The Republican state government of Georgia is escalating its crackdown on voting rights, literally arresting a Black state Senator because she knocked on the governor’s door as he signed this new voting bill into law. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the fallout and the growing protests around the nation. He also explains how this grows out of Trumpism and is broader than a contemporary political spasm. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 03/26/2021.
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#Trump #Georgia #MSNBC
Dems Smashed Trump In Georgia, Now The Fight Against 'Jim Crow 2.0' Ignited
Trump Supporters attack capitol building but cops doesn’t Arrest them on the spot but Black Congresswoman knock on the door of governor she got Arrested. Welcome to Fascism.
Reminder that Gov. Kemp made the rules that essentially enabled him to become the governor of Georgia
They are dying out becoming extinct and in the process trying to maintain power and control in an effort to continue with their oppressive tactics… BUT GOD! LoveLove
Mein Kempf.
Right He Was In The Room With The People Counting The Votes
@Denise Bell Right! He was still Secretary of State!?! He supposed to have relinquished that position before he ran for Governor. But what’s a few thousand purged votes…..
I feel like that should be a prosecutable offense.
This is only the beginning. We have to VOTE these crooked politicians out.
@john smith why?
Time for the Nation to rise up in peaceful protest to jim crow 2.0 for too long have you
strayed from the path of righteousness you have been coveting power worshipping your
false god and crushing democracy with representation.
And that’s exactly what all of us must do to make it happen!
@Acey Dishy Yep, that’s why they don’t complain about the cyber war from Russia. I will work with my enemy to destroy my country “Trump”
@scathson, if you can’t get the laws fixed, then you get people out to vote! People all over the US can help by educating people who live in Georgia about how important it is. Educate Georgia citizens on a local level as well. Vote every one of these sorry areses out of office. Make things right.
If you can’t physically help, then send a dollar to Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight organisation.
Never stop advancing, ever, because the GOP will always be attempting the same.
Indeed. And we can’t let them use our humanity against us and let them drag us into ill faith debates.
illegal to give people food and water…
how proud Jesus must be…
Now why are the lines long in the first place!?
@Chris H For the same reason that water is illegal to hand out… because the GOP made it that way to make it harder for the Dems to win elections… seemed pretty obvious to me.
They gave up Jesus for trump
Amen brother….I was in the DMV line thinking the same thing. Where’s my food and water!
America on her knees when Republicants suppress the Vote and engage Fascism. Sad.
Don’t be sad, be angry, and then be active.
Republican Fascism at its finest!
brilliantly said, ty mr melber. this must not stand!
Why is there voter suppression we go back into time is history repeating itself our country has a problem.
Jim Crow 2.0!
Georgia RISE UP & FIGHT this VOTER suppression! What can I do to help?
Get rid of the Electoral College. Any US citizen living in a territory not represented in the EC can’t vote for president and that is WRONG .
I don’t believe any thing that says that immigrants get to vote. That is absolutely untrue. Furthermore only the people can make a change.
Biden needs to step in and get her out of jail now
She is charged with state crimes. Believe she is already out now, though. What we, in Georgia, need to do now is VOTE all Republicans OUT of every office at every opportunity.
@Sue Zbell we will never reach Americas true potential of equality, law, and peace as long as these racist Republicans can control ANYTHING!
Georgia, take them to Court! Have them prove that there was voter fraud in front of the Supreme Court and their basis for these unconstitutional laws.
KEMP STOOD UP TO TRUMP (sort of) and said there was no election discrepancies!!!
The lawsuits have been filed
If there are 5 or 10 fraudulent votes you people think that’s voter fraud.
@James C. They think it’s a valid reason to discount the 8 million votes that Biden won by! 5 or 10…so all the GOP in over 40 states now think that fraud runs rampant!
Oh they are going to prove there was major voter fraud! There is no voter supression! Showing your ID should be required to vote you need it for everything else!
This is America!?! Locking up elected representatives for trying to represent the people, limiting voter access!?!? WTF IS HAPPENING!?!
Republican leaders are afraid of losing their power. Yet misinformed voters continue to elect them. This is America today, but it doesn’t need to stay this way.
That p.o.s governor need to be voted out and thrown in jail…
DISGUSTING!! This law needs to be overturned ASAP.
I was raised GOP but no way in hael I’ll be a party of any party that plays this schizaa!
they falsely complain that their guns are being taken away but they are taking our right to vote away.
It’s unbelievable and sad that this is happening
Pass. HR 1.……..tell the Senate….