DeSantis PAC selling ‘don’t Fauci my Florida’ merch. Hear Fauci’s reaction

A political action committee tied to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been selling anti-mask and anti-Fauci merchandise, including shirts that read "don't Fauci my Florida." Dr. Anthony Fauci reacts with CNN's Jim Acosta, saying he has "no idea" what it's about.

#JimAcosta #CNN #Newsroom

DeSantis PAC selling 'don't Fauci my Florida' merch. Hear Fauci's reaction


  1. Trump at the CPAC mental convention….”Every time Fauci recommended something, I did the exact opposite.” You can’t fix stupid, but covid is eliminating it……

    1. Truths (Report #7V):
      ##【新真相7V】## 台灣人民要過「平安的日子」(不被屠殺)就必須【【 拿大刀砍下「邱義仁、侯友宜」(兩個惡魔)的人頭 】】!
      ### 散播「武漢肺炎病毒」必定是【〈司法妖魔集團〉(經手)暗中派人做的】,因為(只有如此)檢調及警方才【不會抓】放毒者!++++++ 〈司法妖魔集團〉是由〈“檢調、情報機構及警方”人員以及法院法官〉所組成。因此,〈司法妖魔集團〉是個【殺手兼裁判】的集團(註:裁判即法官等等)。
      ### 我的網站上的【新真相6YB】,該真相報告已經證實了「下述的事實」:+++ 美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉【【包圍製造】】2017年的拉斯維加斯「槍擊(屠殺)事件」,台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉【【包圍製造】】〈2004年的319槍擊案、2015年的八仙樂園塵爆(屠殺民眾)事件、2021年的太魯閣號重大車禍(屠殺民眾)事件、、、等等的事件〉。
      ### 因此,台灣人民要過「平安的日子」(不被屠殺)就必須【【 拿大刀砍下「邱義仁、侯友宜」(兩個惡魔)的人頭 】】!(註:「邱義仁、侯友宜」是台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉的領導階層人物,主導「包圍製造」上述的那些”屠殺”事件(來斂大財)!)
      ### 2017年的拉斯維加斯(屠殺民眾)槍擊事件、2015年的八仙樂園塵爆(屠殺民眾)事件、2004年的319槍擊案、等等,這些事件全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉「包圍製造」出來的事件。而且,在「包圍製造」那些事件之前,〈司法妖魔集團〉都(事先)挑選好【完全不知情的「受害者」】來當「嫌疑犯」,例如,拉斯維加斯槍擊事件的「嫌疑犯」Stephen Paddock,八仙樂園塵爆事件的「嫌疑犯」呂忠吉,319槍擊案的「嫌疑犯」陳義雄等,他們全都是【完全不知情的】。由於那些「嫌疑犯」全都是【完全不知情的「受害者」】,因此,〈世界上的任何人〉去調查那些「嫌疑犯」(及其家人)都會〈找不到任何犯罪線索〉。++++++ 〈司法妖魔集團〉為了替自己「永遠脫罪」,〈司法妖魔集團〉早已把「Stephen Paddock」及陳義雄“暗殺掉”。由於〈司法妖魔集團〉事先就決定把「八仙樂園塵爆事件」以〈判”呂忠吉”業務過失致死罪〉來結案,因此,”呂忠吉”仍然活著,(但)為了避免節外生枝,在不久的未來,”呂忠吉”就會被〈司法妖魔集團〉“暗殺掉”。++++++ 從以上所述的事實,可以肯定「Stephen Paddock」及「陳義雄」兩人當然都是”從未”開槍射人!
      ### 請接著看下面標有【新】的部分!(註:我的網站網址在下面。)
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ### 對〈司法妖魔集團〉及”中共”而言,「民眾看得出來的」真相就是【沒用的】真相。因為,只有「民眾看不出來的」真相才能幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉及”中共”(不斷地)【騙得利益及打倒競爭對手(及敵人)】。
      ### 在我寫的真相報告中,我曾經多次提到,我是一個〈從未參加過任何組織(或政黨)〉的【完全獨立的“一個人”】。我可以(單獨”一個人”)準確地看出「真相」,是因為,除了〈我是個謹慎細心的人〉之外,最主要是由於【我(連續地)「受苦受難(受害)」長達三十年之久】(因此,我逐漸有較好的〈分辨及判斷〉的能力),也因此,我可以(單獨”一個人”)準確地看出「真相」。++++++ 而且,我所寫的「真相報告」都是依據「有關人員的」過去的〈所作所為〉及過去的〈歷史實情記錄〉。
      ### 從1997年至今,我所寫的〈所有文章及所有”真相報告”〉全都是「完全免費的」。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ### 【【【〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容】】】詳述如下:
      ### (若有下述情事時) 我自願被槍斃!由於〈司法妖魔集團〉派一群人暗中包圍我(一個人)且暗中控制【我的家人及我的親屬(近親及遠親)】,因此(17年來)我完全沒有任何收入(一輩子也沒有得過任何暗錢財)。在此我保證:「倘若【我(這一輩子)曾經得到〈暗錢財(或好處)〉(或者,世界上有人曾經承諾〈未來會給我“暗錢財(或好處)”〉),或者,我曾經【”直接或間接”】與〈世界上任何(一個)人〉打暗號】,(若有上述任一情事時)我自願被槍斃!」,由上述的保證可以得知,我當然也“從未簽過”(任何)秘密契約,因此,在此我也保證:「倘若【我(這一輩子)曾經〈在世界上任何(一個)地方〉簽過(任何)秘密契約(包括簽過任何“合作調查”的秘密契約)】,(若有上述情事時)我自願被槍斃!」(2021-07-18 01:50 PM 台灣時間)。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ##【新】## 〈司法妖魔集團〉執行“包圍式”的詐騙時,全都是在【【“受害者”完全不知情】】的情況下進行,由於“受害者”完全不知情,“受害者”當然也「從未」得到任何錢財或好處,也因此,導致了【17年來,我(受害者)完全沒有任何收入】(註:我已經窮到(十多年來)沒錢繳〈健保費及國民年金〉)。++++++ 由於〈司法妖魔集團〉必須把我(受害者)暗殺掉【才算是”成功”替他們自己脫罪】,這也就是說,〈司法妖魔集團〉必定會對(每個)“受害者”執行暗殺(執行某種的〈暗殺〉手法)。我為了避免被暗殺,過去(好幾年來)〈司法妖魔集團〉在暗中包圍我(利用我)來詐騙別人的錢財的期間,我一直都設法保護我自己(例如,我發佈〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容來保護自己),藉此,我才得以「仍然活著」,否則,我早就被暗殺掉。
      ##【新】## 在暗中「直接或間接」控制【我的家人(戴昌琪、戴昌琨、戴碧珠、戴宏澄)】的那些人,那些人必須全部〈拖去槍斃〉,否則,我免不了會被那些人”暗殺掉”。由於沒有人敢”槍斃”那些人,因此我一直都有【我免不了會被”暗殺掉”】的感覺。++++++ 上述的「那些人」鐵定全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉的人員,那些人曾經”暗殺掉”不少人!當然,世界上任何人聲稱「與我(直接或間接)打暗號」,這些人當然也全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉的人員,這些人全都在幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉「作惡殺人」來斂財。(daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM, 2021-06-29 03:39 AM 台灣時間)
      ### 〈在這世界上〉沒有人可以叫我做事。因此,任何人聲稱“可以叫我做事”,這些人必定是〈躲在暗中(利用我)來詐騙別人錢財〉的敗類。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)

