The administration of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is blocking a new Advanced Placement course for high school students on African American studies.
In a January 12 letter to the College Board, the nonprofit organization that oversees AP coursework, the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation said the course is “inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.”
“In the future, should College Board be willing to come back to the table with lawful, historically accurate content, FDOE will always be willing to reopen the discussion,” the letter stated.
While the letter did not elaborate on what the agency found objectionable in the course content, DeSantis spokesman Bryan Griffin said in a statement to CNN that the course “leaves large, ambiguous gaps that can be filled with additional ideological material, which we will not allow.”
“As the Department of Education has previously stated, if the College Board amends the course to comply, provides a full course curriculum, and incorporates historically accurate content, then the Department will reconsider the course for approval,” Griffin added.
In a statement to CNN, the College Board declined to directly address the decision in Florida but said, “We look forward to bringing this rich and inspiring exploration of African-American history and culture to students across the country.”
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DeSantis administration rejects inclusion of AP African American Studies class in high schools

Apartheid in DeSantis the Sanctimonious Florida? What “law” is he talking about?
I like how he shifted from, “a lot of explanation should”, to “should be a little bit more explaining”.
He was trying to make the two lefties feel better.
@Lerian V I was just going to say, because he’s a nice guy.

This is more racially motivated, than having to do with educational value.
@Frederick0220 Whats wrong in having African American studies, is it hurting educational values?
I think this has something to do with appealing to the Trump voters. I believe DeSantis is going to run for president in 2024 and I think he knows he wont get the majority of the African American vote. So he is appealing to the other side. All these politicians start doing this stuff the year before the election. Just start paying attention to the patterns.
@RandomPlayIist Only dogs hear dog whistles, Fido
Exactly. Pushing CRT in schools is racist.
@Frederick0220Yes there is Spanish AP -Japanese AP-European AP -Russian AP and there all taught as a separate class – De Santis singled out African studies AP -can you tell me why the other AP’s weren’t reviewed ????
Guy on the left: This is why this is bs.
Guy on the right: I’m just here to repeat what they said.
literally 100% of the right wing base
And nobody actually knows the specifics of the course
As a blk man, I’ve gone thru school being taught very little black history in school except during Feb. DeSantis wants to wipe away our history as if we never existed.
As a white man very little white history has been taught as well.
Facts all they teach in Feb is slavery, Harriet Tubman and George Washington Carver!
Its not our history they’re trying to erase its how they’re implicated in our history that they want to hid as long as possible. Their involvement in slavery jim crow segregation etc. FL was known for its plantations due to tropical climate, FL has demolished blk neighborhoods and built highways and mini malls on them since the 40s and have states like California talking about reparations to decedents and DeSatan has 1000s of uber rich and millions of wealthy retirees to pander to. He has to protect his interests and the interests of his constituents for as long as possible.
Unfortunately for him you can’t control the media the world is a big place and the US is diverse young people leave for college and open their eyes to what people like him really are
@Southern Comfort the US becomes more and more diverse as time passes your fate and the fate of others like you is eminent. You won’t liv forever, you will be replaced by better more open minded educated and tolerant people
@Byeee This is the part where he calls you a princess because he’s apparently 10 years old.
So give De Santis the fine tooth comb analysis of the proposed content, and if he rejects it, take him to court. For mis-applying the law AND for the ridiculous law in the first place. Create a broad trigger case against DeSantis that will immediately be advanced the minute there is a problem with starting the course.
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Get out of here stop wasting time.and take him to court then.
DeSantis says the course “lacks value”. Instead of rejecting the entire course, how about you add more value if you feel it’s missing? He think it’s better not to discuss blk history at all.. let’s pretend they never existed until after the 1970s.
Did you not learn black history in school?
If it looks like censorship, sounds like censorship and feels like censorship…
As far as the charge of institutional racism goes, that case was proven beyond all reasonable doubt during the the period leading up to, during and following the Obama Administration.
The study of African American history devoid of the whole spectrum of the subject matter is a contradiction in terms.
They are fragile and not dealing with reality
“…inexplicably contrary to Florida law…” So you literally can’t explain how it’s a violation of law in a prepared statement? You had time to get your sh*t together before saying it and still can’t explain it? Says a lot about the merit of the evaluation.
Dear heavens, it appears the there the course designers left space in the curriculum during which there might be class discussion…horrors!
What I don’t get is, “leaves large, ambiguous gaps that can be filled with additional ideological material, which we will not allow.”. So you are not rejecting it because what’s in it but what could be added?
I’d bet anyone money that DeSantis never took an AP course in his life. It’s sickening to watch these goons dictate what American students (particularly our most talented ones, no less) will and will not be able to learn!
How much?
Didn’t DeSantis go to college at Harvard or Yale? I am sure has done many AP classes, the dude is sharp.
@Mike Jones My dad went to Harvard. It was amazing to him how many idiots they let slide thru if they have the right connections!
@Serenity Now! I see DeSantis went to college at Yale : DeSantis graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude. And then studied law at Harvard. I didn’t know he went to both, pretty impressive.
@Mike Jones After getting his PhD, my dad eventually became head of the Social Sciences Department at Carnegie Mellon University. He is retired now, but would be the first person to tell you that you should be cautious about being so impressed by where a person went to school, or their GPA, and pay more attention to what they’ve gotten out of their education and what they’ve chosen to do with it.
We love the uneducated. We need more of them.
The fact that DeSantis equates acknowledging black history and the black experience to being “woke” shows us exactly who he and his Republican supporters are. Racists who are fighting for the right to be racist.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), American minister and prominent leader of the civil rights movement, Nobel Laureate for Peace
Yea right.
Stay on point. no one is denying teaching the history of slavery. It is the intersectionality identity politics aspect that is leftist ideology.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” — George Orwell.
If you’re gonna have African studies, then it’s important to include other Ethnic Studies disciplines, such as Latino Studies, Chicano Studies, Asian Studies, Native American Studies and even Gender studies…etc.etc.
I can’t say I hated going to middle and high school in florida but it seems like the already grossly uneducated and underfunded students in the state of florida is a really sad turn. They don’t deserve this.
Did this dude just argue that intersectionality is “leftist ideology”??