Mike Bloomberg hit the debate stage for the first time and the other Democratic candidates hit him hard along with one another and Donald Trump. Our panel reacts. Aired on 02/19/20.
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Democrats Hit Each Other Hard At Fiery Las Vegas Debate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
One thing MSNBC is dead on about: “what we learned in 2016 is what we say and think matters a whole lot less” TRUE THAT
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Roswell Satterwhite then Claire mccaskill goes on to give her winners and losers from the debate, I swear these people are so out of touch it’s unbelievable
when the people fear the government, you realize that you have a kingdom. When the government fears the people, you realize that you have a democracy
@Michael Piccirillo You need to take a break from your MSM propaganda, you sound like a complete pathetic embecile.
@Lapin074 You’re a racist.
Lapin074 manipulated by the zinonst I see
@Michael Piccirillo fake outrage. The tv ratings have skyrocketed and billionaires hold more control than ever. Bernie is shutting this crap down though
@Casey McKee you know who’s afraid? You know, I know you know, we all know, little cadet bone spurs is scared shitless of all of them LOL!
The more we see of Bloomberg in the heat of battle , the more it will hurt his chances
@Derek Smidl Oh no a Bernie Bro Bully is on my case. What shall I do? What shall I do?
@Derek Smidl Derek you seem to know all the cuss words. But let’s be honest here, if you were any where near a real man you would not be looking for a government handout to survive. Good luck to you. Naw I’m just messin with you, your dumb lazy azz is done.
@Jim Jolly not a Bernie Bro
lol when I said you were clueless it was more than warranted. You say I’m lazy but the fact is I work as a nurse and a bartender. Weird combination lol I make enough but that’s not the point. I have no qualms getting behind the movement behind America’s Dad and improving my life and the lives of others. You just don’t get it! When we say not me US we say we’re not selfish and do you really wanna leave this sham to your offspring? Your legacy could be part of real revolution and be that of a great future from everyone. Is that not what we should striving for as decent human beings?
@Jim Jolly Yup, glad you got paid for another comment. Make sure to sabotage that devil along the way like the rest of his staffers.
Release the full debate please. I wanna watch the full thing.
Bloomberg needed to be put in his place though.
exoticgirl1 it’s a debate and the stakes are high. This is not grade school, the candidates have to “fight” to be heard. It’s not wrong, you just don’t like it.
@V. F. B. it shows how much they all love themselves and power-nothing else
exoticgirl1 If this made your blood boil, what happened when you saw Republicans let Trump off the impeachment hook? And what about when he released corrupt felons from prison like the EPA guy ordering the Ghostbusters basement machine to release all the ghosts?
Bloomberg got whooped
@Gudda Riley He just has to be better than his opponents.
For America, fir the average American, he is.
He really did lol
@Gudda Riley it’s a bot. Ignore and report (see the 3 dots on the right)
@Irishtradchannel wrong
0:20 I cant stop watching the guy in the background trip over the cables.
“against the incumbent president, sometime-” “against the incumbent president, sometime-” “against the incumbent president, sometime-” …
Are you still watching it, or did you actually stop? I’m assuming the former, as you stated that you “can’t” (fixed your spelling) stop.
He’s the real MVP… VOTE 4 THAT MAN!!!
It is a Circus
Yet somehow he was still the most competent person on the stage!

“Show a national audience why he won Iowa.” Weird how “winning” entails a -2000 vote deficit and screwy delegate math that has yet to be corrected.
@andelwa mfeka Pete actually did not win. The cheating is very obvious in Iowa. With the latest very basic and limited recanvass the difference in SDEs is already down to a historically unprecendented 0.08 SDEs. Usually that should be considered a tie if they were being normally corrupt with a normal fear of the people, but instead they are so confident of their ownership of the voting chattel that Pete mysteriously is being awarded 2 extra national delegates. You are watching and celebrating (and possibly wanking on, for all I can possibly understand your glee) tyranny in action.
@andelwa mfeka Well Iowa was 26.2% for Pete and 26.2% for Bernie, as of yesterday so ……
milomilo55 Pete is leading in The state Delegates Equivalent. He won. He still has one more delegate win than Sanders in IOWA. Those are the winning rules in IOWA
let’s also not forget how Pete’s campaign dumped a bunch of money into the company that made the app that declared him the winner despite having a couple thousand fewer voters than Bernie
Sugafoot Sweettoe Your reply has no substance. Just lame rambling. Pete Won and he is leading in delegates count. If you knew about US politics you would know that. And who are you to tell me about US politics, geez!
Chris Mathews looking increasingly worried about a sanders nomination and his potential execution in Central Park.
@ChannelSurfer 2020 I should sleep better knowing that the person who had their finger on the button to launch nukes can’t operate an umbrella, but it still concerns me.
@Alan Hartstein I find it amusing that when Obama was running as a progressive in 2008, it sent ‘shivers” up Chris Mathews leg, but when Bernie is running as a progressive it sends chills up his spine.
He is obviously being blackmailed by Mossad.
There is no other explanation, except that they have a video file in their vault of Mathews with a child at Epstein’s Island.
@Kevin Enough of the character assassination man, Biden is done anyway. Be well man. Vote Bernie.
@Michael Brandon Sanders still has a full bag of marbles. Matthews, not so much.
jeff7775 – Chris Matthews – retire
“Elizabeth Warren landed some significant punches on Mike Bloomberg.”
