Businesses and organizations will be allowed to turn patrons without masks away for the safety of others. Angie Seth report.
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Weird; defending their RIGHTS and personal sovereignty? Who has ever heard of these things called ‘rights’? I thought they were abolished in March.
Oh will you relax? You still have “rights” to post your idiotic comments on YouTube so it can’t be that much of a totalitarian society now can it? Don’t be such a self-absorbed panty waist.
@ItsMaayo I will respectfully disagree. I do not wish to wear a mask, take a vaccine. You are free to do either.
I do not believe that there is a “significant societal consensus” to override someone’s individual autonomy.
– Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a constitutional provision that protects an individual’s autonomy and personal legal rights from actions of the government in Canada. … Denials of these rights are constitutional only if the denials do not breach what is referred to as fundamental justice.
– The principles of fundamental justice are specific legal principles that command “significant societal consensus” as “fundamental to the way in which the legal system ought fairly to operate”
@Sandy That’s totally your choice. Just don’t get upset when you are denied services or access to businesses because of your choice.
@Nic Lewis Not a problem. I don’t impose myself on anyone. Just like I don’t want anyone imposing themselves on me.
@Sandy bro your opinion doesn’t matter.
Why don’t they protest the no shoes no shirt policies? Smart humans.
Or the fact that seatbelts are required. Or insurance. Or helmets. Or licenses. It goes on and on.
Hope In Humanity you’re not very smart are you
The Right to self determination. Well done.
You can protest mandates and still have enough intelligence to wear a mask anyways.
Seatbelts are mandatory ie the law ,as are speed limits..also cant yell fire in crowded theatre, freedom of expression, or self determination or not. so there are things that one cant do,or has to do ,even in Canada ..
The Right to self extermination. Well done.
Hahaha, fools. They tried this in Italy… “hug a chinese person”… look where they ended up. Darwinism at work. SMH
Oh they’re sooo brave!
Funny how all the brave ones who dont wear a mask because they think they wont get sick are the same morons who will refuse to get a vaccine because they’re scared of potential side effects.
After July 15th they won’t be able to board the TTC without a mask. I suppose they don’t need public transit to go to work because they don’t have a job seeing as they’re protesting in the middle of the day.
As of TODAY masks are required on the TTC and every other public indoor place in Toronto. If they want everything to open up they need to do what is required to make that happen. Bunch of sissies.
Ali B Bunch of yahoos
It doesn’t matter how you’re brain washed into wearing masks or against it, it just showed by the comments they had made since February. They contradicted themselves. One of them is Dr. Tam.
Health officials do not have a crystal ball. It is absolutely normal to have adjustments made when you are searching in the dark to deal with something which is brand new.
The horror…
Wow,,, what a haircut
The numbers have been steadily going down without them even after weeks of reopening…..
You mean WITH them.
We are at the end of wave 1 ONLY, there will be wave 2 and possibly even wave 3 coming.
@RL A study out of Spain suggests that if you’ve had it you might still get it again.
Bro the numbers are steady and started going up slightly. What are you even saying
Masks that don’t filter a virus. That should really help
Chris Ashcroft dream on. Sneeze into one of those home made masks or surgical masks and the virus goes right through. Why would they make a n95 mask if a home made mask worked as a filter? Filtration is measured by microns. You are being misled.
C C why not just throw a home made cloth rag into your car for a air filter? Should work great if it can stop a virus
Yes when you sneeze or cough while wearing a mask particles still can pass through the mask. But it does shorten the length the particles can fly. Combined with staying 6ft from one another and hand washing it can slow the spread.
Tanisha U the death rate is less than the flu. You are more likely to get killed by driving in a car. Should we ban cars??
You’re stupid.
Amazon rainforest is a more suitable place for you, if you want to have more freedom, and don’t like bylaw restrictions
Canadian Freedom.
Saale de thapprr maar k demaag khool doo. Fir mask pa k ghumu ghar v
Say no to face burkas
You’d also say no to seatbelts and speed limits I guess ..
Btw a guy w/ the handle of mrpotatohead has very little credibility ..
This is all a joke.
No one is accepting your “new normal”.
Yes because a new normal would not be normal it is most definitely abnormal
Well we are except for the fifteen sweaty jobless idiots in the video.
And we thought the Canadians would smart and learn from the Americans
These no mask protester looks like gangster!