Congressional Democrats make moves to restore the functionality of and confidence in the Post Office following a warning to states that ballots may not arrive in time to be counted, as Donald Trump continues his efforts to undermine mail-in voting. Aired on 8/17/2020.
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Democrats Call On FBI Director To Open A Criminal Investigation Into Postmaster General | MSNBC
We were worried about foreign powers interferring with our election.
Do dimwits on drugs worry?
@Borvo Good Point..
Point taken..
Thank you..
Trump colluded with the Russians, so he interfered in 2016 too.
@Wassily Kandinsky I totally Agree Wassily..
It was proven and Some Republican House Members Covered for Trump.
Many Crimes commited connected to the Cover up.
We are all in danger from our own thoughts and deeds
Oh I have zero expectation that Billy Barr will open an investigation into the postmaster. Vote early.
Probably not. But the Dems can put pressure on the Republicans and see how they react.
The people in the third world countries have more common sense than America right now Donald Trump should never be there
Vote Blue in november!!
Republicans are equally responsible for enabling this dictator.
@Jim Myers No one hates more then leftys Or wrong.. Like every time the donkeys try to pull the Russia card lol yeah. Good one.
Is being an empty vessel just like Biden really working out for you? Your disability is not pathetic in my eyes but it is sad to see and I hope you are able to seek help at some point.
Gary M
WTH does that mean or how does that sum up his voc?
itsmesanto …Trump’s parents spoiled him. Republicans have been spoiling him. Trump does not understand no.
The newsreader here is a Republican. CNN and MSNBC are not your friends.
It is Unamerican. Disgusting
Blame the republicans for letting him get away with so much illegal things !
So vote them out!!!
@CHIBI MOON … and prosecute them.
wake up rep party love trump since they can manipulate him to get what they want meaning money.
How did we get here? Trump drove us here in his bigot mobile and the republicans paid for his gas.
@Tepuranga Heremaia

It’s puzzling like I thought before how the heck did Hitler get into power but through the years he did it is scary to think that that could happen again
@Ed Rowland that’s true but a lot of very rich support him also because you know he’s really good to people that have money
Tepuranga Heremaia Doris Day… I can name random unrelated women, too
Prowler Cam, You got there with the help of Mitch McConnell.
tRump admits to rigging the election. This is criminal! SMH.
You are insane Trump has not said that. Nobody believes your insanity. Biden voters are burning down buildings, Bibles, and flags. They are attacking cops. There goes both the Christian vote and the military vote. Your insanity is unreal.
If this admission is not high crimes and misdemeanors nothing is !!!
@Daryl Haynes What about the crime of using an illegal fisa warrant to spy on an incoming President? What about the crime of attacking people in their cars?
Lock him up! Lock him up!
@The Real Luke Garcia what absolute garbage, Luke… You rant just like Stump… Incoherent drivel. Embarrassing!
The Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, has huge holdings in Private Carriers like UPS, FEDEX & DHL! Since he seems set to destroy the USPS, he stands to benefit financially! Sounds like a conflict of interest to me, which would disqualify him from being the Postmaster General.
Talk to the SENATE which is controlled by the Republicans. They are corrupt.
me too… totally… !@Tails
Sadly for your evidently limited grasp of the situation, DeJoy was selected by the USPS Board of Governors. Experience is often a valuable commodity and since the USPS was losing billions every year, DeJoy is a breath of fresh air.
Mars S No, he was appointed by Trump only because DeJoy was one of his big donors! Look it up.
In draining the swamp all the monsters on the bottom are showing up.
Why isn’t there a death penalty for people tempering with the mail in this massive scale?
The GOP AND MOSCOW MITCH only care about their power and money.
@AngeResists Typical leftist arrogance.
@B0omer96 Yeah, keep telling yourself that……
@Joseph Yet, you’re here…
What is it with Trump supporters? You’re like the most purple-faced, hysterically angry little snowflakes on the internet. I thought your guy had won? Why are you still so deranged, four years later? You can’t go anywhere online without hearing you guys complaining about something. 
