During a speech in Lee County, Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis called for people asking about his brewing rivalry with Trump to “chill out a little bit.” CNN political commentator David Urban joins Anderson Cooper to discuss. #CNN #News
DeSantis tells people to ‘chill out’ with Trump 2024 talk

This is probably the only time that I would ever agree with Ron de Sanctimonious. Can we please take a breather? I’m exhausted by politics right now.
Right lol I was surprised to having said “Thank you! Jeez!” after he said chill🤣
The man’s just trying to enjoy his huge victory, even though everyone knew Florida would never elect a democratic governor (and probably never will again as more and more republicans up north flee their blue states and flood Florida)
I refuse to spend the next two years focused on just his orange face. I’m good!
Last fight https://youtu.be/3RVEXAp6PuU
@Bill Pugh It’s GOP. I know NOTHING about Q…………….
The minute DeSantis declares he’s running, the wave of republicans will drown Trump.
Trump has a large base MAGA loyalists. They could help him clinch the nomination giving that he’s not indicted by then.
@Vivien’s Films true, but I am beginning to think he may need to sit this out. But that ego is HUGE!!!!
@Vivien’s Films If his MAGA loyalists couldn’t summon that ‘red wave’ that they were boasting about for the Midterm Elections, they won’t be able to prevent DeSantis from usurping Donald Dump’s control of the republican party.
I voted trump and if desantis runs he will FOR SURE get my vote over trump 😮
I as a republican admit that my fellow MAGA supporters support trump in to much of a god way then a president way like he poo poo gold or something
The media should follow the same. Don’t give too much focus on this man.
@Hung Nguyen That’s because you worship Trump.
@kay armstrong Please relax. No, I’m not in charge of Youtube, and I didn’t say anything that would make one think so, except you. You can say whatever you want, and so can I. Yes, you are talking about DeSantis, and that is fine. But I simply said that your comment didn’t really make much sense. Hycinth stated that the “media should follow the same,” meaning that they should do as DeSantis said – stop paying so much attention to Trump. So, when you asked Hycinth “why,” you were in effect asking why the media should not follow DeSantis’s advice. So, you want the media to keep focusing on Trump? That doesn’t really make sense, because clearly, you are in favor of DeSantis. Perhaps you thought when Hycinth said “Don’t give too much focus on this man, ” you thought he was talking about DeSantis. It seems to me that he was referring to Trump. Don’t give too much focus to Trump. However, I could be wrong. Perhaps Hycinth was referring to DeSantis. But his wording indicates that he was not.
@kay armstrong you can look it up. I don’t lie like you do. Are you a homophobe like he is too or do you have books to add to his ban list??? He sounds like a bully to me. Bad character you know
@Chris Robin Since the story was about DeSantis…I think she meant the media shouldn’t give much attention to DeSantis. So as not to build him up. But one never knows since she never answered my question. I’m also assuming Hycinth is a girl and not a boy because it’s the name of a lovely spring flower.
@kay armstrong Hycinth: a bulbous plant, Hyacinthus orientalis, of the lily family, widely cultivated for its cylindrical cluster of fragrant flowers in a variety of colors. You might be right. Maybe the person who posted the comment is a female. The majority of people who post comments about politics tend to be men, so sometimes I take it for granted that the other person is not a woman. Anyway, if Hycinth is reading these comments, maybe she(?) can clear up the misunderstanding.
1:00 People who attend Trump rallies don’t contribute big money to pay for a political campaign. The billionaires, who are ditching Donald, do.
@gtb2009b 😂
@T. R. Campbell Think about what you wrote……why are America’s wealthiest Democrat progressives (aka Socialist)????
Because the GOAL is to wipe out the middle class. Then we will be a two-tier country like Europe used to be….and China still is. The wealthy elites will be our kings/masters and the rest of us will be their slaves/peasants on the plantation. NO THANKS!!!!
And Democrats will find some way to call the law transphobic and fascist
@T. R. Campbell At least someone admits they are all bought, even if they can’t speak or have dementia.
@10:1 – did your mother ever have a child that survived child birth?
It won’t be a surprise if desantis passes some kind of law that people in Florida must chill out regarding trump talk.
@exposingthetruth I don’t think that it’s appropriate for a president to be divisive, and therefore, I think Biden should have shown a little more restraint. But let’s get realistic here. For over six years, it’s been nothing but a consistent stream of “f-yous” from Trump’s mouth. Six years of childish attacks, vulgarities, and outright divisive rhetoric. In his almost two years in office, Biden has only called out the MAGA clan once, and even then, he made it very clear that he was not talking about conservatives or Republicans. I’m not a fan of Biden or any politician really, but I have to say that Biden has shown a lot of restraint and respect, especially given the deplorable political crap that Trump and his cohorts have created.
