Democrats Boycott Committee Vote Approving Nomination Of Barrett To Supreme Court | Hallie Jackson

All 12 Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the nomination, while all 10 Democrats boycotted the vote. MSNBC's Garrett Haake reports. Aired on 10/22/2020.
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Democrats Boycott Committee Vote Approving Nomination Of Barrett To Supreme Court | Hallie Jackson


    1. Neither party does the right things, but Democrats at least say the right things. Which means that they can be reached and hopefully persuaded to do the right things.

    2. @Slick Rick You know, it’s people like you that turns the United States into the laughing stock of the West.

    3. @J im a free thinker and dont need others to reinforceme my opinions but you know I’m right. Obama birthed the Trump administration you despise so much

    1. @William H This link only leads to William H Music’s channel page, and yet YouTube cautions that you are leaving YouTube to access it.

    2. @Steve Robertson The ridiculous sidestepping only shows that she knows that the GOP will get her the seat. She doesn’t have to answer directly and is willing to obfuscate.
      If she is such a good jurist, then she should be able to voice her position and be able to support it.
      It is a basic tenet of legal argument.

    3. @Leb Dav An ABA rating is not a qualification for being a Supreme Court Justice. If that is the measure, then there are many more qualified than she.

    4. @Nunya D. Biz I apologize- I guess committing perjury for a life long position on the highest court is not in the constitution.
      Thanks for admitting he lied under oath however.

    5. @Akash Guha Thakurata The seminal qualification “of her batch.” Although what is considered a “batch” is unclear.
      That still does not qualify her to be a Supreme Court Justice, it is a situation that many more than she holds. “A” top academic is not “The” top academic.

    1. The laptop and hard drive are very real..Schifft is nothing but a lier trying to say it’s Russian misinformation..the only ones spreading misinformation are the China owned democrats…

    2. The American evangelicals LITERALLY sold their souls for this. Many are beginning to realize it and are praying for forgiveness.

  1. It’s a power grab for power in case Trump losses so that they will still have absolute power over people’s lives. They can still strip away human rights.

    1. @daniel nix that’s easy, his nonstop lies do not allow anyone to make an informed decision. Only those who know they can’t win legitimately, fight dirty. Trump has played dirty his whole life.

    1. Blame Nancy, she has not allowed the Senate Bills to be voted on, in the House.
      The Senate has sent hundreds of Bills over, but she refuses to advance them for a vote.
      Talk to Nancy if you want Corona relief. She is the one holding it up.

    2. @Nunya D. Biz That’s a lie. The House passed their stimulus bill in MAY, the House has passed hundreds of bills. Mitch McConnell and the other republicans in the Senate are the ones who refuse to vote on the House’s stimulus package or negotiate. Mitch McConnell also refuses to have the Senate vote on any of the other bills (bipartisan or not) passed by the House.

    3. @Nunya D. Biz My, my, my. For someone who claims to be familiar with US Government and likes to accuse others of ignorance, you are sure showing yours.
      Senate bills are NOT “voted on” by the House. Senate bills are NOT “sent over” to the House. The final process involves both Houses of Congress.
      There are more than 400 BIPARTISAN bills sitting on McConnell’s desk that he will not even put to the Senate Floor for debate, must less a vote.
      But, of course, he can shove through a Supreme Court nominee before Justice Ginsberg is in her grave.

  2. They don’t care about people losing healthcare !! They care about losing money from the lobbyist, who finances their campaigns !!! She’s going to get confined !! We as Americans, who will be directly affected, needs to vote out those corrupt politicians !!!

    1. @Gayle McCarty Because you are exceptionally good at lying to yourself.
      I didn’t think people still did that.

    2. @Nunya D. Biz If you think people don’t lie to themselves, you obviously don’t know any republicans or anyone of faith, because they do it every day. from the moment they wake until they sleep.

    3. @William McCroskey The entire GOP is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, and untreated mentally ill narcissists.

  3. What bothers me the most and it should bother ALL Americans Amy doesn’t even know the constitution she is supposed to protect. Didn’t even know the first amendment …….how is anyone OK with that?

    1. She’s there for a reason, the Republicans WEAPONIZED the Justice seats. There is NO law firm that would hire this woman for a reason “ Those who can’t teach” 🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. @Ronnie Hoover #1 she should know the constitution. #2 when asked about her notes she showed us a blank piece of paper, and it was clear that she wasn’t going to answer any questions. #3 she has NEVER tried a case in any court of law. Shouldn’t a lawyer on the Supreme Court at least have tried 1 case in court? The whole thing is a sham.

    3. @Cort humm. Wonder how many cases she heard in a court of law?
      And that peice of paper was blank because she did not need notes! Apparently you did not watch the hearings!!

    4. @Tonya Perry Really? That’s what you are going with? She may have wanted to jot down a couple notes so she remembers what she needs to brush up on considering she couldn’t answer anything but what her name was, and first on that list should be READ THE CONSTITUTION, it is what a Supreme Court Justice upholds first and for most, it is literally the first precedent when judging a case.

    1. @myredfestiva I am referring to any so-called Militia that tries to enforce their will on anybody’s rights. Biden Harris 2020

    2. @Christopher Belle Isle OMG, Bobulinski is live on tv exposing everything about The Bidens and their pay to plat schemes. Holly crap! Wow,…. That whistle blower is sounding off! Joe ByeDone!