AngeResists : Sorry pal, “snowflake” has already been reserved for you leftist, crybabies. Better get the tissues ready.
Brian R. : Still waiting on those, “dozens of crimes”, President Trump has committed?? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
Anyone who would try to disrupt the distribution of mail should be prosecuted . Our mail is an essential part of America.
The absolutely needs to be FIXED. The President shouldn’t be able to just put in one of his donors in charge of something that will be essential to a Presidential Election!!
@Jamie Thomas, so you are willing to prove that the left is either too afraid to look up facts for themselves, or too lazy. Which is it?
@David Hamilton day fool will be out NOVEMBER 3 str888888 president Biden #46
Totally agree, all presidential powers to do whatever the President can do now and appoint whomever be wants to public agencies managerial roles must be reviewed and curtailed so that this never happens again. All bills discussed by the House must also be discussed by the Senate and not be declared dead on arrival by the Senate majority leader. And presidential candidates must be given a tough cognitive test as well as a tough test on their knowledge and understanding of the Constitution and how the government works, which agency is responsible for what etc… The job of US President is too important to be up for grabs by any cretin one party choses to endorse just to win the elections…
@KAYZIA COUTURE CLOTHING, your dreaming. I mean c’mon man!
Tampering with the mail service is a FEDERAL offense, it doesnt matter who you are, you should go to jail for it
Let’s see:
170,000 dead Americans
Trying to end Obamacare
Kneecapping USPS
Why wouldn’t you vote GOP?
So much winning
Note: USPS is in the Constitution,hmmmm
@Regina Fetty I’m going to respond to this and the person below you in the next comment I just dont want to copy paste
@Mary Itsme “If you think about it ups and fed ex are doing just fine, no they are, it’s the post office that’s always having problems” -Barack Obama
This isn’t an issue of Democrat or Republican
The 75 years pension thing is a great point but remember when the usps was created..
“In 1971, Congress established the U.S. Postal Service as a self- supporting agency”
It was never supposed to COST money.. just break even
@thenspeakonit USPS isn’t meant to be a profitable business, it’s a service that needs funding. Like military, education, usda, etc. All services not businesses.
@hugh g rection In 1971, Congress established the U.S. Postal Service as a self- supporting agency
It IS however supposed to pay for itself not lose 78 billion in 13 years lol
and now US is shithole country, say Tramp thanks for that…
So, “captain bone spur” is disrespecting the military AGAIN, with his deliberate attack on the mail, which is the ONLY way our service members overseas CAN vote. He is effectively telling them that their voices DO NOT COUNT, period.
And historically the military swings to the GOP.
@Wendell Goode Not this time.
Trump to DeJoy — “Just screw them over, it’s easier than you think”.
More fake news and wishful thinking…it’s called libel.
My question is, Why is the USPS General still in control? He should be in Jail now under the constitutional law. 18 U.S. CODE 1701 and 18 U.S. CODE 595.
Hello MoTo ….YES! For destroying government property, if nothing else, sorting machines and mail boxes!!!
Lock both of them up!!!
Over 14,000 mailbox were removed when Obama was president. How many do you think have been removed, replaced, relocated or restructured over the last 50 years? This isn’t something new.
Clearly, you should be working for the DOJ instead of hanging out in mom’s basement
They’re trying to be politically correct whilst the citizens of America have to wait”humbug”stupid politicians
We paid for that equipment not trump and not his cronies.
So were you whining like this when Obama was pulling the equipment and mailboxes? No of course not, because you know nothing that you’re not told by these bozos.
Yep! The money is from taxpayers. Trump and his cronies don’t have any right to deny using it for necessary public services.
Tampering with US Mail is a Federal Offense.
Unless your last name is trump, or you are one of his puppets.
@hugh g rection no, it’s still a federal offense. Trump is a criminal.
@David Barnes yes I know I was being sarcastic
Exactly!! I guess Federal Crimes don’t apply to this corrupt Federal administration!!

Why aren’t there laws in place so TRUMP can’t hire his friends and financial backers in positions WTF
There are but not applied to trump