Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was one of the first big-name Republicans to suggest that state lawmakers could have overturned the 2020 election but, during an event in Miami, he refused to say if he believes former Vice President Mike Pence could have overturned the election. CNN's Chris Cillizza joins New Day to discuss. #CNN #News
DeSantis refuses to take sides between Pence and Trump

by not siding with Pence and the obvious shows he’s still pretending to support Trump
Until he stabs him in the back🤣
And good for him👏
@Rodney Gaston Or until they stab each other in the back.
@Ace1King1 yeah right. Trump hates him. Marjorie has a better chance than desantis. But let’s hope trump is criminally convicted by then first
@R Nava Trump didn’t particularly like Pence. Kennedy hated Johnson. This is politics. You don’t pick who you like – you pick someone who can help you win. As far as Trump being convicted? Won’t happen!
Trying to remember the last time a republican politician honored truth.
@Oscar Schmidt We knew within days that Al Qaeda was responsible after 9/11
Do you still believe Rachel “if you take the jab you can not get the virus, and you can not spread it, it has no where to go”. I use to after I got hospitalized for covid or my booster. Now all my vaccinated friend miss work with covid some mild some still dealing with long covid 8 weeks later. I don’t know what to believe other than what I see with my own 2 eyes. She lied or misinformation/disinformation. And the 2 month Pfizer study confirmed they knew it from the trials.
@Rickity VR good point thumbs up but in my entire life the rich always stole from the poor so why elect them in the first place ? Stupidity . We are all so brainwashed we believe the Govt and Media when they tell us the Texas border is closed . Actually 1/4th of the State has no border fence or wall nor Border Patrol ,360 miles of the 1254 mile long border with Mexico .
@Mark Savoie How do you know that AL Qaeda was responsible for 9/11?
Ron “Imma Imma” DeSantis is ridiculous attempting to dodge a question that should be easy to answer by anyone with integrity
@Cellar Door Brilliant, but I’m afraid they are going to need several long buses for these morons.
@L X troll
@Craig You have some of the highest insurance rates in the nation.
@Craig As well as city and county taxes .
@CraigFlorida is placed 10nth in the highest gas price in American.
There’s no “sides”!! It’s call The Constitution.
are u just stupid or what? you know what CNN is trying to do here! its a media bait and Ron de santis was clever to sense the motive behind the question. CNN and the left media wants to drive a wedge between trump and pence with questions like the one the reporter asked the florida governor in order to increasingly forment dissension within the GOP, all for the reason to keep the GOP distracted and thwart trump as from being the possible GOP nominee in the forthcoming election. Well, its not gonna work because CNN failed before and they will spectacularly fail again!
The state of DeSantistan has its own Constitition
@uko ben The GOP is very gifted at fomenting dissension within their own ranks without the help of CNN.
Don’t underestimate them. You can give them all the credit. 😉
@JM B even your stupidity is unparagoned! Is the democratic party any better? Partisan idiocy!
I’d bet you could slap a blindfold on DeSantis, spin him around for a bit, and he’d be able to point exactly in the direction of Mar-a-lago. How it must burn him to have the source of his political power, and his greatest enemy, in one person, living in the middle of his state!
Joe Manchin has more power than Joe Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & Kamala combined😂😂😂
@Chad Simmons
W Virginia is a GOP run welfare red state that collects half its budget from blue donor states
@Chad Simmons funny how it’s the Democrats who have the power , tho. I remember you trumptards bragging about the “done deal ” for republicans in 2020… How are those vote audits going huh?
@David Matejka Democrats have a plan to stop Covid😳make abortion mandatory & in 80 or 90 yrs…no more sick people😬
Why even ask DeSantis to pick a side? The question is actually, “does a Vice President have the right to change the outcome of the election when counting the votes on Congress?” It’s a yes or no answer.
There is it again – the “Republican Squirm”.
Honestly if people can’t see the democrats suck now they are blind.
Dr. Evil and Mini Me 2024
Continual fence straddling and squirming can be hazardous to your heritage! Medical fact!
@xlr8r2010 I think you will be first in line.
@Windows 3.1 That’s what Trump Cultists are -blind. That’s pretty much the definition of a cult.
“Pass the buck DeSantis”.
To this day I haven’t heard an honest answer out of his mouth.
@Mark Brooks kinda slow on the uptake huh
@Leftist Monitor Pray tell, how so?
@Mark Brooks work on that grammar while you’re at it Nancy.
@Leftist Monitor OK anonymous troll.
I haven’t heard an “honest” answer for anything ever out of Joe Brandon Biden mouth either but I am sure your ok with that right?
De Santis, to borrow a line from “The Sting”, is not only a cheat, he’s a gutless cheat.
SEARGENT HULKA called Bill Murray gutless…..punk
They care more about the base’s feelings than telling them the truth about democracy. Absolutely sickening.
@Thể Thao và Tổ Quốc righttttt
@Thể Thao và Tổ Quốc lmao ffs dude
all you have to do is research her like I did and you’ll find out for yourself without relying on someone else to think for you or relying on someone’s hear-say. “Leftists terrorists attacks”? I’d love for you to reference a source that shows evidence of America dealing on the daily, weekly, monthly with leftists terrorist attacks. You need to unplug and go outside man. Your brain begs you
@elzbet raih 200 eyewitnesses per county for how many counties in 5 swing states + VA? Can you do the math?
@Thể Thao và Tổ Quốc you’re wrong and we are done bud. You don’t read. You don’t research. You’re stuck in an echo chamber of disinformation and sorry but that makes you a waste of time. People will begin to believe you when you start producing evidence. If I were you I’d hurry to find it since no one else seems to be able to. You’ll go down in history a maga hero. How exciting!!! Good luck!
@elzbet raih https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noZNQMRqXx4
Desantis is starting to feel the heat, never ask a man with no integrity a question.
Desantis pretending to laugh,Jim Jordan , stuttering all over his words,and the sad thing is , people buy it🤣
@Rodney Gaston and democrats throw tantrums when they they don’t get their way. Schumer threw a tantrum when the voting rights bill didn’t pass. AOC Threw a tantrum when the WH voted to give money to Israel
@Aliza Kessler not even close to the same thing. You can’t handle the truth
@Aliza Kessler there should be more than tantrums thrown when the rights of American citizens have been taken away by idiots who have no right to do so.
@Sandy Leal what rights have been taken away?
HOW in the world do we fix this ? Answer : GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE . One voter , one vote .
You got that right – about time to do away with the already obsolete Electoral College.
Granted. Like in all genuine democracies.
Vote BLUE .
I thought politicians were supposed to be good when they are put on the spot. DeSantis has done a lot of stuttering lately. First vaccine questions now this.
a better question to ask DeSantis would be: “After the next presidential election, would it be OK for Kamala Harris to decide to overturn the elction?”
Great segment. Thanks everyone for calling him out for his cowardice and hypocrisy. Love it!!!!
What, he didn’t choose to worship Trump so your mad?
Trump’s description of Deathsantis fits him perfectly, GUTLESS.
That is one thing he was right about
The whole Rep party is gutless.
@Leigh they are all gutless on both sides. It’s sick to watch you all on either side thinking your side is more in the right. The dems are also sick and corrupt. They are straight trash. It’s impossible to know which side is worse.
@Leigh And nutless.
He is strong against teachers, librarians, and health care professionals, but cowers to the Dump.
DeSantis was acting like they were having an argument over a sports team.
True leaders are DECISIVE. “When you dance politically, you will ALWAYS step on unforseen toes.”
How many times do they need to tell us who they are before we start believing them?