    2. Covid transforms more and more into the _retrumplican virus._ The people who don’t want the vaccine and get infected are mostly trumpists and righ-wingers in general. With each passing day, infection rates among these anti-vaxxers are rising. Now that we can finally better understand who’s probably infected, we can also stay away from them. If you see a maga you better keep your distance.

    3. Fauci’s email revealed he lied about everything for nearly two yrs. Now, he is talking about the dangers of misinformation? This POS has destroyed lives of millions of American lives. He needs to be tried and put in prison. His email reveal he lied about the effectiveness of the mask and lockdown and he knew covid 19 was from a lab and he never warned us when it got leaked. He knew how dangerous this virus was and he never warned us.

    4. @Victoria Biggs
      Its all genocide, science and technology was used for your extermination by the serpent bloodline, lucifers army..
      Thats next, genius

    1. Oh and those “unorganized idiots” killed people. Is THAT okay with you? And when did they do this? When the congress (lol, CONGRESS that despite all the evidence in those 60 CASES was not enough for them) was to ratify the final part of the 2020 election. Is THAT okay with you???

    2. @Chrissy Of course I’m not OK with that, no sane person would be! But I’m also not OK with the corruption in hypocrisy of the government and the Democrats these days, which we all knew was going to end up like this during the Biden administration if he won.

    3. @Chrissy Texas is doing no such thing. You should read the actual bill. It actually allows for mail-in ballots and drop boxes, extends early voting periods, and allows people to use the last four of their social as identification. You should really start getting your news from both sides of the aisle.

    4. @Chrissy Only one person died because of January 6, and she was killed by Capitol Police. Anyone can see the actual medical examiners reports of the other people CNN is still claiming died because of January 6.