@Chris Robin this is the problem. That pos Trump is gone. Nobody likes him but the 20 percent radicals. If everyone keeps giving him power he may actually get in power again. I dont like any of them, not Biden, not Trump, not DeSantis. Biden has spoke this way for 50 years. There are videos of him saying insane crap and he should have never been president. He is as crooked as Trump, and just because everyone hates Trump doesn’t justify supporting Biden. I’d be embarrassed to call myself a Republican or a Democrat anymore. All of our leaders are liars who benefit only themselves and their legacies. What really needs to happen is both sides need to get tired of it and elect some hard working Americans who have suffered and want to see us all prevail. I love what the US was before Bush, but truth is it began long before. What bothers me most, any comment other than kissing Bidens butt must mean you’re a Trumper. This isn’t how we fix things. I think the reason you don’t dislike Biden more isn’t because he is much better of a president but because the media doesn’t report anything about him. Afghanistan was a disaster, and those weapons are killing innocents, then you have Ukraine, now we are messing with Haiti. Just once, I’d like to see someone do something for America. Trump claimed he would and all he did was tweet ridiculous crap. I hate the right wingers because they are entitled elites who think God justifies their BS. I dislike the Dems because they don’t admit they want control on a global level, and keep pushing the new liberal order. Truth is, one way or another the country is in for hard times and BOTH sides will be equally at fault. Time to drop the nonsense and become Americans who love each other before its too late.
@exposingthetruth I think it’s about time that the US gets rid of its ridiculous two-party system. They need more parties that can better represent more people and present a challenge to the two established parties. I think the current system is one of the reasons for the division in America. People nowadays only see Republican/conservative vs Democrat/liberal. More parties would create a diversified political environment.
@Chris Robin now this, we totally agree on!
@Joe Frederick : Wow! So, noble! Great adjective use! Let’s hope someone much better will run against both him and Trump, who’ll fight and stand for all people instead of just conservatives and republicans. Who care about his wife?! She’s not running!
“Anderson, I think we’ve said the name DeSantis enough times to prove he’s the leader of the Republican party.”
@Susiestr62 They both need an injection with the super-cleaner Trump suggested during Covid-times. ‘I think that could clean it out. Or perhaps light’.
Both of them should just ‘chill out’ and make way for societal reform for the better. Get these clowns out of the picture of beautiful USA. Think for yourself 💯❤️
@E.J. Wyllie Dumbo Trump the leader he got the base. Desantis can never say the type of things Trump says so he will have there passion. There hate and racism is not a con but a old good ole boy formula.
I’d rather him than the orange man. You know things are screwy when DeSantis is the lesser of two evils.
Last fight https://youtu.be/3RVEXAp6PuU
He’s not though I mean he’s good he’s a role model but Trump can still win
No matter who the Republican party puts up for election I am voting Democrat.
Hilarious. Dementia Joe. 80
Years old and has Alzheimer’s 👍👍
“Those people don’t know who those folks are” Do those rally goers know where their head is stuck… here is the answer… look at their behinds
DeSantis is a great new political player, I think he’d be a suitable leader of the Republican Party. Biden vs DeSantis, likely DeSantis will win.
Actually Michigan was the bright spot. Everyone already knew Florida was red, so cool down there skippy.
Yes. And Florida is much larger and the Hispanics voted for DaSantis. 🇺🇸👍👍👍👍
1:05 People who attend Trump rallies don’t know anything, period. They need someone to tell them how to live their lives and what to do.
It’s gross that the discussion is on how billionaires aren’t backing candidate x. There needs to be laws to prevent billionaires from buying presidential candidates in general.
Yep, in Australia, UK and others have very strict laws about party donations. In essence, America is run by corporations and NOT the people who voted them in! Both sides are guilty of this manipulation of votes with gerrymandering. Your democracy is on very shaky ground.
Agreed. You could’ve even put the period after “billionaires.”
@kyza chiyeah, it’s funny that the “land of the free” is arguably the least free nation in the west. We don’t vote on which candidate will win, we vote on which group of oligarchs get to control the country. The president is nothing more than the face.
@kyza chi love that we need that
Respect for truth is the beginning of wisdom.
Thank you Young Lion, clear the smokes to not give the Media what they want (well @ least for the time being) 🙏🏽
He said a lot with out saying anything did he?
You don’t get to tell ppl what to do, how to feel and or what to say. This is a free country- still.
Stop infringing on our first amendment rights. Thank you
I still can’t forget he said injecting disinfectant to fight the virus.. that’s the most hilarious 😂😂😂😂
sorry, i apologise for that it’s not funny but i just can’t 😂
The real question is: can the Republican voters afford to lose if the candidates they have to chose from doesn’t include Trump?
All it takes is to see where the US is today to realize where this country is headed