POLITICO senior writer Jake Sherman, Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire, former Bush White House aide Elise Jordan, and The Root’s Jason Johnson on the 2020 Democratic candidates calling gun control not just a safety issue, but a moral one
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Democrats Take Gun Control Issue To The Next Level While Campaigning In Iowa | Deadline | MSNBC
Kids are not going to show up on background checks or even then they get someone else to buy the guns. How about we fix these young, often small short men and give them options other then exacting their revenge on society.
“We’re a democratic state” says the american people, not knowing America was founded as a republic state since day 1. Republic: a society that is ruled by a group of elected social elites.
Democracy: Majority rule!
Count on Moscow Mitch McConnell actively resist or refuse to comply with!..
It’s all about the money!!!!!!! When a human life is worth as much as a donation from the NRA…..then and only then will this administration address gun violence!!!!!!! IS THIS WHO WE WANT REPRESENTING US AMERICA???????? WELL YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON WHAT HAPPENS NEXT…..CAUSE “YOU” JUST MIGHT BE NEXT IN THE NEXT MASS SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!
Watch the Andrew Yang q&a he talks about pushing the NRA money out. And what he would do. They have the full talk on youtube
0.00004% of the total us deaths occur in mass shootings. Go die of tuberculosis
Zach B ….you first!!!!
Here is the reason why gun control legislation has trouble passing in the the Senate. The founders of this country were worried that states with large populations would step on the rights of states with small populations so they created two houses of representatives. A senate with 2 senators per state and a house with representatives elected by districts based on population numbers. When it comes to gun control there are a majority of states (~40) with a majority of voters that have a gun prevalence. Broken down by population these pro gun states only account for 30% of the US population, however these pro gun states have 60% of the senators.
So now you look at the polls numbers being reported on and you can see when it comes to the senate, these polls are not representative of the problem. It doesn’t matter what the general population thinks. It only matters what a majority of state senators think. Check out this article from Harvard School of Public Health. The article correlates Gun Prevalence by state and suicide numbers by state but the Gun Prevalence Graph in the report depicts the extent of the problem passing gun control legislation in the senate. The Majority of the population resides in a minority of states. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/magazine/spr08gunprevalence/
The Senate will get a lot done when Moscow Mitch is gone. As long as he’s there, nothing will happen. Guaranteed.
I never used to be and im a lil embarrassed to admit it now but I’m racist I don’t like orange people
Why is it when it comes to guns people on msnbc/basically every media outlet lose their mind? Seriously – at least attempt to have someone that presents an opposing view, this sort of echo chamber-esque crap is making me think that MSNBC has turned into Fox news. The longer trump has been in office, the more this channel has lost their mind – and I’m not even a supporter of trump myself, (sanders supporter in prior election as wellas this one) but c’mon this is getting ridiculous and making me think that both sides are just getting more extreme and more biased/lying/etc.
It makes a difference, which type of gun a country allows. The intended mass shooting in Norway, failed because the guy only had hunting riffles and he has been overrun by his intended victims, who handed him over to the police. I hope, he was somewhat damaged in that fight.
@LAST CALL What is the sport, shooting Latinos?
@Bert Nijhof
*There are over 10 million AR15’s in the U.S. how many Latinos have been shot? You sound like a racist Bert.*
80% of gun homicides are done with pistols. Americans do not have access to assault rifle or fully automatic military-grade weaponry. Hunting rifles shoot at a higher caliber. So on.
So much fake news is spread by the media. Words like fully automatic, military style, and assault rifle are all misused to scare the public
@LAST CALL too many and even more if you count the Jews and children.
Biden is the guy who praised and eulogized former KKK democrat leader Robert Byrd and was a proponent of segregation, said poor kids are just as smsrt as white kids, recently and can’t remember when he was VP….now he sings a different time. Can’t be trusted, he’ll say anything.
Democrats not only agree on gun control , they also agree on the democratic and free exchange of ideas. The Republican do not agree on anything. They just march in group lock step like the zombie slaves they have allowed themselves to become. Without any thought what-so-ever, they will spew whatever garbage Trump most recently twitted, even if it contradicts yesterday’s garbage.
I would say machetes are a bigger problem than guns. Hutus hacked to death 1 million Tutsis with machetes in three months. That is 335 thousand people a month, that is 5 times more people than the Nuclear Bombs killed.
There’s no shortage of things that could be done about the gun issue, and other issues in America if there’s a will in the government, and populace to do so, as other countries have demonstrated. The problem is that far too many in the US government, in both parties, but mainly the Republican party, have been willingly, and “legally” bought by big businesses, and such against such issues being changed, so due to the collective greed of all those involved, that will does not really exist within the government. What makes it worse still is after decades of propaganda by the same groups buying American “elected officials,” there’s far too many in the general populace that will passionately oppose things that are in their best interests, so a sufficient will within the populace does not exist either.
Especially now, America is largely a democracy on paper only, as considering who is clearly, and ultimately making the decisions there, it would seem to be more accurately regarded as an oligarchy. If something big within the country does not change soon to adjust its course, some very dark days for the world may be ahead of us, given the absurd degree of military capacity the US has amassed, due to consistently spending, about, or over 50% of it’s annual budget on their military, which is more than the next seven nations *combined* spend on their military, as well as the lack of morals within the government, and how easily manipulated the populace have been demonstrate to be.
MSNBC should be more careful about monitoring direct lies. Joe Biden caught lying to the public. The US constitution does not grant the government’s right to regulate gun legislation. The US Supreme court made that interpretation.
Quick Links: FAQ Topics Forums Documents Timeline Kids Vermont Constitution Map Citation
U.S. Constitution – Amendment 2
Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Me: watches this
Also me: remembers that the nazi’s took away guns and tried to eradicate an entire race.
Me discovering that nazi party was a socialist party and used fear mongering tactics to further push their agenda: starts forming the resistance
Americans made up 4 percent of the world’s population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms.” U.S civilians own 393 million guns. That is 3 times as many guns as the armed forces of the Russian Federation (30.3 million), China (27.5 million), North Korea (8.4 million), Ukraine (6.6 million), United States (4.5 million), India (3.9 million), Vietnam (3.8 million), Iran (3.3 million), South Korea (2.7 million), Pakistan (2.3 million), and all the other countries (39.7 million) combined. American civilians own more guns “than those held by civilians in the other top 25 countries combined.”
It’s called freedom. Get some or get out. There are plenty of countries that won’t let you have guns. This isn’t one of them. Thank God.