    1. Truths (Report #7V):
      ##【新真相7V】## 台灣人民要過「平安的日子」(不被屠殺)就必須【【 拿大刀砍下「邱義仁、侯友宜」(兩個惡魔)的人頭 】】!
      ### 散播「武漢肺炎病毒」必定是【〈司法妖魔集團〉(經手)暗中派人做的】,因為(只有如此)檢調及警方才【不會抓】放毒者!++++++ 〈司法妖魔集團〉是由〈“檢調、情報機構及警方”人員以及法院法官〉所組成。因此,〈司法妖魔集團〉是個【殺手兼裁判】的集團(註:裁判即法官等等)。
      ### 我的網站上的【新真相6YB】,該真相報告已經證實了「下述的事實」:+++ 美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉【【包圍製造】】2017年的拉斯維加斯「槍擊(屠殺)事件」,台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉【【包圍製造】】〈2004年的319槍擊案、2015年的八仙樂園塵爆(屠殺民眾)事件、2021年的太魯閣號重大車禍(屠殺民眾)事件、、、等等的事件〉。
      ### 因此,台灣人民要過「平安的日子」(不被屠殺)就必須【【 拿大刀砍下「邱義仁、侯友宜」(兩個惡魔)的人頭 】】!(註:「邱義仁、侯友宜」是台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉的領導階層人物,主導「包圍製造」上述的那些”屠殺”事件(來斂大財)!)
      ### 2017年的拉斯維加斯(屠殺民眾)槍擊事件、2015年的八仙樂園塵爆(屠殺民眾)事件、2004年的319槍擊案、等等,這些事件全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉「包圍製造」出來的事件。而且,在「包圍製造」那些事件之前,〈司法妖魔集團〉都(事先)挑選好【完全不知情的「受害者」】來當「嫌疑犯」,例如,拉斯維加斯槍擊事件的「嫌疑犯」Stephen Paddock,八仙樂園塵爆事件的「嫌疑犯」呂忠吉,319槍擊案的「嫌疑犯」陳義雄等,他們全都是【完全不知情的】。由於那些「嫌疑犯」全都是【完全不知情的「受害者」】,因此,〈世界上的任何人〉去調查那些「嫌疑犯」(及其家人)都會〈找不到任何犯罪線索〉。++++++ 〈司法妖魔集團〉為了替自己「永遠脫罪」,〈司法妖魔集團〉早已把「Stephen Paddock」及陳義雄“暗殺掉”。由於〈司法妖魔集團〉事先就決定把「八仙樂園塵爆事件」以〈判”呂忠吉”業務過失致死罪〉來結案,因此,”呂忠吉”仍然活著,(但)為了避免節外生枝,在不久的未來,”呂忠吉”就會被〈司法妖魔集團〉“暗殺掉”。++++++ 從以上所述的事實,可以肯定「Stephen Paddock」及「陳義雄」兩人當然都是”從未”開槍射人!
      ### 請接著看下面標有【新】的部分!(註:我的網站網址在下面。)
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ### 對〈司法妖魔集團〉及”中共”而言,「民眾看得出來的」真相就是【沒用的】真相。因為,只有「民眾看不出來的」真相才能幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉及”中共”(不斷地)【騙得利益及打倒競爭對手(及敵人)】。
      ### 在我寫的真相報告中,我曾經多次提到,我是一個〈從未參加過任何組織(或政黨)〉的【完全獨立的“一個人”】。我可以(單獨”一個人”)準確地看出「真相」,是因為,除了〈我是個謹慎細心的人〉之外,最主要是由於【我(連續地)「受苦受難(受害)」長達三十年之久】(因此,我逐漸有較好的〈分辨及判斷〉的能力),也因此,我可以(單獨”一個人”)準確地看出「真相」。++++++ 而且,我所寫的「真相報告」都是依據「有關人員的」過去的〈所作所為〉及過去的〈歷史實情記錄〉。
      ### 從1997年至今,我所寫的〈所有文章及所有”真相報告”〉全都是「完全免費的」。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ### 【【【〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容】】】詳述如下:
      ### (若有下述情事時) 我自願被槍斃!由於〈司法妖魔集團〉派一群人暗中包圍我(一個人)且暗中控制【我的家人及我的親屬(近親及遠親)】,因此(17年來)我完全沒有任何收入(一輩子也沒有得過任何暗錢財)。在此我保證:「倘若【我(這一輩子)曾經得到〈暗錢財(或好處)〉(或者,世界上有人曾經承諾〈未來會給我“暗錢財(或好處)”〉),或者,我曾經【”直接或間接”】與〈世界上任何(一個)人〉打暗號】,(若有上述任一情事時)我自願被槍斃!」,由上述的保證可以得知,我當然也“從未簽過”(任何)秘密契約,因此,在此我也保證:「倘若【我(這一輩子)曾經〈在世界上任何(一個)地方〉簽過(任何)秘密契約(包括簽過任何“合作調查”的秘密契約)】,(若有上述情事時)我自願被槍斃!」(2021-07-18 01:50 PM 台灣時間)。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)
      ##【新】## 〈司法妖魔集團〉執行“包圍式”的詐騙時,全都是在【【“受害者”完全不知情】】的情況下進行,由於“受害者”完全不知情,“受害者”當然也「從未」得到任何錢財或好處,也因此,導致了【17年來,我(受害者)完全沒有任何收入】(註:我已經窮到(十多年來)沒錢繳〈健保費及國民年金〉)。++++++ 由於〈司法妖魔集團〉必須把我(受害者)暗殺掉【才算是”成功”替他們自己脫罪】,這也就是說,〈司法妖魔集團〉必定會對(每個)“受害者”執行暗殺(執行某種的〈暗殺〉手法)。我為了避免被暗殺,過去(好幾年來)〈司法妖魔集團〉在暗中包圍我(利用我)來詐騙別人的錢財的期間,我一直都設法保護我自己(例如,我發佈〈我自願被槍斃〉的保證內容來保護自己),藉此,我才得以「仍然活著」,否則,我早就被暗殺掉。
      ##【新】## 在暗中「直接或間接」控制【我的家人(戴昌琪、戴昌琨、戴碧珠、戴宏澄)】的那些人,那些人必須全部〈拖去槍斃〉,否則,我免不了會被那些人”暗殺掉”。由於沒有人敢”槍斃”那些人,因此我一直都有【我免不了會被”暗殺掉”】的感覺。++++++ 上述的「那些人」鐵定全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉的人員,那些人曾經”暗殺掉”不少人!當然,世界上任何人聲稱「與我(直接或間接)打暗號」,這些人當然也全都是〈司法妖魔集團〉的人員,這些人全都在幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉「作惡殺人」來斂財。(daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM, 2021-06-29 03:39 AM 台灣時間)
      ### 〈在這世界上〉沒有人可以叫我做事。因此,任何人聲稱“可以叫我做事”,這些人必定是〈躲在暗中(利用我)來詐騙別人錢財〉的敗類。
      ### daichs 2021-07-18 01:50 PM (台灣時間)

