Derek Chauvin found guilty in death of George Floyd | Watch the verdict be delivered

Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been found guilty of all charges in the death of George Floyd.


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    1. @Grey Whiteman You created this blank account because in real life you’re just a coward. But so brave in the TY section.

  1. Guy goes to jail because a dude overdosed on drugs and they pinned it on him… cause they didn’t want riots

    1. Hm.. I wonder who’s right, A panel of physicians and cardiologists who have access to all the data and evidence or some random uneducated internet deplorable… 🤔

    2. He had 3x the lethal limit of fentanyl in his system. Think that had something to do with it? Either way it’s a done deal

    3. @Magic Rooster it’s not bro
      The democrats, or more accurately Maxine Waters handed the defence the golden ticket to an appeal and a chance to call this a mistrial when she was calling for riots if this dosen’t happen. Just sayin

  2. This court room was a joke. With all the threats and how big this case was you would think they would conceal the identities of the jurors.

    1. It would really stupid to do anything to them cops etc etc your whole country is going to hell .

    1. Its what someone already stated. Racist conservatives. These videos always get about a couple hundred losers. But go look at any news outlet from USA and they all have 95-98% thumbs up

  3. It’ll appeal this was predicted by many legal pros in the field. The jurors would literally have been killed if they didn’t give that verdict.

    1. @S Beresford maybe but the bulk percent of lawyers were saying thats not the case. I also watched it all and thats not thd case at all.

    1. and grounds for a mistrial. Next couple weeks will stay interesting because this case will go higher

    1. Because he didn’t actually do anything wrong and was charged with conflicting charges that make no sense, but terrorism works.

    2. @zonzilla magnus Are you braindead? There’s literally video footage of the whole thing, how can someone actually be this incompetent?

    1. 30 for 2nd degree … 25 for 3rd and 20 for manslaughter max … but he could get 30 for 2nd degree and 20k fine for the 3rd degree and 10k for manslaughter as a minimum …. which would be a misacrriage of justice as he was a cop and knows better and failed to protect the person he was putting in custody as he is supposed to do … simplpy by moving his knee from his neck to his shoulders …

    2. @01 manslaughter is 10yrs or 10k or both … 3rd degree murder is 25 years or 20k fine or both … 2nd degree murder is max 30 years min 20 years …

    1. Not necessarily. Those are the max sentences. I have no idea what the minimums are, or if there even are minimums for these charges. If there aren’t, he could get time served and be free soon after. It’s also highly likely that the verdict will be appealed.

    2. Not necessarily. The judge could decide to make the sentences run concurrently, or go for the minimums.

    3. he could get 30 for the 2nd degree and fines of 30k for the other 2 … as minimum though … but as he WAS a cop he should get max penalty as he knows better.

    1. nah they will just build another mansion they dont need and tell the rest they want it for emergencies … BLM is prejudiced … it selects one group over all others … ALL LIVES MATTER

    2. No reason to. Their greivance was police being unaccountable, which today was addressed in the just way.

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