Democrats Lead Republicans In Three Key Senate Races | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Democratic candidates are currently leading Republican candidates in three Senate races, according to polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 7/2/2020.
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Democrats Lead Republicans In Three Key Senate Races | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Democrats Lead Republicans In Three Key Senate Races | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Christian 153 Are you stupid? Do you remember tRump sending the National Guard against American citizens to repress their right to free speech?
      Remember Lafayette Plaza and tRump’s hypocritical photo-op?

  1. I keep saying this after every favourable poll coming out: Don’t. Get. Complacent. The polls look good but the GOP can win another majority and another 4 years of this madness in November. You have the power to prevent this.

    1. They also only mention 3 senate seats. It’s useless as a poll without fleshing out the context – *_there are 33(!) seats up for election._* Does the GOP lead on the other 30?

      Needs more context to be useful.

    2. @pr0xZen exactly. Remember Alabama, in which Doug Jones has to run for re-election, and he won to the child molester Roy Moore by less than 1%. As you said, Democrats will need than 3 seats.

    3. Word. The power is forever in YOUR hands. Do the right thing. It is your RIGHT! So REGISTER to VOTE, and VOTE BLUE WHATEVER YOU DO.☺ Thankyou. G.

    4. Yes!!!! That is CORRECT – the GOP will win big. They are the ONLY hope to save us from Liberal freakoids these days.

    1. Previous US presidents never used the word nationalist about themselves because of its historical significance.
      Nationalism was the pivotal factor in the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi-Germany.
      When used domestically “white nationalist” is synonymous with racist propagandists, white supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

    2. The abysmal ignorance of the insanely delusional and ridiculously foul-mouthed nationalist minority is absolutely astonishing.

    3. Speaking of treasonous lardarses, what is the most distinctive difference between a bean and a chickpea?

      The most distinctive difference between a bean and a chickpea is of course that Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin doesn’t own a video of Donald John Trump watching a bean.

  2. The Dems may not win ALL these Senate races, but all they need to win to become the majority in the Senate is to win only 4. That is getting more and more likely.

  3. When you see this many minorities and women being dragged up as GOP candidates, you know the GOP is in full panic mode.

    1. Mikel DeHart. No that’s not what he (poster) meant. I think he means – GOP who has a very long history of not having women and minorities (or very few, if ever) among their senatorial candidates is now suddenly running women and minority candidates – as a sign of desperation to appeal to a wider electorate.

    2. @Sea Phlox Thats one way to think about it, Or the democrats are losing their grip on minorities. Check for example the how many hispanic and black people are Christian and catholic. Democratic party is not a safe place for them anymore. Same reason I’ve switched libertarian.


    1. @Mike Temple : Until then, be original or give credit where it’s due. If it weren’t for plagiarism, many Millies never would have gotten out of high school or college.

    2. @Rudy Penza Sure it’s a lame, stale joke. Even lamer: your continued pursuit of the subject.

    1. In my state it doesn’t matter if I vote or not, my state is a safe state. Only swing states elect the president, the rest of us are just filling. However, I’ll vote, what the heck. Blue all across the board. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
      Let us be free of tRumpism.

    2. @Jamsie absolutely. Every single person must VOTE. It’ll be sheer force that we take back the country.

  5. Only three? What”s up with that? Nobody votes, “for,” the assassination of our troops, do they?

  6. Kentucky need to get rid of Mitch, South Carolina Lindsay, Texas John just to name a few more.

  7. We need two-thirds of the House and Senate to get rid of the pro-slavery Electoral College system. VOTE!

    1. Lol that ain’t happening anytime soon. If it didn’t happen in 08 then it won’t happen anytime soon

    2. It would also require acceptance by 3/4 (38) of the states. There were a lot of concessions made to the. slave states to get them to ratify the Constitution, among them the 3/5 law and the electoral college. The first has been changed; now would be a good time to change the second.

  8. I’m sick of almost all the politicians being slimy weasels and, I’m sick of talking about Trump.

    1. @Lynn The first letter of every proper noun, is Capitalized. You can tear down a statue commie, but you can’t change proper English.

    2. It’s sort of like a hairball one just can’t quite swallow or get rid of — I have great empathy for my cat as a result of all of this!

  9. McSally need to be voted out. Remember when a reporter tried asking her a question, and she shouted at him “you’re a liberal HACK”..I’m a registered independent and I always liked John McCain an him being a moderate


    2. @may wilson Two is the loneliest number. . . but that’s literally the total number of reasonable, ethical elected republicans anyone can reference today, and half of those two are dead. So, there’s that.

    3. In a 28 year span of presidential administrations (1961-2016) Democrats have incurred 7 indictments 3 convictions and 1 prison sentence. Republicans have had 126 indictments 113 convictions and 39 prison sentences. Again, this was _before_ the Trump admin so the Republican indictments and conviction numbers are significantly higher, now 😂

      The republican party is FAR more corrupt than the democratic party.

  10. Democrats across America 2020 , get registered, get to the polls in November VOTE blue across America.

    1. Roland needs to go back to the mental ward. Sorry about that. Normally Roland is a good guy, loves Trump, hates Democrat Liberal Agendas these days, etc.

  11. Tillis/NC is a perpetual, cowardly, lying con-man … who never met a corporate-lobbyist he didn’t love

  12. McConnell: spite blocking bills that would improve American lives and stealing our tax dollars in the senate since 1984.

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