    2. @John Quarter Trump should have fired him when he had the chance, I don’t buy the excuse that he’s too much trouble to get rid of. This guy needs to be in jail and all his assets seized.

    1. @Gary Rumain You mean the dead people voting for Trump, the only ones they found? Ah, but the AZ audit..

    2. @Russell Hopkins If you think a guy who had an average approval rate of 39% over his presidency and at the end managed in a horrible way a pandemic, can get 10 million more votes than in his first election, you are a gullible sheep.

    3. @Russell Hopkins Everybody who wants to know and is not a delusional dimwit, knows that Trump is a Russian asset since the early 90s. Just look at his press conference in Helsinki with Putin. You immediately see who‘s the boss.

    4. @DanOfTheWild There were and still are lots of Marxist countries calling themselves republic. For example China and North Korea. Is it what you mean?

    5. @Dicky Jones You and the few friends of yours are not everyone. Btw, without liberals aka progressives we would still live in caves and call fire and wheels devils temptations.

  2. All the ones shouting, “Don’t get vaccinated!”, have been vaccinated. Every anchor on Fux News and their support staff and families have been fast-tracked vaccinated.

    1. I’ve already decided on my own without influence. I’m not getting the vaccine. I don’t see a need for it atm.

    2. @Ernesto Montano So why does your kids get small pox vaccines and everything else to go to school ? It shouldn’t be just your choice when there’s so many stupid people.

    3. @steve sun in califirnia school districts are rejecting unvaccinated kids. And STUPID and irresponsible people should be fired by employers and rejected by others. Being unvaccinated and waiting till there is more data and information doesn’t make you stupid, especially if you already got the disease like me and didn’t put anyone close to you in danger. There is stupid people then there is unvaccinated people, two different things.

  3. “Don’t bother trying to save Florida.” a shirt fauci could sell. “use those vaccinations for the productive population”

    1. I’m kinda torn on this. Because then where will we get all of our #FloridaMan stories? I know Ohio has an enormous amount of their versions of #FloridaMan…but Florida is still the crystal meth smoking / low-IQ / evangelical moron Capitol of the world at this point!

