A federal judge has ordered Don McGahn to testify before Congress, despite having stonewalled subpoenas. The decision could bolster John Bolton and others to testify in House Dems’ impeachment probe, despite claiming ‘executive privilege.’ David Frum, Neal Katyal and Leah Wright Rigueur join Ari Melber to discuss breaking developments. Aired on 11/26/19.
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Breaking: Dems Win Court Fight Forcing Key Trump Aide To Testify On Impeachment | MSNBC
Lock ’em all up!
Yeah, Need lock all the Democrstic up , They too Louder and messed other people life.
America’s immune system is fighting cancer.
@Aaron Weiser So you rather have a treacherous corrupted president. Ok.
@Jeffrey Hagelin who cares how there doing
@Jeffrey Hagelin :

@F3CHT3R : God bless their stupid little hearts. They don’t even know that which they protest. ( BTW: Good point)
Put conspirators in jail.
I’m whispering
The main go right now is to get the ball rolling fast. We need bolton and Mulvaney now!
carlton rakestraw Cant forget Americas Mayor with the wooden teeth.
@carlton rakestraw Rudy Colludy… his earned nickname.
And Nunes an Linsey as Sonder said everone was in the Loop
@Dionte Gilchrist congress should get an injunction against bolton selling any books until ~after~ he testifies, and after we find out if his book will violate the ‘son of sam’ law that prevents criminals from profiting off selling books about their crimes.
Of course he will lie like MANAFORT, ROGER STONE etc. Unless liars to fed / Congress are dealt with very harshly.
ask cohen if he’s feeling “harsh” about now.
McGann is no Patriot he has to be forced to come to court. what arrogance
@[̲̅K̲̅] his wife has nice breasts though so……… its not all bad
Weaklings they are.
He’s in an impossible position.
History will have a lot to teach children about lies, greed, selfishness, and cheating to win…. Already teaching this to my children. Hope our government especially the Supreme Court uphold our Constitution and the Law.
@Janine Grey Amen.
Proof that Law & Order aren’t as lobotomized as the GOP wants it to be.
Time to “drag the naughty brats back to school and the principal’s office… “
Rather mixing your metaphors, aren’t you?
Nope. Still broken. Now the chain of appeals. All this will be long over before anyone is really forced to testify. Which is all Trump really cares about. The delays are Trump’s win… He doesn’t really care how the case is ultimately decided. If the legal system wasn’t broken this kind of delaying action wouldn’t work.
When Traitor Trump dared Congress to impeach him, he was simply staying true to M.O. He is infamous for daring contractors to sue after he would habitually refuse to pay them for the work they had done on his properties. He dared them because he knew that many of these contractors could not afford the legal fees of a long drawn out court case, and they would eventually have to drop the case against him, and settle for a payment that was far less than what they were actually owed. This is the type of reprehensible human being that America is dealing with now.
@Dan Mogan Google the story about the guy who sold and installed a bunch of pianos for trump properties …. ended up getting soaked, taking loss on the job and much less than the contract Trump signed.
Michae Dove … Yes and it seems that some media already have Trump fatigue and are beginning to say both parties are at fault.
They have surrendered their understanding that Trump creates chaos and division in order to cement his base.
Animal Farm is indeed a pertinent reference.
We have Napoleon, Squealer, and Boxer on the stage.
@Michae Dove …And just to add to your observations about Shokin and his chuminess with Putin:
What so many uninformed people either don’t know, or, who are unwilling to look at, is that Russia and its oligarchs have been the premier financier(s) of Trump’s business ventures. Is it any wonder that Trump is so compromised? This is one huge mess for Trump and it will come to the light of day as he becomes embroiled with more legal problems than he can handle.
@KZ : It appears you’re either a Putin-lover, being here only to blather toxic nothingness and sow seeds of unnecessary conflict or, you are suffering from some sort of blind allegiance to a cult formally known as the Republican party. Either way, what you’re trying to “sell” isn’t worth listening to.
In this case the rule of law, constitution and the freedom of the people has prevailed if trump has nothing to hide why blocking witnesses to his own crimes a good day for America trump is not a “KING” nor a MONARCHY
_The Judge just told Trump that he has no clothes on._ _Now _*_DEEP STATE THAT!_*
The reason we have a constitution is so we don’t have to put up with a king. And here we have a moron who thinks he is king and has no idea what the constitution says or means. One or the other has to go fast and it is not going to be the constitution.
The left doesn’t give a sh*t about the rule of law, constitution and the freedom of people. They are fascists.
@Richard Yett : Explain…… We’ll all be waiting….
the house should charge trump with abuse of power. period.
@test Testing When asked point blank he said NO. When he was presuming what he thought he heard he said it as a liar would. Again when asked point blank was there quid pro quo, NO was the answer.
yea sure pal, what ever you say.
@Ernest Perri yeah when Durham starts the card will L fa like this impeachment inquiry did
Y The White House should change Trump ? You really don’t know what you said, Do you copy from other people to say that ? Did you look at your self in the mirror before you said things like that to messed up other people life ? Did you know Obama’s what he did with Hillary Clinton ?
@John Swo put down your crack pipe there dude.
We foreigners can easily see your stupidity.
Your are proof Americans are the dumbest people on the planet.
The UNreality star gets hit with reality. There might be light at the end of the tunnel
@ryvr madduck ….You dope…. Remember, it is the Trump administration who focused on Ukraine, and inappropriately so.
