Democratic presidential candidates made their final pitch to New Hampshire voters ahead of the first votes being cast in the Granite State's primary. With Sen. Bernie Sanders leading initial polls, the primary will be crucial for some candidates to continue their campaigns. Aired on 2/11/20.
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Democrats Make Final Pitch To New Hampshire Voters On Eve Of Primary | MSNBC
The teleprompter: Bernie is ahead in national polls
Chris Matthews: 404 error

Mathews is such an establishment tool bag!
Hey, democrats, since you are all depressed about your sucky candidate options, here is a bright alternative, write in Donald Trump on the democrat primary ballot. That will surely excite your lackluster “leadership”.
The teleprompter: Bernie is ahead in national polls
Chris Matthews: Trump is a Racist
@jeremy higgins What do you mean? We have Bernie, candidates don’t get better than this!
No…cant have that…fake news doesn’t like that!
OMG Chris Matthews will have a stroke on air one of these days LOL
We can only hope
Hopefully it’s while he’s reporting on Trump’s stroke at a rally. Both are losing their minds. I’ve listened to experts in the field of Neuroscience talk about Trump’s behavior and they have no doubt he’s been having what are called “TIAs”, essentially “mini strokes”.
Pete is liar and racist in south bend the only government office he held.
Spoken like a true and loyal Bernie cultist. Louder please!
Typical Bernie Bro, you are going to make him lose AGAIN, because is bloomberg appears, and Pete is not there, who do you think is going to get it not questions ask.
Funny how telling the truth gets you childish name calling. After listening to a discuss with varn and lain on zero books you really how ignorant and irrational the us public in general really are.
Raicist Rot go home,!
Someone tell the CIA rat boy to drop out
“Bernie Sanders is an FDR Democrat” – Exactly! And that is why he has my full support.
yes lets round up the Japanese and lets try to stack the supreme court unconstitutionally
@too mazza No, let’s have a president who, like FDR, was elected four times in a row, was the most beloved president of the 20th century, and who led this nation into the greatest era of prosperity America has ever known.
@too mazza are you for real what do you think McConnell been doing do your homework before you post
Ok comrade
@Marco Molito Back in 1932, many people called FDR a communist. Were they right..?
President Sanders will be FDR 2.0
FDR Deluxe Turbo 2020.
we need that reset to FDR type democracy! we NEED it to combat run-away malignant capitalism!
to people who are scared of the concept of “socialist democracy”. watch how much better the quality of life is in Western Europe !
they run on it for years !
God willing!
The camp is big, and inclusive. There is love in this camp. The camp is well guarded.
Got no idea what you mean but I agree with you
Feel the Bern baby!
Feel the bern extinguished by Trump!!
Go Senator Bernie Sanders! Our entire family and our neighbors are rooting for you. You Fight For All of Us! Pete is an Empty Suit. No substance. Vote For Bernie!
Bernie 2020

Bernie is again ahead of his time.
@jeremy higgins Lol, you come here scared and projecting. So uninformed, so uneducated, so ignorant.
@EJay Allgood oh, I do look forward to reading your most competent assessment of my errors. Fire away SMRT guy. Show me where I am wrong!
@jeremy higgins So Bernie being literally the only anti war candidate in addition to Tulsi makes him a dictator. The things I learn /s
@jeremy higgins “The root of your fallacy is the assumption that wealth is a zero sum game. It ain’t.”
The root of my argument is that it is impossible for an individual to, by the labour of their own hands, generate billions of dollars in value. No human being can be that productive. So the value their wealth, unavoidably, has to be generated by the hands of others, who in turn are not reaping the full fruits of their labour.
This is a reality both in America as well as on a global scale. Or do you think Africa and the low-wage countries in the middle east are just lacking in entrepreneurial spirit?
Please tell me you’re not THAT naive.
As for “don’t let the facts offend you”:
There are no facts here that could offend me.
Again, you are absolutely clueless about who and what the Bolsheviks were.
In short, they were the antithesis of traditional socialists like Sanders, their ideology having been specifically developed by Lenin in OPPOSITION to the European socialists of his day. Socialists like Sanders were running the governments WEST of the iron curtain throughout the cold war!
The fact that you lump in Sanders, one of the most radical advocates for true democracy in current America with authoritarians shows that your view on these matters is just completely devoid of facts.
@Michael T. sanders lumped himself with the bolsheviks when he went to the USSR in 1988 for his honeymoon and returned praising the central governments achievements, equality of outcome, everyone suffering alike.
Dont waste your time, Yang is not interviewed.
wow, thanks for letting me know. This is ridiculous!
*Of the People*
*By the People*
*For the People*
Where’s Yang, @msnbc? You’ve got Steyer speaking on there and he’s polling lower. Tacit suppression by omission with you, always right when it counts.
Yang media blackout.
Chris Matthews, you’re a dinosaur. It’s time you went away
I’m living in Europe
Same here. Cheers from Norway!
It’s Andrew Yang all the way, the man with the smartest solutions for All Americans! i love that he’s not a jaded corrupt politician. vI think the media is just scared of him as an outsider.
*FDR was elected four times in a row, was the most beloved president of the 20th century, and he led this nation into the single greatest era of prosperity that America has ever known.* My generation, the Baby Boomers, owe our very existence to FDR. The widespread prosperity and optimism, which was the legacy of FDR’s social policies, is what inspired Americans to feel confident enough to have large families right after WWII. Hence the Baby Boom. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who represents the modern day FDR and America needs him now, more than ever. *BERNIE 2020*