      Just worried about my (true) comical news stories dwindling down by about 75% if #FloridaMan is gone forever! 😂

    2. You and many others will not do well when the Covid 20 is released….it will cause your vaccine to attack the cell that is pretending to appear as covid 9. Nobel laureates have written about the strong possibility and are being stifled. I was vaccinated from the inside out…free and natural……the same way I live life.

    3. @Scahoni Many people like me will remain to move liberty and freedom to new levels in a full “personal responsibility” campagn.

  4. It is really embarrassing as an American when so many revel in and celebrate their ignorance. At least with the t-shirts and red hats you can avoid them quicker.

    1. @Chadillac I am totally fine, just don’t like seeing America being ripped apart by the lies that Trump Supporters are doing to the country.
      Playing into the hands of Putin.
      All the time America is fighting itself, Russia is getting stronger, see they are getting braver this week with all their battle ships, knowing that America is consumed with in fighting. So sad

    2. @Steve Gillham Russia gave Hunter $3.5M for a reason. They know they have nothing to worry about with Dementia Joe. Everything is going according to the plan.

    3. @My Boy Cyrus Couldn’t said it better myself. This POS Fauci talking about misinformation is appauling.

    1. @My Boy Cyrus do you ever write anything that isnt an assumption about every single person that isnt drunk on cult 45? Keep telling me who i am, and what i believe. You should work for fox news with your psychotic.. i mean psychic abilities. I’ll gladly dismiss myself from Trumpers like you, but thanks.

    1. @matthew thornton I mean you seemed pretty entertained since you are on CNN why aren’t you on fox news? Lol

    2. Inigo never been to Florida but I’m sure there are many good Florida’s! Who shouldn’t be lumped in with desantis!

    3. Yes, since some Floridians are crazy, none of their opinions should matter. In fact, we should take their rights away. Hell, we could even concentrate them in camps. Those were jokes but this isn’t – I’m Floridian, and you can sit and spin 🖕

    4. @Old Fogey You mean like the Rival candidate news media and stations like CNN said we should vote for over DeSantis? Yeah, he was found with an overdosed prostitute in his hotel room. Look up Gillum. We Floridians want to live our lives. You don’t have to visit here if you don’t value our individual liberties and freedoms.

  5. SCIENCE brought us steroid Dexamethasone, Remdesivir, Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody, Zinc, Vitamin D, Famotidine, Covid vaccines. Trump would be dead w/out science

    1. Becoming extremely clear that liberals at this point are to just be ignored. They’ll live the rest of their lives wearing a mask, they don’t care. They’ll lock it down until 2035. Don’t care about making the most of life and drawing a line where it gets too over the top and stupid. 0.5% death rate is the root of all this. Throw your hands at the air and mouth off all you want, that # isn’t going anywhere and it’s not enough to get people to adhere. Save your humanity BS for a castrated peer of yours to talk about with, we have one life and we’re not as a whole going to lock our lives down for a virus that can’t kill 1% of the people it touches.

    2. Think of all the attacks made in politics by democrats and CNN thinks a Fauci t shirt is just over the top offensive and does a piece on it. I can’t fathom how stupid these people are anymore. Normal people in the middle at this point are thinking seceding isn’t a bad idea.

    3. @Cj Roberts “probably” is not going to save someone who has a severe case of covid.

      That’s why I choose my local doctor over a tv doctor. They actually treat covid 19 patients.

    4. The science isnt the problem ….the tampering with science is the problem m…manmade DNA in the original strain but what a surprise, that specimen has gone missing !!

    1. Retrumplicans: Fck the vaccine! Let’s get the virus so we can suffer and perish to own the libs again!

      Everyone else: 🤩

    2. @Benjie Rodriguez if they were there to try to overtake the gov’t, did they forget what they were doing once they made it in? because they made it all the way in, and the nation was never once in danger of being “taken over” by the idiots….

    1. 4 DEMOCRAT governors sent the infected to nursing homes. Don’t pretend you care about COVID deaths….

    1. Dr. Fauci can sue DeSantis for using his name or likeness without expressed written consent and also for libel for using his name in a derogatory way.

    2. @Phantom Mensa I hope he does, but he’s too much of a gentle soul to do it. So, the question is, can we do it for him?! 🙂

  6. imagine celebrating these deaths, while also calling to dismantle our democracy because everyone won’t vote for a fifth investigation into 6 deaths of those same ppl haha

  7. I was hoping Fauci’s comment about DeSantis’ tee shirts he would have just said just said, consider the source.

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