Now, go read a book.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil, Ukraine has been rampant with corruption, such corruption pulled in Biden & Son plus many other democrats. Trump was just oiling the wheel.
Watch out for buses Donny boy, looks like you’re about to get thrown under one!
The WH arguments for the Legitimacy of Ego in Government..How embarrassing..
Now we’ll see people take the 5th like “mobsters and crooks.”
@bellamoon : Man, I don’t know about pleading the fifth, but I sure feel like drinking a fifth. I don’t have a problem with the Republican party,
per se, but what we have now is no Republican party. It’s a cult.
@Tattletale RED My overall opinion of Nancy Pelosi aside, if that happened it would be a remarkable sight watching Republicans heads explode simultaneously. But then again, if it ever comes close to that, prepare for right wingers to live The Dream…putting the 2nd Amendment to use! Finally get to to pull the guns out, form militias and start shooting. Time to burn the reichstag! What good are all those guns and ammunition if these people cant live out their fantasy and start shooting us “Marxists”?
@Alton Bay Remember when Republicans wanted nothing to do with him? Problem with the right wing is that they value their leaders primarily based on how they make our skin crawl. Remember when S Palin was their big hero? WE despised her, and they loved her for that. Remember when Dubya was their guy? The slightest criticism of the Iraq invasion led to being accused of being a member of al Qaeda. Never mind how Trump criticizes the Iraq War (and always has)…its ok if he says it. But these people all have a shelf life. None of them care what Ms Palin has to say, and Dubya wasn’t even asked to appear at the 2008 RNC convention. In a few short years Republicans will be screaming support for their next empty suit while saying “Trump? Never heard of him.”
In most (if not all) cases their rights to take the 5th has already been waived.
this is what is right for our checks and balances, equal branch of government
The judge ripped the administration apart ha ha ha
I am loving it….
@Joseph Kasten Can’t wait for all those bogus republican talking points to be debunked.
@Joseph Kasten your parents never should have conceived you.
@Joseph Kasten Now the supreme court upholds the ruling or refuses to hear the case outright. The courts don’t want an authoritarian state, it goes against all of the fundamental principles the constitution is built upon e.g.separation of powers.The courts will continue to protect and abide by the constitution.
@Deborah Freedman Horowitz #1 wasn’t debunked.
Tic tic tic tic
I like how someone having to testify is a loss for this president.
@KZ I am not asking you what your speculation is…where did I say I cared about what you think, based on no internal knowledge, what a report will say? Do you even k ow what Marxist means? Name one policy advertised that is marxist.
@Alexander Cartier this is the grand finale he is be begging to testify now (in the senate) and so am i at this point. DON’T GIVE UP NOW!
@vladthecon I agree! I hope he does testify! Seeing him under oath should go ultra smoothly! Definitely would NOT screw up his testimony and incriminate himself!
@Alexander Cartier or anyone else…
If Trump and his cronies are clean, then show their hands.
@john hardwick Republicans don’t understand the process. They keep hiding behind the fact that witnesses can’t prove a quid pro quo.
Sorry, but witnesses don’t have to prove anything. They are the evidence.
The Prosecutor would have to prove the validity of the witnesses and show evidence. Let’s start with the gigantic flaw in your argument.
@Trump for Prison 2020 But with hillary there is actual evidence. Having private servers is illegal. Sending classified emails through private email is illegal. Destroying subpoenaed devices is illegal. Solid proof she broke the law and nothing came from it. Intent is not required for the laws she broke.
Biden is literally on video using our tax dollars to get someone fired in another country. That’s bribery. It doesnt matter if some international council said it was okay, they dont make the laws in our country, and our government is not allowed to use our tax dollars as a hostage to get something.
Solid evidence for both of them, but with trump you just have peoples thoughts, feelings, and presumptions.
Y’all may think were crazy, but we dont care what you think.yall are nuts
@john hardwick Ivanka has a private server too in her official government duty, so she should go to jail. Biden didn’t do anything illegal, nice try at doing the projection and gaslighting on me but that doesn’t work on me. So you are saying Trump committing bribery, obstruction, violating the bane act, violating the foreign corruption practices act, witness tampering, aren’t crimes? I bet if Obama would have done the exact same thing as trump he would have been impeached AND removed by the republicans. You people wanted him impeached for a tan suit and ordering Dijon mustard on his hamburger
@john hardwick If Hillary is as guilty as you say she is, then why was she cleared by Bill Barr last month from any wrong doing? LOL!!
I dont know why everyone’s so thrilled to hear from McGann. He’ll either take the fifth or claim executive privilege!!! He’s not on the side of what’s right, if so he’d have testified when he was asked. DESPICABLE bunch of PATHETIC republicans. #NOTMYPRESIDENT!!!!!!
@Kimberly Guiseppe-Cooley: He did refuse a couple of Trump’s most illegal demands, even threatening to resign. Maybe once he’s under oath, he’ll think twice about perjuring himself. Attorneys who work for Trump don’t have a great track record. I’m sure he has heard Michael Cohen’s warning. And we’ve all seen Sean Spicer on #DWTS. That’s a dire forecast of future job opportunities.
“Stop children what’s that sound? ” ” Everybody look, what’s goin’ down.”
We can finally see what is going down, the deep state is exposed.
@MachineGunMouth the majority dont want Trump arrested only the minority marxist dictators on the left and the are constantly losing and our democracy and Republic will continue to prevail and win
Diggin’ the lyric reference

so true
mike jones
Fake news?