“I don’t mean literally obviously, but figuratively.”
Me: Gotcha!
She made herself look small. She was acting like Trump.
@Glenda Lewman that’s right girl. Only Trump can do Trump. We dont want know fakers. #MAGA2020
I was expecting him to ask her why trump calls her pocahontas???
@rosalind ganymede BUt she looka lika man.
She can kick hard when there down ,wouldn’t last 2 min with Potus .
MORONIC COMMENTATORS suggesting that the dem primary debates should focus on trump ??? the primary is the time to learn about and differentiate between the policies of the dem candidates
Exactly. Everyone who isn’t hiding under a rock knows what Trump is all about. About 40% don’t care, and nothing anyone can say will change their minds.
@Brandon Bordelon right? It’s like they learned nothing from the last election. Silly donkeys
we know that they’re against trump, they’ve got got to thin the herd
Annette moronic indeed
Bloomberg was dead on arrival.
@rosalind ganymede
Warren has a lot of chinks in her armor.
She is a good lawyer but she hasn’t been a great lawmaker.
She doesn’t have a ‘Common Touch” and comes across as a phony.
It would be an interesting debate, but Trump can make her look bad, without having to lie about her, like he would with Bernie.
Other than the allegation that Bernie is a Marxist, and that Bernie doesn’t understand Economics and that his programs would bankrupt the Country, which are both untrue, Trump has nothing on him.
In reality Bernie’s programs would cost Billions to implement and save us Trillions, over a 10 year period.
@rosalind ganymede Warren can destroy, but I don’t think that she can convince voters that she will be able to lead.
If Bernie is the Nominee, the Democrats can win the Senate, if Warren is, they won’t be able to get it until 2024, if ever.
We’re not done yet.
@MrCoffee Crisp And has to deal with comments from a bunch of horse’s arses.
Bloomberg spent half a billion to get Stoped and Frisked in front of the nation..
@Glenda Lewman Ahh…nope.
I say he wins in the end
he deserved it
If the idiots who spend their money on advertisements would spend their money on a good cause , helping people , helping homeless , veterans, children causes, and 1001 different causes to be a productive member of this society, then they could have a chance. In any election season the winners are the Media and advertisers, regardless of which side wins or loses.and guess who owns our media. Yes you guessed it right.
$300 million lose in Vegas without placing a single bet ?!?
That’s got to be the record of all time !!!
Lilly Taggert Man you don’t know what you saying no one supports Bloomberg you clown
I hope you are right. His numbers in the polls say he has a lot of (really stupid) supporters.
@Lilly Taggert The Democrats let him run. He is definitely not supported by the majority of Dems, Independents, left-leaning centrists, or any type of liberal-leaning voter. He is another Trump THE PEOPLE (not the Democratic Party as an organization) DO NOT WANT. He is simply a sneakier, richer, possibly more disgusting version of Trump. At least Trump can lie with a straight face, this dude just stutters when he’s lying. Neither of them should be electable!
Miss Inappropriate aka Miss Uninformed
We don’t “let” someone run in this country. You run if you want to run. You can run tomorrow if you would like. You make it to the finish line if you have enough support. This clown has a lot of support. Check the polls.
7:13 Lawrence that is so disingenuous to say that Bernie’s position 4 years ago was that the person with the most delegates should be the nominee bc 4 years ago the party was counting SUPER delegates’ votes on the first ballot. Are you saying that out of ignorance or malice bc you get paid a lot of money to be a political expert….
@Margaret Nicol Most americans would fail that test …
Thank you for this comment. I was just trying to research his point and came across an article that stated an example where clinton lost a state to Sanders, yet she got all the super delegates and sanders got 0.
@RunFor OurLives Bring back work for Americans when even his MAGA hats are made in China and everything he kits out his hotels with? Yet they believe his lies. Strange!
Jesse Prevallet – “fake tough guy” Lawrence O’Donnell says Jimmy Dore – I stopped watching years ago
I agree the candidates finally realized this election is Bernie’s
@Derek Smidl it matters because they can block sanders. If Sanders is not the candidate it is best to vote Trump and to finally let the DC top clear they have to go. In my eyes they are much more dangerous than Trump.
Only to lose to trump lol
Bernie wins and there is nothing anyone can do. Now we’re witnessing MSNBC making their peace with it.
Also Trump is toast and its soo much fun.
@exstazius I agree!
Stop talking about Trump. This is about Bernie he won today.
@maxhamlin38 you must be under 20.
He’s your joker or your Batman. You need him and can’t resist that which is Trump,
The point is,Trump will win again and they know.Thats why,that’s all they talk about.
Bloomberg was just a victim of “electional harassment.”
Karma !
No mention of Bernie when sighting who done well or not
It’s obvious that y’all didn’t watch the video especially the end
He didn’t win or lose. But he didn’t have to if in the lead
They cant buy bernie so they want nothing to do with him. that is why i support bernie
@K Matsu No !
@don dfactor its obvious you like to make assumptions
His billions didn’t help him on that stage tonight! Mike may be wearing big sunglasses tomorrow to cover those blackened eyes!
Wow, the way that MSNBC desperately tries to steer its viewers towards its favourite three “safe” candidates is comical. Pete did badly and so did Amy. Bloomberg died a painful death.