Despite A Black Eye And 14 Stitches, 95-Year-Old Jimmy Carter Builds Homes For Habitat For Humanity

After falling at his home and receiving 14 stitches above his eye, former President Jimmy Carter, black eye and all, speaks to Andrea Mitchell as he helps lead a build of Habitat for Humanity homes in Nashville. Aired on 10/08/19.
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Despite A Black Eye And 14 Stitches, 95-Year-Old Jimmy Carter Builds Homes For Habitat For Humanity

Despite A Black Eye And 14 Stitches, 95-Year-Old Jimmy Carter Builds Homes For Habitat For Humanity


  1. Jimmy Carter was ahead of his time you know he put solar panels on the roof of the White House and Ronald Reagan probably took them down when he became president

    1. @Flabby Bum Were you alive during the Reagan years? This was when American farms were being foreclosed on and Farm Aid brought attention to the problems of family farms that had supported multiple generations. Please explain how Reagan prevented famines. Oh, that’s right. You can’t.

    1. j walsh Trump is a joke and a embarrassment to this country. When you see other world leaders laughing behind his back, and some of the faces they make when he speaks, says it all. He is a lover of dictators.

    2. If Trump “stands tall” Yo-yo Brains, why didn’t he stand up and served his country when his country called back in the 1960s?  No he hid under his bed, weeping and peeing his pants, begging his daddy to get him out of the draft.

  2. They called him a weak president, but is a great humanist and he’s turned out stronger than anyone else.

    1. Honesty is not a weakness. If the Reagan campaign hadn’t pulled a trump and made a back door deal with Iran he might have been reelected. Imagine how different our country might be.

    2. @mtb416 Fully agree… Former president Jimmy’s a great leader and a great human being… We need more people like him walking this world today.

    3. I was too young to remember those days. I do remember the Iran thing in part and the oil embargo were you could only get gas on specific days. However I listened to some old audio tapes and looked at some of the agenda you had some bad apples in the cabinet. Under Ford you had some really bad ones as well. Reagan I lived through but didn’t go back and look at in detail. It is really hard to connect all the dots.

  3. Despite 14 stiches, being 95 President Carter is going to work today. He’s working more hours now than trumpakov.

    1. @Mind Freshener Take some lessons!! President Carter is an American treasure!! Do NOT belittle this man who has devoted his entire life to the betterment of the world. He is a kind, compassionate human being. Like I said, take some notes, you have much to learn!!! Instead of being a troll…..Be Kind!!

  4. It’s amazing that some would describe President Carter as an ineffectual President. That is a GOOD man right there. His entire life is built on honesty and integrity. A good and decent public servant. We need someone like him in office now.

    1. mark schick And he was voted out of the office for it. I wish more presidents stood on the grounds of principles.

    2. He has said the best thing that has happened to him was marrying Rosalynn. Not graduating from the Naval Academy, not his Naval career, not being a business man/ farmer, not being gov of GA, not becoming POTUS. But marrying his life partner whom he has been with for 73 years.

      Yep, so ineffectual(sarcasm) that the Camp David Accord has been the only lasting peace in the Middle East even with regime change in Egypt.

      History will not forget him, imo.

    3. @Karen Byrd Had he been able to do that second term, who knows how the Middle East would be today. He was 2/3 of the way there, something nobody else had done in simply getting those people to speak to each other.

      But the rethuglikkkans and their war machine don’t want peace over there, so as usual, they cheated. Selling instruments of death is way more lucrative.

  5. That right there is what a self actualized human being looks like. He is doing exactly what he was put on the Earth to do. ❤️

  6. I still have fond memories when Carter became president. His brother Billy making Billy beer, him selling his peanut farm. It was a much simpler time.

  7. Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, is everything the Religious Right CLAIMS to be. Here’s to you, JC, you wonderful man.

    1. The Christian better start standing for Jesus. For example you were born male and female so anything else is of the devil. Marriage is between a man and woman anything else is a perpetual abomination and an unholy union, a 1st class ticket to the lake of fire. These are the basics. Remember this we know the Mark of the Beast is near cause we see those who have the markings of Satan in their forehead.

  8. That’s why he is alive. What a great statesman and human being. We are lucky to have him. Living legend

  9. He’s nearing the end of his life and doesn’t do things like this to profit or get attention. He just does. That’s a true President.

    1. When I read, a few years ago, that he went to teach his usual Sunday morning school, a volunteer job, even when one of his grandchildren had just died… and never made a big point out of it… and only returned to be with the families when volunteer was done, it just struck me how truly selfless and extraordinary this man is…

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