    3. The most corrupt president in American history – Obummer / The most corrupt vice-president in American history – Biden BOTH ARE LIARS…
      >>> The press reports the money came from the CEO of the oil company??? NO THE MONEY CAME FROM THE AMERICAN TAX PAYOR!!! Where do you think that $50,000 A MONTH came from that Biden’s corrupt partner in Ukraine came from??? CAME FROM THE AMERICA’S TAX DOLLARS!!! No one is talking about that!! STOP SENDING BILLIONS TO CORRUPT URKAINE!!!

  4. Ted cruz recited “Green eggs and ham” in protest. Im ok with this boycott. It’s ultimately useless, but Barrett should know that we see her as illegitimate…

    1. I doubt she will care. She is a staunch Catholic. As an Irishman I can attest to their lack of shame and sense of moral superiority.

    2. Agreed, and THAT is how the filibuster should be. If you aren’t standing up making your point, even if its reading a book, then DON’T. Either side gets a majority and can push their agenda so long as they realize at times they need to compromise. Trumpublicans don’t and couldn’t care less except about getting what they want.

    3. “Barrett should know that we see her as illegitimate…”
      She sees you as illegitimate. She sees herself as serving a god who is unquestionably right in every matter, and believes that she herself is, by extension, always right.

  5. Spend the weekend confirming a judge while ignoring COVID relief. Well, at least Americans know what they REALLY think is important.

    1. @Ros Ver no. Instead they want to give millions to the arts and pet projects instead of getting it out to the people and struggling businesses.


      CLOWNSERVATIVE tears are flowing today! 😋

    1. The Intercept : Biden Whistleblower Emails: Chinese Energy Company Gave $5 Million Non-Secured, Forgivable Loan to Biden ‘Family’

      A 2017 email from a top official with a Chinese energy firm, provided by a whistleblower to U.S. Senate investigators, demonstrates the terms of an agreement included officials with the firm giving a $5 million non-secured, forgivable loan to the Biden “family.”

      The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Tony Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy — a now bankrupt and defunct energy company based in China — offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family.//////////////////////////////////.//////

    2. @Brian Nave So trump screaming about how minorities and rapists and criminals are going to violently overtake the suburbs is unifying?
      There is more than one example of not only trump but his administration espousing the views you accuse of others. “No, I don’t take responsibility at all” – Donald J. Trump, Impeached President of the United States, March 13, 2020. How’s that for personal responsibility?
      It’s called projection.
      Your punctuation is inconsistent.

    1. @Kris R I was acting dumb like gaetz and slurring the gop suppression starts mitchum with Obama appointing judges being suppressed him prejudice laughing good try obama hahahaha

    2. @Kris R thanks you as well first thought is the correct one like trigonometry or algebra in class dmv no different check the first and only box the fast no mannerisms blabber him not appealing I forget him long time ago go with out very well

    1. You voted for a CRIMINAL! Bobulinski, the recipient of one of the emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop, went public on Wednesday night with a statement saying he confirms its authenticity and detailed how former Vice President Joe Biden — the Democrat nominee for president in this year’s election — was personally involved in many dealings with his son’s business associates. JOE BIDEN is corrupt! VOTE TRUMP 2020!

    2. @Pam Deshane You like that trump sexually assaults women huh.. You adore his open racism and over 20,000 LIES told “on record” huh… FOH! Go get your head checked or stop skipping your meds..

    1. @Nunya D. Biz Don’t be deceived by the term “National socialist party” ..Hitler took over that party and transformed it into a total right wing regime. You’re just trying to demonize the left anyway you can. Read a history book genius!!

    2. @Queens Rule Little does Nunya know that outspoken atheism was in no way tolerated in Hitler’s catholic Christian fatherland. Atheist books were set fire to in the 1934 book bonfire along with any other opposing ideas the Nazis didn’t like. One reason is atheist thought is free- thought .. how’s that going to work for you under tyranny and speech suppression??

    1. @Ian Alan What a moron you are.
      They’re not nominating,they’re stacking just before they get thrown out of office forever.
      Given their behaviour during Obama’s final term,how can you not see the glaring hypocrisy here?

  6. My colleagues are getting evicted and they’re working through the weekend for a scotus judge. Congress will be dispised for years to come 😔

  7. Vote all the Republican senators out of office. They have made this SCOTUS a priority while Americans are dying from COVID. Genius!

    1. @Rolan Shun That’s the PROBLEM!
      Call your Representative, and tell them to get Nancy back to work.
      The Senate has passed all kinds of bills granting Corona relief, but Nancy refuses to vote. There is $500 Billion dollars left over from the first round of relief, all she has to do is vote for it to be spent. The money is there, available immediately but Nancy refuses to vote for it to be allocated. All she has to do is vote for it to be sent as a direct payment to the people, and we would see it withi 5 weeks.
      Nancy is the reason your baby is hungry!
      Send your outrage her way!

    2. @Rolan Shun Then tell Nancy to vote on the Senate bills. The Senate HAS been working on Corona relief.
      They can work on more than one thing at a time.

    3. Rolan Shun we’re well aware you dont care about facts😂😂 did you really just say their priority is scotus while ppl get covid? Lol thats rich, especially cuz republicans put a 1.8 trillion stimulus package up and pelosi struck it down. Even her own party disagreed with that move cnn didnt like it either😂 plz know whats going on full circle before commenting on things you actually know nothing about🤦🏿‍♂️

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