understand. They shouldn’t have been All Biden votes.
but all? nope, sorry, that is no excuse… for sure there are trump supporters who cant go to vote in person that would use mail in balads despite trump warning.
They aren’t poll watchers they are a bunch of trumps conned sheep
Yes. Kool-Aid tsunami
What? Watching Black Lives Matter throw the Trump votes into the trash?
@Nick A lol. Doctored video? Or just dream?
@stanley mc fadden there are watchers from both parties. All these false accusations and rumors are eroding our election process. We could talk about the 300 voting machines made in China by Trump trademark and placed in undisclosed areas if USA for this election cycle, but we wont.
@Nick A rhose were just ppl. Why do u claim they’re BLM???
So now people who cheated and want to cheat is calling other cheating.
Thats is the behavior of a narcissist. = Trump
Exactly! If Trump is ahead, it’s not considered cheating.
Democrats are cheating like there’s no tomorrow
@4esthetics bs
“Quick, get in the car, Karen! They’re counting black people’s votes now!”
Shows you how cowardice they are.
Lol Karen won’t stand to allow black votes to be counted!!!!!
So true

They better get across 8 mile not One of them is a Detroit Resident
Here we go… Trump’s cultists have realized they’ve lost, and they’re going to act like fools.

Your blind. War will come at the hands of biden. World war 3 .
@KillerQueen000 Then we look at actual lefties crying when busted lol:: How about your famed CHAP/CHOP leader lol LMFAO
So we know how you all act when trained people are by lol:
We may act like fools but we will not loot, burn and destroy, after all WE have to get up for WORK.
@Bard Theheadthatroared Crazy lefty liberal cant compute comment. Logic unknown.
Come on man you know the left doesnt understand work ethic lol.
You speaking alien language at this point to them lol
At least if Trump loses his supporters are not going to burn down cities because their feelings were hurt. I guarantee cities will burn if Trump wins the election by Antifa and Marxists BLM.
Oh my, I hope and pray he gets sent to prison, along with his kids too.
@Otis McClintock lol
The prison term is for life….
The Governor should send in National Guards
Stopping the count would be a blatant violation of the Constitution. And the last time I checked, we still have a Constitution.
There is no one more unAmerican, and unpatriotic, than a Trump supporter. We didn’t see people behaving this way in 2016 when Hillary lost.
We also didn’t have this kind of voting system in 2016 and people are naturally sceptical to a new system. Are the people who want to see the ballot counting process before it starts unamerican or the people who lock the doors and cover the windows with cardboard?
@Umbrella Corporation exactly, when you have to cover the the windows and lock the doors what are you trying to hide, the un-American THINGS THIS COUNTRY does is just let anyone into this country without following the immigration laws, we have those for a reason, the in-American thing we do in this country is put other countries before our own and before the people of this country, mandatory health care was a joke, people could not afford that and when you only make minimum wage or are SOCIAL SECURITY, you can’t afford that when the insurance companies raise the prices so high. Being forced to do things against your will is not living in a free country. This is SUPPOSED TO BE AMERICA, this is not a socialist country and it’s not a communist country, our government is corrupt and we need to get the career politicians out of office .
@Umbrella Corporation It’s not a new system. We’ve had mail in voting for decades.
@Robert DiMarzio but not massive mail in voting like this time.